Admitting Ignorance - Costume Help Needed

Mar 27, 2009 10:15

Okay, some of you may have noticed (and even more of you may be completely clueless to the fact) that I have steadily gained more interest in the Steampunk style. Well recently, due to Ragresen's encouragement while out shopping for new shoes, I picked up a pair of heels that got the ideas running in my brain. Now, I've been costume quiet for some time, honestly, and I'm not sure where to start with the idea. It doesn't help that I'm not recreating something this time, but instead working from a new idea and design. This is where I need help!

You see, I bought a beautiful pair of wingtip heels. They are black and gray, though the gray leans heavily towards the beige end of things. Let me see if I can hunt up a picture from their website...

Aha! These exact shoes in this exact color. Link is here.

Anyway. This got ideas into my head. Two, actually, but the second one came much later and isn't so much an idea of "OMG I want this now!" as "hmm, that would look cool, too, and would get more use out of the shoes." So. Putting the lolita on the back burner, I want help designing a Steampunk Mafia Cappa. Yes, I may be throwing a bit more into the mix than is entirely expected of the genre, but I believe it can work. I see a pinstriped Victorian gown, a tiny little fedora, and a giant tommy gun with... some sort of steampunky features to it.

My question to you, dear friends, is "Will it work?" Can it be done? What ideas and designs strike you when this comes to mind. How can I make it more steampunk and less 'piecemeal'? I want this to work. I want it to be amazing. But I don't know enough about Steampunk or Victorian styled clothing, truth be told, to know what the hell I'm doing. So please, give me your feedback/ideas/etc!

costumes, sewing, cosplay, steampunk

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