MSN, who's with me? Cleaning, who's with me? Weekend, who's with me?

Feb 20, 2009 14:29

First off, still no internet back home for now. But I do have internet on my phone! I can check and respond to email, check LJ and respond, and surf a few websites. It really depends on what websites, and not all have the same functions as usual. That said, it's hard for me to do this, so I may be quiet... but I may not, because I need my internet fix and weekends can be pretty boring when Joel's working F, S, Su. ;-;

Of course, the only messaging service I have access to (since I don't have unlimited text messages), is MSN messenger. Last weekend I believe I gave a shout out for people to message me there, and nobody did (discounting the random stranger msging "who are you" as I don't know who they were). So instead, we'll try this another way:

Give me your MSN emails so that I can message you over the weekend and add you to my friend list.

Okay. Now that that's out of the way (and I hope at least a few of you answer me), shall we move on?

This weekend I will be cleaning. A lot. A lot a lot. Heidi wants to visit, and the house isn't ready for her, so it needs to be cleaned. Plus, we're trying to finally get computers and crafting upstairs. We'll see how that works (anyone have a few spare desks/tables or anything? heh!). But as Joel's working, I'm going to be doing most of this alone. And it will be unpleasant (for me), not because I have to get it done, but because I will be alone. Local friends, if you want to just lurk around my house and keep me company, let me know. Non-local friends, I have a cell phone with free nights and weekends, so drop me a line here and I'll give you my number if you don't already have it. I have a bluetooth, so I should be able to have quite the talking stamina. ^_~

And that's basically it, since the messanger/internet stuff and the cleaning stuff basically will be my weekend. Other than that, I'm going to try to cram in some time with Joel between his shifts (ugh, poor thing).

OH, and I'm going to a local meet-up. Locals, if you're interested, let me know. Otherwise I'll just go alone for an hour or so. XD
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