Make It Leave Me Alone!!!

Jan 24, 2009 10:25

I'm on the floor of the dining room, which I admit is a bit of a mess since it became "storage central" for all my crafting supplies. I'm ironing something, concentrating very hard on the creases... and a little red-brown spider comes scurrying out from UNDER me and across my fabric. I panic, flail, almost drop the iron on my hand, and run away. By the time I return, it's gone. This happens FOUR times, with the spider running this way or that, and me either sitting stock-still and unable to do anything to kill it, or running away because it freaked me the hell out. This last time, it ran right towards my hand that was holding the fabric, and I screamed and ran away, and went to get SOMETHING to squish it with that wasn't my bare foot. I return, and it's gone again. But I know it's there. Oh goddess I know it's there. Make it go away. Make it leave me alone. I want to finish my sewing. ;-;
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