Kendrah's Totally Awesome Writing Prompt Shop! Issues 10 & 11.

Nov 11, 2008 10:42

Oops, got behind again! That just won't do!

Issue 10:

We need a description of freshly turned earth. Incorporate it into your writing in any way you can imagine. Nano writers, incorporate it into your novel today. Everyone else? Describe soem freshly turned earth. You can just write a description, or have it a major plot point in your story, anything. Start turning those words.

Issue 11:

First person, stream of consciousness, manners. Write from your, or your narrator's, point of view. Don't stop, don't edit, just write. Or have them just write/talk as though they were not stopping and editing. It could be a rant on manners, a lesson on decorum, anything.

A Question For You All

Is anyone using these? Are they helpful? Should I do something different? Am I wasting my time? Is there anything you'd like to see me do? I'm feeling as though largely, people are skimming these entries and just moving on. I'd hate to just be spamming your flists.


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