The Case of the Missing CDs...

Aug 12, 2008 09:05

::throws powder into the fire and the title of today's episode appears in the smoke::

Sufficiently scared? I am. I'm terrified. Yesterday morning, all was hunky dory with the world. I had five cds in my six cd changer in the car. I listened to music as I drove to work. I got to work, I worked, I went to the gym, and I went back to the car. I called my grandmother on the way home. I got home. I watched television with Joel, and futzed around with the computer as we ate home made tacos (I made mine into a taco salad, not that it matters for our little story). I went to sleep. I woke up this morning and drove Joel to get breakfast and then to work.

Just as Joel closes the door, I turn on the stereo, planning to listen to blaring music on my way in to work. And then I blink, because the radio is on instead of the usual CDs. Hmm. Push the button to switch me to cds. What do you MEAN "No Disks"?!? THERE WERE FIVE IN THERE JUST YESTERDAY! Turn the car around, pull up next to a very confused Joel just as they're letting him in to the building. "Did you take the cds out of the car?" He looks more confused, tells me no, and I drive off, not wanting to irritate his coworkers further by making them wait.

And I drive to work... without music... wondering what happened to my CDs. Everything in the car seems to be exactly where I left it. I leave my purse in the car overnight at home, and the car in the driveway because we still haven't finished cleaning out the garage. My purse was in place. Hell, I had to pay with my usual cards for breakfast, so I know they're all where I left them.

Barring some mental block that I'm just not able to surpass, the ONLY thing missing in the car is those five cds. Not the 6 cd changer, not my wallet or my purse. Not the $50+ dollars worth of tennis equipment. Not the Disney letter jacket. Nothing. The car was no more of a mess than I had left it in before (which was a considerable mess, but still).

So I didn't take the cds out of the car. Joel didn't remove them either. Who took them? Why didn't my car alarm go off? (I would know if it had, as it would beep four times when unarmed instead of the usual two.) Why didn't they take anything else?

I'm terrified. Someone can get into my car without setting off the alarm. Someone was in my car. And they took something of MINE. I'm not at all comfortable with this. Not at all.

Add to this the fact that on Sunday we noticed (for the first time, goodness only knows when it happened) that someone had keyed our car. It's obvious by the fact that it goes vertical, and then horizontal, that it was keyed. There's no other explanation for the path of the scratch. WHY would someone key my car?

Why would someone steal from me?

Why am I so afraid? It could have been so much worse, and it wasn't... and yet I am simply waiting for the other shoe to drop...


car, thief

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