Important Consumer Announcement - If You Drive, Read/Watch This

Jul 11, 2008 15:52

Okay, I've gotten away from the sponsored posting and stuff, and I want to let you know right now that this isn't one. Someone let me know about this really important bit of advice with regards to tires, and I'm passing it on to everyone I know. This could save LIVES, for real, not just those crazy "email this to everyone you know" kind of save lives, either. It may not even effect you, but it's good to know, so please look into it.

Watch this video.

Basically, it's about tires and how they do not have an expiration date. The brand new tires I just bought, for example, could be 10 years old for all I know. And if they are old, the rubber starts to get like an old rubber band. You know the kind, the kind that stretch and break, but don't actually SNAP when you pull them out of the drawer and try to use them. The treads could come off of your tire, and cause you to get into an accident. So watch the video, be informed, and check your own tires to make sure they aren't too old. The video shows you how. Be safe, my beloved friends!


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