Locals: You Busy?

Jul 01, 2008 12:03

Since the 4th of July is a big thing, JoAnn's is having a huge sale. Because of this, and some other factors (coworkers injured), Joel is working the entire sale. What does this mean? From 10am to 6pm Friday, Saturday, and Sunday I am all by my lonesome. I don't like being all by my lonesome. I want to be with friends! So who wants to spend time with me, maybe sewing, maybe playing video games, maybe driving around doing whatever... maybe even going to pester Joel at work? I want company, and though there are a few things I'd like to do over the long weekend, I doubt there will be people to keep me occupied the ENTIRE time, so I can always do the 'need to do' things when I'm by myself. So whatever is almost always going to be fine with me. Anyone plan-free this weekend?

Bah... LJ, why is it that I have almost a year of icons, but because you're stupid and the account itself expired, I can't use them? And why is it YOU get to choose which icons I'm allowed to keep during this non-paid period instead of me? Your choices are good and all, but I want more diversity!!!
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