Jun 13, 2008 09:18

I officially fail at life. I've been busy. So sue me. Apparently the world is overrun by zombies, and I was spending so much time in my office building doing work that I just didn't have the chance to notice. That is, until I had to deal with TRAFFIC last night. Let me tell you, that wasn't pretty. And when I went to pick up Joel from work, it was eerie. There were so many cars, but not a person in sight. He rushed out to the car and told me what they'd had to deal with during the day. I almost couldn't manage to drive home.

And then of course there's the fact that we don't park IN the garage, we park in the driveway. Oh how I wish we'd cleaned out the blasted garage. Let me tell you, that's on the plans for this weekend if I have any say in the matter. I just can't run out there every day in a rush, praying not to get attacked.

I don't know what I'll do while we're getting new tires this weekend. I mean, hell, if "zomg need to buy new tires" wasn't frustrating enough? Now I have to deal about being attacked while waiting for my car. Lovely. AT least businesses are still open, right? Phew. So now I was just going to go with Sears. But the price is insane, and I have a feeling I need my money right now. So I'm price shopping today. Gunna see if Sears is willing to price match. I sure hope so. I trust them most. Grah, stupid tires.

I'm still computerless at home. Joel has his laptop, but hasn't had time to frankenstein the desktops together for me. Hopefully when he gets off work tomorrow, he'll have the time. I really want a computer that's capable of playing games. I have a feeling we'll be spending a LOT more time indoors. At least it will save on gas, right?

car, bliteotw, computer

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