Point, Set, Match

Sep 20, 2007 11:07

I need to start exercising more. This week I started back on the exercise and healthy eating regimen. Let's see if it works, right? Low fat instant breakfast drink, rice & veggies (and sometimes some meat) for lunch, sensible dinner. Monday, Wednesday, and Friday are gym mornings, and Tuesday and Thursday Joel and I will be going to the local park to walk/run/jog. Hopefully I can stick with this. The only real cheats I've had thusfar are yesterday (hibachi for dinner, skipped the gym) because of what day it was, and today's lunch (because it was yesterday's leftovers). And even then, food-wise I didn't do that badly. But anyway...

Joel seems to think tennis would be a good thing for us to get into. I don't exercise because it isn't fun, and tennis is fun and exercise. Plus you guys already know I'm super competitive. This feeds the fire a bit, and lets me work my competitive nature to my advantage--and health!

I'm going to see if my grandmother will send my old tennis racket to me. I don't know if she knows where it is, or what condition it's in, but I was fond of it. (It's bright pink, with bright pink accents, and a bit of white (some handle wrapping, and the actual netting.) I may have to replace the old racket, though, or get it repaired. I played back when I was about 10 or 12. Do tennis rackets have sizes? What if it's too small for me?

Then again, we're probably going to have to look into getting some tennis equipment anyway. Joel doesn't have a racket. (He said he'd be able to borrow Mom's, but I think it'd be cool if we could get more people to play with--maybe play doubles with Mom and one of her friends or something. For that, he'd need his own racket.) I would definitely need better shoes. The best I have right now are a cheap pair of sneakers from the local supercenter, and they won't give me nearly enough support.

Then there's other things that you don't think of, like tennis balls and tennis apparel. (Wrist bands are useful for something, right? Oh, I want one of those cute tennis outfits with the skirt!) I'd want a visor or something to keep the sun out of my eyes, and I'd definitely have to remember to tie back my hair.

The tennis courts at the park are free to use, which I think is wonderful. I guess I'm finally getting myself back into the exercising mindset, because I'm really looking forward to being able to do this at some point. I used to take tennis lessons, and I remember having fun. I even beat the wall, once! (The ball got stuck in the corner where wall meets floor. XD Shush! The wall didn't return. I won.)

I'm not really sure how much I'd get into tennis, though. Would I get tired of it? I never get tired of bowling, and that's a lot of exercise. (Hush, it is so!) Maybe I'll get lucky, and tennis will be the same? I need more healthy hobbies.

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