Maybe I Just Shouldn't Drive

Sep 19, 2007 08:55

No, this isn't another "I got into a car accident" post. Thankfully, I've avoided that trouble, and I think I'm solving the problem that was causing my own idiocy/bad driving. But still, I don't think I should drive. Currently, between accidents and moving to Acworth (which is, apparently, a worse city for accident/liability than Woodstock, even though, shock and awe, I am still in the same county), my insurance payment is more than my car payment. Yes, you heard me right. And it won't be going down anytime soon, either. The oldest incident falls off my report in a year and a half...

Of course, that means I want to look at other insurance companies. Auto insurance rates are way over my head. I don't know where to start looking, or what a "good" rate for someone with a history like mine really is. All I know is that I can't keep doing what I'm doing, and paying blindly when there might be a better rate out there.

Well, I filled out the information the site (as much of it as I knew), and put in my request for various car insurance quotes. I don't know what kind of quotes I'm going to get back, but I'm hoping they're lower than the almost $500 I'm paying a month right now. ::dies:: Yes, it's that bad.

They're pretty quick about things, too. I gave my cell phone number (that was a mistake), and within five minutes of filling out the forms, someone from NetQuotes was calling me. I took his toll free number, because I'm at work right now and can't really discuss this kind of thing on the clock. But that really impressed me, annoying as the timing was. They want to work with me, at least. I hope.

It would be nice if this company works out for me. I have to search through their website some more, because they offer loads of advice and information on car insurance (they even offer advice regarding teen car insurance--too bad I'm not a teen anymore). It looks like there's a lot of information that could have helped me in the past. I'm hoping some of it will help me even now. I really need to get this worked out. I can't afford to pay this much a month!

Edited on 09/21/07 to add:

I have made a more recent post to give my experience with the company. Let me just say, they are amazing! USE THEM, especially if you think you might be paying too much. I promise, they won't let you down. My more recent post can be found here.

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