I've Been Thinking About Costuming Again

Aug 29, 2007 11:31

I think I may have sold my purple catgirl costume, and I have someone interested in the seifuku. I have someone interested in the dress (not the whole thing, just the dress) for Black Lady, but I can't find it, so that might fall through. Selling costumes hurts, and I didn't realize how much until I started talking price over the catgirl. I'll never wear that again. I know I won't! But it has sentimental value. ::hugs Patti:: But at least, if nothing else, I have a picture or two of myself in it, and the memories won't go away. It's not like it's doing me any good in my closet...

But with memories running away, I get the desire to make more, newer memories, and that means costumes! Apparently my costume duldrums was due to the fact that I already have a bunch of costumes, and I didn't feel right making more when I have so many that I don't wear! If I cut down my costumes, I start having a desire to make more. Hurray!

Of course, that means fabric. And while I have tons of fabric, you can never have enough. Part of me really wants to make some really fancy, more regal Ren Garb for next year, actually. I have a peasant outfit, but that's really it, and since I won't have time to make something for this year's D*Con or AWA, the Ren Faire is really the next closest event where one can get away with wearing a costume (other than casual "let's go scare people at the mall" costuming).

I have several different 'garb' dress patterns, but I really don't know which I want to make. So instead of looking at patterns, I thought I'd poke around online for designer upholstery fabric. After all, that is the best fabric for most garb of this type. You look like you used an antique curtain to make a dress, and you look fab. ::grins::

Well, looking at this website, they have a lot more to offer than just drapes and similar fabrics for upholstery and ren garb. They have velvets, chenille, and some lovely prints. Now, the price per yard is well above what you might find in JoAnn's, but this looks like it's definitely higher quality materials than that. I could see myself dropping thousands on some of these fabrics (there's a velvet I just adore, and a couple of prints and embroideries) if I had the cash to burn. And even though I don't, it's fun to poke around and see what they have. It's inspiring, really, to imagine what you can do with a fabric, and just how you would use it. Don't you think?

Hrm. I need a sewing icon.

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sponsored, d*con, awa, costuming, sewing, cosplay, ren fest

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