Why Do We Want What We Cannot Have?

Jul 27, 2007 11:53

Why do we always think about things we need to buy when we don't have the money to buy them? Yesterday, while I was home from work taking a 'mental health' day, they delivered the dresser for our bedroom. It looks great, and is already super helpful. The thing is, I saw it, and went, "Okay, so now we just need a better television, an entertainment center, drapes, shower curtains, bar stools, and a full bedroom set for the guest bedroom. That's not so much."

But honestly, it really is. I don't have the money for all of this stuff I feel we "need" for the house. I need to get my priorities straight. Heck, I have my priorities straight. I just keep wasting my time daydreaming about how great coupon websites would totally make it easier to buy all those things we do/don't need right now in our lives.

I mean sure, we could hit Overstock.Com and get a discount on our purchase, and free shipping. Goodness knows that having some bar stools for the breakfast bar would mean we'd actually stop eating on the sofa, and we'd be more likely to clean up the livingroom. That would be amazingly helpful. Then I could wander over to Pop's Unfinished Furniture and nab free shipping on a gorgeous, solid wood entertainment center (they have a finished one that would look perfect in our livingroom, and may actually fit our DVD collection!). After all that, it honestly wouldn't be terribly difficult to swing over to Buy.com to snag a cool deal on a 37" LCD HDTV with free shipping.

Then I would be largely finished with the downstairs, and it would make me quite content. But who am I kidding? Cash is tight, and I'm lucky to have what I have currently. Still, a girl can daydream, right? One day. One day...

house, stuff

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