An Entry Meant For Yesterday

Jul 25, 2007 09:06

It's five o'clock and I'm still sitting here. Why? Because, well, stuff stinks. I got caught up in fiddling with something online, and now I don't want to drive home until it's done. I really need to go soon, though.

How frustrating! I want to post to Livejournal. I'm feeling deprived, since I'm not actually READING anymore, and so I was hoping to get some social interaction by posting and getting comments. So far, it's not really working so much, since LJ is terribly, horribly, inexplicably inaccessible. Someone explain to me why I can't post this, and am instead writing it in Word! ::flails:: Come on, LJ. I have faith in you. Load, so I can post this rambling ramblyness.

I don't know why I bother typing all this out. I may not get to post it before I leave, as I have to leave SOONER or later, and I can't just sit here waiting for LJ to be nice to me. But I get lonely sometimes, especially when I'm at work and there's no work because 2 of my 3 attorneys are out of the office. ::laughs:: So I sit at my desk all day doing filler work, or playing catch up, and hardly speak to another living being the whole time. You can imagine how frustrating that is to a terribly social creature like myself. I need to talk!

So, umm, something to talk about so I feel like I'm spending my time well. Let's see here. OH, I made a community for the DragonCon Lemmings group. If you're a Lemming, join! If you want to be a Lemming, well, join dagnabit! ^_~ I'll have to pimp it to the D*Con communities soon. I can't look up the name right now, but I'm pretty sure it's Dcon_lemmings. Hopefully that's the right one, or you guys will at least let me know if it isn't. I hope members will be more active some time soon. XD

I'm starting to fear that the Lemming will be my only costume this DragonCon. I don't want it to be, but I don't know what to wear, or if I could make anything in time. What should I wander around in? I mean… I'm sorely tempted to do something from an 80's cartoon, but what? Nothing too complex, like SheRa… anyone have any ideas? I was considering Lydia from the early 90's (I think) Beetlejuice cartoon, but I doubt I'd be able to get appropriate material in time, and I'd rather make something out of the fabric I already have, you know?

Blah… why won't LJ load? I want to post this! Of course, if you're seeing this, it means LJ loaded, so that's a good thing, right? ::throttles LJ so it loads::

::sighs:: What's the matter with you, LJ?!? ::flails more:: Okay, that's it, I'm going home. Maybe I'll be able to post this when I get home…


Finally posting this from yesterday. Don't know what happened? Read here.

costumes, life, work, d*con, lemmings

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