Finland, Finland, Finland

Jun 22, 2007 11:40

That's the country for me!

Finland is the country where we dance
Finland is the country where we play
Here in Finland boy and girl can find a true romance
In traditional Scandinavian vay!


Okay, enough Spamalot for everyone. I will say, though, that Spamalot is a large reason why this post is being made. I enjoy travel. I've never left the continent, mind you, but I love to travel. I've always wanted to go to different countries. First Spain, then, Ireland, then Japan, then France, Germany, Sweden... Finland. I want to see the world. Spamalot just put Finland into my mind, so I said, "Hey, wait. That country exists too."

Apparently there's a lot of neat stuff in Finland. Museums, churches (including Temppeliaukio Church which was carved direction from the stone), Suomenlinna Castle, various tours, bars, clubs, tons and tons of shopping... and all of this is just in Helsinki.

So I said to myself, "self," because I'm a major dork like that, "self, you couldn't go to Finland. Heck, you couldn't go to Mexico or Canada if you wanted. You don't have the money!" And I was right. I was looking at travel prices and such, and there would just be no way. Heck, I can't even get Joel and I to Disney right now, and that's just a state away. I did find some Cheap Hotels in Helsinki, which I think is pretty cool, and they seem to be pretty close to the center of everything. Still, I doubt I'll get to go any time in the near future.

There's always later, though, right? Build myself up, get a better job, and take my vacations wandering the world, from Hokkaido to Helsinki, and every place beyond and between. Yea, that's what I'll do. Take a huge world tour.

Maybe I'll be a dork about it and visit only cities starting in the letter H. ::ponders:: Nah. That'd be a pain...

Where would you guys like to visit? What cities, countries, and sights would you like to see most? Maybe we could all go together to some places, and thus get group rates on our travel... who knows, right?

Mmmm, travel...

stuff, travel

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