Weekend Insanity

Jun 20, 2007 16:32

I'm sure you're all wondering just how the weekend went, right? Well, I'm happy to say that things went better than expected. I was planning for disaster, treading on eggshells because I was sure my parents would say or do something stupid, and get Joel all riled up, not because they meant to, but because they are not the brightest crayons in the box, no matter how much I love them.

They were on their best behavior. They bought us way more than I could have dreamed of, and definitely more than they intended to. When I realized that our choices in furniture were more expensive than they intended (big misunderstanding that was only cleared up once they arrived), I offered to pay the difference, but they would hear nothing of it, and instead bought everything (except the end table, which we don't have room for anyway). They bought blinds for most of the windows (would have been all if I hadn't been a dolt and forgotten about the window in the guest bathroom. They bought us a sofa. They bought us a dresser and bedside table. They bought us a washer and drier. ALL brand new, and great quality. My parents amaze me.

Saturday night we had dinner together, Joel, Gran, Dad, me, and Joel's Mom (hereafter just Mom 'cuz that's what I call her). Everyone got along fine. Joel was a bit quiet, but he usually is in groups like that one (that is to say, not close friends or random con friends or something). Jokes were made, nobody did anything stupid, and food was eaten by all. We're a bit annoyed, because my parents shouldn't have paid for everyone, but they stole the bill before we could tell them to split it, and Gran would NOT accept me paying for Joel, Mom and I, period, end of discussion. Maybe we'll just randomly send them a check or something and claim it's "belated birthday money" or something. Then again, what if they never cash it?!? ::flails::

Gran helped to put in all the blinds, and even got us toilet paper dispensers and towel racks and helped put up most of those. We need to do the guest bathroom still, though, because she ran out of time... and we need to redo the TP dispenser in our bathroom because she was having a BEAR of a time with it, so it's crooked and wobbly. (She thinks the drywall is smashed on the interior of the wall, and that's causing the problem.)

Umm, I'm not really sure what else to say about the weekend. They went to World of Coke Monday, and were totally unimpressed. When I saw them the last time Monday night, they'd gone shopping again, and gotten us a toaster oven (albeit huge and white, but brand new), a matching set of nice tupperware, and an immersion blender. Mmmm, I can't wait to try that puppy out. But anyway.

Oh, and Gran taught me to cook a few things, which I'll definitely have to discuss later as well. Overall, it was busy, stressful, but not bad. For that I'm thankful.

life, family, home

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