Meet The Robinsons

May 10, 2007 12:19

So, on Friday of last week, Joel and I saw Meet The Robinsons on a whim. The movie, while on so much crack it made me giggle, and with such insanity that it made me slap my forehead and sink down low in my seat, was simply amazing. I prefer the landscaping/background art to the actual character designs, although there were some awesome character designs in there as well. This Disney movie was definitely a good one, and a must-see for diehard fans. It's noting at all like the classic stuff, I'll tell you that, but it is really good, and lots of fun.

The thing I probably loved the most was when it all came together for me at the end. Not with the plot, although that was quirky and just plain fun. I mean with the whole movie. I won't spoil it too much (and really, it doesn't spoil the movie at all), but let's just say that there's an important phrase in the movie, and it turns out that the phrase is part of a quote of Walt Disney himself. So, to me, the whole thing was a tribute to Walt... It put everything in a new perspective for me, and really made my enjoyment of the movie skyrocket. I totally recommend the movie to any and all Disney fans who haven't already seen it.


More to come about my weekend... in a later post. ;op

movie review, disney

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