is barbara boxer short enough to count as a midget?

Oct 15, 2006 23:03

i'm in a particular good mood after a day of mock trial being capped off with a homemade pesto chicken pizza, so i'm gonna use this type-y journal thingy...this might be boring to read, i fell asleep three times just writing it...but oh well....

i've been obsessively following the congressional races cause i'm just that big of a dork.

in the house house, i see democrats up 16-18 seats.

the senate is more interesting. i think democrats make the obvious pickups, tester in montana, casey in pennsylvania. i think the stalled gop momentum allows sherrod brown to hold on in ohio and dem base energy will kill chaffey's career and the nj dem political machine will allow menendez to hold on. he's corrupt...but people from nj tend not to care about corruption. or bad smells.

it comes down to the big three, tennnessseee, virginia and missouri. if dems win one, they will tie (but cheney breaks the tie in favor of republicans) they need to win two of three. ford is leading in most polls and has momentum and i think he's just more likeable then corker in tenn goes to dems...i think overall hate for jim talent amongst democrats and indifferenace amongst republicans (he only won in 2000 with 51% in a heavily gop state) allows mcaskill to win in missouri.

virginia is another story. its gotten the most attention out of the three, and george allen is a dick. and jim webb has amazingly pulled about even. but, at the same time, the polls solidified in the last week. both candidates went up, which means webb needs all undecideds to break for him...maybe his independent maverick style will make it happen...but i remain cautiously optimistic. plus, webb has a women problem and he needs women in the slowly blue-ing north to win.

so, the reason i typed this all out, is i want my prediction on record. 51-49 dems, picking up tennessee and missouri but losing in virginia. i think virginia and tennessee will be the clearest victories and missouri is gonna be high noon. of course, i'm also pretty bias

so, in a few weeks, i'll either be really smart or really dumb.
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