people and perspectives, and how they both change.

Apr 19, 2011 22:17

first (comparatively) free night in a long time! will be on leave the rest of this week due to various reasons and so there isn't that usual rush to get things done so that i can sleep early. i've never slept so much per night in school or during ns, but still i always feel that i only have enough to merely get by and still come home each day feeling so TIRED. nevertheless, only one week of working routine remains and thereafter i will be as free as a bird. ok, not really.

but well as my short 4 month stint in the corporate world is about to come to an end, im beginning to feel a little sad that another phase of life is soon slipping by. as much as a 9-6 routine really drains my energy muchly, part of me does enjoy the concept of work - waking up each morning, commuting with the rest of working society, looking forward to lunch, doing weird stuff during lunch (like taking a long walk to marina bay from raffles place), bubble tea (btw im a huge bubble tea fan now), and then knocking off and sardining my way home. i've been into 3 jobs/internships, and each has had it's own unique and distinct "feel" and its own memories. though i must say that the atmosphere at raffles place is insanely corporate - like the phenomenal human jam at the mrt station at 9am and 6pm, the lunch crowd (which i try to avoid, but sometimes its inevitable) and the lines of buildings, some very new and somewhat spectacular, which make the entire place reminiscent of hongkong's central area / 中环.

i know i probably complain quite a bit about how tiring a work routine can be, but the fact is, im really grateful for what each of my three jobs has taught me.

im especially thankful for my two law firm internships because they have shown me so much about the reality of the legal sector (which is soooo different from what you see on tv, a la 走进走出). i'd admit that previously i didn't really want to do law, i just...had to do it. but now im beginning to feel that this is something i really want to do and that it'll be something i like. through it all i really see God's hand at work, and how the answers will always (or at least most of the time) be evident somewhere down the road. half of me now wants to skip the school part and start working.

one of the lawyers at my present firm was sharing something with me and the other intern yesterday. he said that to him, being a lawyer (specifically a litigator) was about helping people who needed help. it blew my mind away, because i never ever saw law from this "humane" point of view, and i don't think many people do either because of the way law is commonly portrayed in the media, the news and society in general. in any case, i find myself looking at law with an entirely different paradigm.


do people necessarily see things differently as they age? i actually feel that i do (surprise!), thanks in great part to working, no less, since it forces one to grow up to catch on with the rest of working society. when i look around, it seems that people my age are also changing, which is both a good and bad thing. but sometimes it also appears that people remain the same, which is, again, both a good and bad thing. question is - who are you now?
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