Oct 01, 2007 19:08
I hear Google's going to unveil some big "shared space" service soon... This makes a whole lot of sense. More and more, storing files (documents, music, and videos) on the harddrive is starting to make less and less sense. Not only because you cannot access them remotely, but maintaining the software and codecs needed (at least in windows) in order to manipulate and view the files it becoming more and more of a chore.
I'd imagine an online storage solution to have the following characteristics:
* You could open any document in Google Docs and Spreadsheets.
* You could easily attach any file as an attachment in a new gmail message.
* You could stream mp3s effortlessly through the broswer.
* You could stream any uploaded video file (regardless of the original format) in a youtube-like player through the web.
* Via a firefox extension, you should be able to download files straight in to this virtual space (in lieu of saving something to the harddrive), or have some sort of "send to g-drive" functionality within Firefox.
* You should be able to launch programs in your operating system automatically. For instance, clicking on a PSD would download the file, open it in Adobe Photoshop, and once saved, should be re-uploaded back to the virtual space. I realize this is the tricky part.
The possibilities of handling files virtually is limitless. And it'll be really nice never having to worry about having the right kind of codec or player for video and audio files.
I guess as I think, a Google Operating System is starting to make more and more sense. They could handle a lot of these issues with the OS and really integrate their services in to the OS..... Kinda like how Microsoft did with IE. Wow. That's kinda ironic.