Dec 31, 2011 09:39
I've noticed that a number of people on LiveJournal have made most, if not all, of their blog posts "friends only". It reduces the blogging/blog reading experience somewhat, because the blog phenomenon is a little exhibitionistic by nature. What's the point of blogging if you can't get people to read and react to what you write? That said, I'm starting to be just a mite paranoid about what I leak out...
If you've wandered here from somewhere else and want to add me to your friend's list, by all means, go ahead. However, I may not add you, so don't take offence if I don't. If I find your blog interesting, I'll probably just track your blog and leave comments from time to time. I certainly hope you'll leave comments on my blog if you're reading it! If I'm reasonably confident you can't harm me in "real life" and are not some kind of murderous creepy stalker psychopath after a while, I'll probably add you. I'm also more likely to add you if you:
+ Tell me where you know me/my username from.
+ Tell me the reason why you want to add me
+ Give me a small introduction of yourself so I know who I'm adding, and so I can know you better!
+ Also don't add me just to increase your friend's list..If you asked to be added and
never comment and I have no idea who you are, you may be deleted from my list.
[will happen if I'm in a REALLY bad mood]
+ I would appreciate it if you at least added me back, after I've friended you..if you haven't already done that
Thanks for reading. If you still want to be added now or anytime in the near future, just leave a comment here and I'll see to it if you'll get added to my friend's list..or not..
Thank you! =^_^=