Dec 20, 2005 11:58

I've come home the past two days to dead roaches on my livingroom floor! I keep calling the office from work but it always goes straight to voicemail. They are closed by the time I get home! I had 6 yesterday all various levels of mangelled by Demon and Angelica. They, of course, were upstairs in bed asleep and pretty much exhasted all night. Probably because they chased roaches all day. Also, Demon has tape worms from eating them I supose. Because he was dewormed not that long ago and the worms didn't come back until we moved into the apartment and roaches started showeing up. The vet says that is probably where he got them from since there aren't any other places for him to get them being an indoor cat. I have a sneaking suspicion that Angelica has them too because she's so thin. She's always been thin and I know she's growing...but this bad even for her!

GRRR! Then while I was searching for new lofts closer to downtown, I found a review of my apartment complex where no less than 30 people complained about a horrible roach problem that they wouldn't spray for. This is all compounded by the fact that I live in a loft and in order for me to put the animals up while they spray I have to lock them in either the closet or the bathroom and i'm not doing that while i'm gone all day. Damnit!

(what's weird is that I never see them the time I see them the kids have already killed them and started creating thier look what we killed! pile)

Otherwise...things are pretty much BLAH! It's Dj's birthday. We're going over to Mike and Terri's for cake and icecream (Terri rocks! She had all day today off and she made DJ a cake...something I had NOOOO time for) I already bought and gave DJ his present this weekend...and Kelly gave him his birthday present from her on Monday. So tonight is his offical birthday but we really did most of the cool birthday stuff already.

On a simirelated note...Have I mentioned yet that DJ and I are skipping Christmas? Odd huh? I asked him what it would be like to look back on our first christmas and realize that we had zero money to do anything so we didn't. He said that we could always say that we made it. He's so right sometimes.

Things haven't been the most free with money lately. Can't really complain though. There's food in the house, all access cable, blockbuster movie pass, ample money for gas, and we have eachother. We just don't have a lot of money to do anything else. Like all the extra money to buy a tree and decorations and gifts for eachother. We just can't right now. It'll be Febraury before everything is completely caught up and then we get to start having our extra money for ourselves. Which will be fun, unless we move out of this roach infested apartment closer to downtown. I also saw some awesome townhouses for sale in a new complex that looks pretty...well awesome! (I need a better word...*sigh*)

More unrelatedness. Chris and I are driving to New Mexico the weekend of the 7th together. I asked DJ last night how he finds it ok for me to go to another state with my ex-husband. He just kinda laughed and said well if I make it through this without being jealous then it's for real. DJ has had a huge trust issue in the past with other girls...he's never had it with me's odd. But ok. Besides DJ really doesn't want to get into a car with my dog he doesn't even know that we're just going to take to chris's house for 8 hours and ruin the only relaxation he gets all week. I get it. And i'm not really sure that taking DJ into a tense situation like that would be the best idea. He's completely unfamiliar with how my family works and while his own might be a bit disfunctional he really hasn't seen anything yet.

I was pondering last night how much things have changed this year alone. I started it married...i'm ending it divorced. At least I managed to stay in the same state for awhole year this time...which is somewhat a miracle all things considered. My life has changed direction radically, which is a perk. The only thing that seems to be remaining the same is that I started the year with a big FMS flair...and it appears that i'll be ending it with one too. Somethings never change I guess. But i'm more accepting of it now...i'm more conscious of what's going on and why it's happening then i've ever been before. That's something that I never thought that I would be. Also, I've found someone that just takes that as a part of me...I guess it's because DJ has never known me any other way. Besides this is really the first flare that he's had to go through and all things considered my mood has stayed far more level this time around than other times. I supose that is all due to the anti-depressants...but i'm not complaining. Anything that doesn't turn me into a bitter, screaming, woman when things go to pot is a great thing. :)

Well I supose that I should be getting ready to go fetch the new releases on my lunch break...which means driving all the way to irving and back in the rain...FUN! *rolls eyes sarcastically* I don't know what it is with Texans and precipitation on their roads but they really don't do well with it!
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