Did you know some communitys ask for you to have 9 posts?

Nov 05, 2014 21:08

Cause i have no idea what to do here (i still can't understand exctly what LJ is for), and well, i have nothing "original" to share, i'll use it has a diary. So if you excuse me.

2014/11/05 --> actually, here in my country, is the other way around, arashi is to blame!


I picked a cat from the street, days later we noticed she was preagnet, i never had a cat giving birth at my own bed, so i didn't know what to do, i didn't know how she will react since she was a street-cat and i didn't know her yet. My fear was for her to kill and eat them, those things happen people,so i was really surprised to find out that she turn out to be the best mom ever! She was shaking of coldness but kept cleaning them, she won't let any get away; when they started walking, she would follow them and bring them back, she kicked my dog's ass when he got near, she was a true mom.
They grow fast and i gave them one by one, today was the last, after 1 month and 20 days i think (THEY WERE BORN ON ARASHI'S ANNIVERSARY sept 15, too bad there were only 4, so close >.<)
When i gave the first one she didn't stop looking for him, she screamed and walked around the all house as she never did before. Now, is even worse, she dosen't stop screaming, i made her watch how they took her kid away, so she's actually outside looking for him, and comes back screaming louder and louder. I love animals, my only best friend in life was my first dog, it's his foult, so it breaks my heart to see her like that, they are better moms than many human moms out there, i guess their way is much easier, i just feel bad for breaking them apart, i know i save them but... i don't think i'll do something like that ever again.
Oh something else i learnt, INTERNET SUCKS, you can't believe anything you find in there!
• kittys open their eyes after 2 weeks; 6 days and they all had their eyes wide open
• they start eating after 45 days (i think); one of them almost died with mom food at less than 2 weeks

Anyway, i won't be a Veterinrian as i once dreames, since i hate biology and cried my eyes out when that kitty almost died in my arms, and i won't act as a animal-lover anymore, i swear!... i think i said that before...

I don't like this new diary -.-
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