Jun 12, 2008 01:22
But instead I'm doing something extremely rare, I'm posting on LJ.
Be shocked and amazed.
Now be over it.
Good job.
I really should be sleeping, I'm tired enough, and I have to get up at the cracker ass of dawn for traffic court (hurray for the ticket in January!) but I can't sleep. I'm not really trying to sleep, but I know that if I do, I'll fail, so I might as well sit up online and putz around on facebook and LJ for a bit before I give it a go. My mind is wandering in places it has NO BUSINESS GOING, but when is that not the case? Sometimes, I think I'd like to get a lobotomy, just so I could stop dwelling on past shite.
Then I remember how much I like my frontal lobe, and decide against it.
Still, it would be nice if my brain would stop trying to pick apart all the good things in my life, and if I could let go of the destructive things that just bring me down and take me no where. Alas, my brain is a flawed thing, and allows me no such peace. Such is life.
And I love the French language. And you know it. Damn it.
Little things mean the world to me, and I take them way too far sometimes (ie most of the time.) For this, I am a retard.
I know very little of this makes any sense to the rest of you, but it helps to get it out of my system. What else is an LJ for?
blagga blagga