FIC: Pet Academy: True accountability fandom: Teen Wolf (Stiles/Scott(pet), PG-13)

Dec 17, 2016 22:42

Title: Pet Academy: True Accountability
Fandom: Teen Wolf
Characters/Pairings: Stiles/Scott(pet-slave), mentioned: Stiles/Jackson(pet-slave), Parrish/Sheriff Stilinski/Derek(pet-slave)
Rating: PG-13/R more for concept over hard kink
Kinks/Warnings: Extreme AU with werewolves kept as pet/slaves, dehumanization, collared pets kept on a leash, spanking. Un'beta'd.
Summary: An AU where werewolves are known and kept as pet/slaves. This follows where I left off from Pet Academy: Everyone Wants a Werewolf Pet here on: ( LJ or AO3)
Word count: 2,830
AN: Please heed the kink/warnings as its not everyone's cuppa. In concept this is EXTREME pet/slave dehumanization - though in practical kinks IMHO it is very low key hence the pg-13 rating. Original piece and concept was written last year for the slaveexchange comm. This year, this piece is for the spanking_world comm. Also note, I don't know if I'm done with this verse or not - it will honestly depend on my muse.


By the time Jordan finally picked him and his pup, Scott, Stiles settled Scott in the back with Jordan’s stud Derek, and got in the front seat of Jordan’s cruiser. Sitting there he tried to act nonchalant after his first day at the Academy, but it was an obvious waste of energy.

Smirking Jordan asked, “By the look on your face, I’d say you had a good day?”

Unable to contain himself, Stiles nodded, and gleefully stated, “It wasn’t bad” then trailed off, suddenly remembering what he had to do when he got home. More somberly he added, “but I have to punish Scotty tonight.”

“Really, what did he do?”

Stiles gnawed on his lip, suddenly nervous to say anything. Especially since in his household with two active law officers, it was a major faux pas for Scott to one, come publicly - two, come independently sans an order. It wasn’t just breaking a harden rule of the Academy and a general rule within society, but also it was the one rule that was highly regarded at home. Breaking such a basic rule was considered crass on par to a pup having an accident on the carpet in someone else's home - it just wasn’t done or condoned. He had watched firsthand how Jordan and dad trained Derek. Why it was also the first thing he worked on and taught Scotty not to do. When he had told Lydia how Scott was well trained and could go without a cock ring, he had meant it. It was something Scott was able to do throughout the summer - at home, but also at the station and around over studs.

Now he had to explain not only did Scott break that rule, but he had done so on their first day at the Academy.

Jordan prompted, “Stiles…”

Stiles just shrugged and kept silent as the full realization of what happened really sank in. He knew he’d have to say it out loud, tell Jordan and dad, but if he had to he’d do so, he wanted to do it only once, and tell them together when they got home.

“That bad, huh? Just remember the Academy is all about learning to train, and maintain that training. Worst case scenario…”

Without thinking Stiles spoke up and finished for him, “I lose my tuition and get expelled from the Academy - not to mention the non-refundable cost of admission that I’ll be paying off for the next four years. It’ll cost me any chance to have Scott certified. Without it, to get him insured or have him bonded will be a miracle. On top of that any chance to recoup any finances will probably be zip if I can’t breed him out to sell any pups.” By the time he stopped talking, Stiles sat there stunned, replaying what he had just rambled off, his shoulders slumping further as his inner voice continued on. And if Harris gets any say he’d get you booted tomorrow and make sure it was publicly marked on Scott’s papers the reason he was expelled - and for good measure probably add in something that never happened. Suddenly his day just went from wonderfully good to okay to down right, OMG bad.

Jordan sighed, his voice heavily laced with empathy, “Geeze, all I was going to say is Scott wouldn’t be Academy certified.”

Stiles could only nod, and ignored Scott’s whimpers, knowing the pup could clearly hear the despair in his voice.

Pulling into the driveway Jordan parked, and cut the engine. Stiles was about to get out of the car when Jordan reached out and stopped him. He eyed the rearview mirror, looking back at the two pups then back to Stiles, meeting his gaze. “Listen, you have to stop it - all that negative talk. You knew what was at risk when you enrolled and make no mistake, its hard work. BUT over the last year you pushed through every obstacle thrown at you and proved yourself - to Deaton, me, and most of all, your dad. Stiles, he’s so proud of you, so don’t let one miss step define the outcome. You have a true innate talent with pups. I’m sure whatever Scott did can be corrected under your loving guiding hand.”

Stiles dropped his head; pondering the rare praise Jordan had just offered then he turned and met Jordan’s gaze, “All right, thanks man.”

Returning his smile, Jordan briefly squeezed his shoulder then turned away, opening and closing his car door then opening the back seat door. “Derek, come on let’s go see if your daddy needs any help with dinner.”

In lightening speed, the stud slid across the seat and was out of the car sitting at Jordan’s feet anxiously waiting for Jordan’s direction. Jordan ruffled Derek’s hair and slammed the door closed, walking bristly toward the house. Stiles stood with his hand on the handle of the passenger door then opened the door. Unlike Derek Scott moved sluggishly, hanging his head.

The pup knew he was in trouble and was going to have to be spanked. Lydia was right, showing up tomorrow with Scott leashed with his bottom glowing red was the only alternative to rectify today’s catastrophe. However what Jordan said also rang true. It was actually only a misstep one that he knows that both, he and Scotty can overcome. Today happened because he was distracted, he had allowed his feelings and concern for Lydia to cloud his mind. Doing so he ignored his pup, and that led down to a slippery slope where there was no return. The truth was he was just a guilty and should be punished too.

The insight hit like a ton of bricks and he realized what he had to do.

His hand gently curled into Scotty’s hair urging him to come out, “Come on Scotty, let’s go and get this over with.”

Slamming the door behind him Stiles headed toward the front door with Scott slowly trailing behind him. It was obvious Scotty knew knew he was going to be punished, but there was no way out of it. Inside Stiles headed toward the kitchen and it took him a minute to realize Scott wasn’t behind him, but was heading toward the stairs where Stiles would punish the pup.

Stiles whistled, drawing Scott’s attention. “Not yet boy” then under his breath added, “mine first.”

Once Scott was by his side, Stiles opened the kitchen door. Jordan was sitting at the table with Derek at his feet while his dad was at the stove cooking. Seeing the picture of the three of them, Stiles couldn’t help but smile. As much as he liked Natalie and loved Lydia and the idea of them becoming a family, seeing dad with Jordan, he knows dad had made the right decision. He hadn’t seen he’s dad this happy not since mom. On top of that Jordan did what he couldn’t, getting dad to eat healthier, exercise the whole nine yards. Jordan said it was more about letting his dad have more control by letting him do the cooking. He agreed, but privately Stiles thinks it might be a bit more that dad wants to keep Jordan, who is, younger and pretty freaking hot, interested in dad’s older model.

Stiles carded his fingers through Scott’s curls and cleared his throat, drawing everyone’s attention.

Dad was the first to speak, “Hey kiddo, how was your first?”

He gave Jordan a side glance and nod of thanks for not saying anything.

Closing his eyes, Stiles plunged forward. “Not as well as I had hoped.”

After hearing the seriousness of voice, Stiles watched his dad turned off the stove. Then he turned toward him, giving him his full attention and asked, “Alright what happened?”

Stiles stared at his feet, and then he looked up to see the concern in dad’s gaze. “It was my fault, I wasn’t paying attention. We hadn’t talked all summer so I was bit preoccupied with seeing Lydia for the first time.” At the mention of her name, dad’s shoulders slumped. “Oh kiddo…”

“Like I said it was my fault. I ran into her after class… she was pretty shocked to see me there with a pup.”

Dad smiled and chuckled at that.

Looking as contrite as he could, Stiles went on, “While we were talking, I let her friends pet Scott… I just…” remembering Stiles rolled his eyes at his own stupidity, “he wasn’t wearing a cock ring. I didn’t even notice until it was too late and he came on Allison’s skirt.”

Behind him he heard Jordan choke and turned to see his eyes bugging out. It took Stiles a second to realize the man was choking back laughter.

“Ah well, it wasn’t so funny when Harris witnessed it and wanted to report me. Luckily Lydia pointed out it was after hours. Then Allison chimed in that timing Scott’s response, a treat for her pup. Anyways Lydia strongly suggested I return tomorrow showcasing Scott’ punished ass…. And I will, but I think it’s only fair if I’m punished first. Fact is, I let Scott down. He’s a good pup and never would have come, especially on his first day of training if I wasn’t so arrogant by not having him fitted properly with a cock ring, or if I had been paying attention in the first place.”

“I see.”

It made him nervous to see Dad just stand there looking at the floor with his arms crossed.

“Dad, I… will you please punish me?”

“Alrighty then, though that’s a pretty big offense. What do you think Jordan?”

“It is, but coming forward and taking responsibility is a good sign. Maybe equal to double what the pups punishments going to be?”

“Good idea. So what’s Scott’s punishment?”

“Twenty spanks tomorrow morning before we leave.”

“Good plan, then twenty for you as well.”

Stiles bit his lip and nodded. “Mind if we do this now before I lose my nerve?”

Once dad nodded, he unbuttoned his pants and headed into the dining room. There he stepped out of his pants and pulled his briefs down. By the time he turned around dad was sitting there with Scott at his feet, waiting for him to lie across his lap.

Stiles didn’t pause and ignored his pup’s whine when Scott sat there helplessly and watched as he got into position.

His dad asked, “Ready?”

Suddenly he felt like he was five again, and Stiles blurted out, “No! However as quickly as he said it, Stiles rescinded and followed it with an accepting nod. It was what his dad needed as his hand landed hard on his flesh.

Without thought he yelled out, “SHIT!”

Calmly dad said, “What your mouth” and continued to spank his ass hard.

Stiles gritted his teeth, while the blows resounded in his ears. Suddenly he felt like that five year old, thoroughly crushed that he had disappointed his dad. Tears well up and trailed down his face unchecked. His ass burned, but it did nothing to the pain he felt at disappointing his dad.

Suddenly dad stopped and righted him to sit up, as dad hugged him, offering soothing back caresses, “it’s okay kiddo.”

Stiles hiccupped unable to stop crying and pushed further into his dad’s embrace.

By the time he did stop dad pulled back and wiped the tears from his face, offering a smile, “Better?”

Wordlessly Stiles nodded, whispering his thanks before he disentangled himself and hastily got off his dad’s lap and stood.

Immediately he reached for his underwear and pants and hastily put them on.

His dad stood, “You go and talk to your pup. Dinner should be ready in a half hour.”

“Thanks dad. Come-on Scotty, let’s go upstairs”

Stiles didn’t have to turn around to see if Scott followed him up the stairs, he heard the pup scamper up beside him. Stiles waited until Scott was in his room before he shut the door behind him.
Walking over to his bed, called over to Scotty and ordered. “Over here boy, up on the bed.”

Scott dropped to the floor and crawled over, but instead of getting up on the bed the pup groveled at Stiles feet.

Stiles knew Scotty understood what happened and that was going to be punished in the morning - this wasn’t about that. This was his pup being upset that he had been spanked - that he had asked for it, that Stiles had taken the responsibility for Scott’s actions.

Feeling overwhelmed, Stiles knees buckled and he sat down. It wasn’t until his ass hit the mattress that he realize that might not have been a great idea and whelped in pain.
Scott pushed up whimpering in empathy. Somehow he was making everything worse.

Gently but with force Stiles grabbed Scott and made the pup look at him. “Stop it; I’m fine, just like you’re going to be fine tomorrow. It’s only a little spanking…” Stiles sighed at Scott’s look of disbelief. “All right yes it does hurt, but it wasn’t my first spanking and most likely it won’t be my last.”

“Scott, listen to me. I made a mistake and it could have cost you a future.” His fingers dug into Scott’s soft curls, “I’m so sorry boy. I promise, I’ll work harder, train you harder - I want you to have everything Scott, to be mine forever…” the words were getting caught in his throat, as he stared into Scott’s eyes. “Do you understand boy?”

Scott pulled on his hand to position it by his ass. Stiles nodded, “Yeah you’re still going to be spanked, but tomorrow morning. Lydia’s right your ass needs to be nice and rosy, but not blistering. You’re also going to have to wear a cock ring every day while we’re at the Academy. We can’t afford to have another accident like today.”

Scott whimpered. “It’s okay, it’s really my fault, but I promise I’ll do better.” Encouraged by Stiles steady caresses, Scott leaned up and started to happily lick Stiles face then over his lips. Stiles immediately opened his mouth and accepted Scott’s kisses.

Seconds passed with each kiss escalating into a more passionate kiss. Stiles pulled Scott up onto the bed, letting the pup’s body blanket him. Stiles felt Scott’s hard cock grinding against his own that was tented within his pants. He was about to undo his pants when Jordan suddenly yelled up, “Dinner” at the same time Derek barked.

Flopping back against the mattress, Stiles cursed. Above him, he watched the conflict play out across Scott’s face. His pup was randy and ready to go, but unless Stiles started to fuck him right now, his pup was hungry. Still Scott didn’t move, waiting for Stiles to decide.

Fingers slid under Scott’s collar, petting the skin under the furred lining of the collar. Smiling, Stiles nodded, “You heard him, dinner. Let’s go eat” he pulled the collar and kissed Scott, grinning wickedly, he vowed, “Besides, we’re going to need the energy for later.”

Scott’s tongue lolled out in an excited pant, kissing him sloppily until Stiles was able to pull out and away from the pup. Downstairs Derek continued to howl, waiting for Scott to join him. Stiles heart swelled as Scott circled excitedly eager to go down to Derek. Jackson might have been his first although very temporary pup-slave, but it Scott who won and had his heart. Opening the door, Stiles gave his permission, “Go on.” It was all Scott needed as he raced down the stairs to join the older stud, Derek.

Although he still had to spank Scott in the morning, Stiles couldn’t stop grinning over the day’s events. First, seeing both Lydia and Jackson and more importantly Lydia seems to have forgiven him - even if he had nothing to do with their parents break-up. Second, finding out it was Allison’s aunt Kate that had tortured and abused the Hale pups. Lastly discovering there wasn’t anything he wouldn’t do for Scott, including to be a better trainer and master, being spanked for failing his pup in the first place.

At the bottom of the stairs he looked over to see Derek and Scott playfully rolling around while dad was serving dinner. Dad looked up, “Come on and sit down before it gets cold.”

Jordan kicked out his chair revealing a pillow, and chuckled softly. “Just in case…”

Dad kissed the man’s cheek. “And that’s why I love you.” He glanced around the table, “Damn I forgot the sauce, and the bread, hold on…”

Jordan popped up and went after him, “here let me help.”

Stiles sat down with a plop ignoring the warm arch spreading across his ass. He sat there by himself, with the pups still playing, Jordan and dad in the kitchen, his grin widened into a goofy smile as he realized that although today was a hell of a day and he wouldn’t trade one second of it for anything.


character: derek hale, character: stiles stilinski, fandom: teen wolf, kink, character: scott mccall, character: jordan parrish, genre: au, pairings: stiles/scott, kink: spanking, character: sheriff stilinski

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