New Year New Goals....

Jan 21, 2014 09:01

Fandom Goals - Year of WIP! (or you know a sequel to tie it up - also included are bunny fics that I’ve had in my head for a couple of years ie: the DA/Leverage orphanage fic, the DA/SPN/NCIS) to me they are just as bad as awip as they keep poking and play in my head.

I have two caveats and omissions: 1) is if I write for any one of my comms under my Mod hat ie: da_reversebang. I feel an added responsibility to show by example and participate, so basically wherever le muse takes me ;)
2) snip/ficlets one-shots 300- 1200. I have a goal to write 12 throughout the year, half being small/rare fandoms/pairings. The other half is if le muse is being stubborn then anything that’d strike her fancy.

Atm, I’m sorta playing with the FL/WC piece. I initially wrote 6k set in S1 of WC. Not with the intention of working on this piece, but I did sign up for rare_bb and drafts are due Jan 31st. I still like the premise, but it needs work!

I’m also trying to decide on bigbangs with a goal to work on and finish one (several) of the below fics - ie deciding whether or not to sign-up for spn_j2_bigbang and finish Promises (my 1st and only Wincest fic).

If there’s something not listed that you’d like to see or have any thoughts of what wip/sequels you’d like to see… I can’t promise, but WIP/sequels are the goal!!!!


Family Pack (epic rewrite with various pairings mainly Angel/Spike/Wesley/Xander)

Poppy (Never posted, and was my 1st attempt in the fandom. Premise: 2 BtVS timelines where character converge, standard vs. an alternate verse where Jesse lives, but Willow died. Pairings: Jesse/OFC/OFC, Spike/Xander, Willow/Tara, OFC/OFC)

And If You Weren’t There… (Oz centered fic, pairings mix of Oz/Riley/Graham/Spike)

*Interception (Sequel to Designation 17, a DA/BtVS pairings: Alec/Spike, Ben/Xander, Spike/Xander)

*Untitled (Teen Wolf/BtVS/SPN, pairings ? Premise: Oz is captured by a werewolf hunter a pal (unnamed) of Gordon’s who holds them in captivity to the full moon before he kills and scalps the wolf for their fur - showcasing a mix of werewolf breeds. The Winchester’s are on his trial as they believe he’s just taking and killing people who are not werewolves. Bunny since S1 of TW)

*Untitled (BtVS/SPN, gen? Premise: A take on SPN’s Jump the Shark. It starts a bit pre-episode when John Winchester leaves after killing a couple of ghouls and unknown to him leaving behind 2 baby ghouls to die. The baby ghouls are found and taught how to feed and care for each other by Drusilla. When Dru feels that her babies are in trouble and can’t go herself she calls Spike and makes him honor his promise to protect them regardless of his soul. Bunny for the last couple of years.)

*Untitled (BtVS/DA, pairings ? Premise: Faith is searching for the man (X5-494/Alec) who killed her brother (Simon Lehane) Bunny for the last year).

*Vera BtVS/Firefly (Sequel, an au where Firefly/BtVS people are musicians’ pairings Jayne/Xander)

Wonder of Oz (Sequel, a crack prison AU with multiple slash pairings.)


*Aloha Pride (CW rps/Lotrips, multiple pairings sequel to Aloha Lei of the Wolf a werewolf/werecat au.)

The Reconstruction of Mayhem (a Chad centric fic, pairings Chad/Jeff, Jared/Jensen)

Best Buds verse (Chris Kane centric, Chad/Chris with 2-3 parts left to write.)

Getting the Shot (pwp, another one shot, adding Jared, Jeff, or both as buyers where Jensen and Chad model for them.)

An Omega’s Lot (mpreg werewolf au, omega Jensen)

*2525 (CW rps/Lotrips, multiple pairings but mainly Jeff/Jensen/Chad) sequel or main fic to initial prequel? A scifi/futurist au.

Paradise (A curtain fic. Premise domestic love with 3some Jeff/Jensen/Chad raising a family together in a town called Paradise; with best friends and side pairing Jared/Chris.)

Untitled, A/B/O verse take off of Date Night (Pairings: C2, J2. Premise Chad's upset that Chris doesn't appear to want him- frustrated he joins the running of omegas.)

Untitled Werewolf fic (Pairings J2, C2 premise: Going away to camp in an secluded area as friends, they're attacked by two werewolves who were being hunted. Now they hunters want them.)

Dark Angel

Designation Hostel 17

Max Guevera (infusion of LC, DA/SGA, pairings: Alec/Max/Logan, John/Rodney/Ronon, Lorne/Parrish)

Settle 51 (DA/SPN, sequel with pairings: Logan/Dean)

We Breed Apart (sequel pairings: Alec/Zack)

Untitled (DA/SPN/NCIS, pairings: Dean/Logan, others wee Alec and Ben. Premise the hellgates opening was the pulse- starts in SPN S2 when Sam and Dean meet Logan another special child like Sam while NCIS is handed a case to investigate of a former Marine that’s was reported missing then turns up dead who is somehow connected to the disappearance of a Captain Graves (aka YED) and former Marine John Winchester. Bunny for the last 3-4 years)

Untitled (DA/Leverage, pairings: Parker/Alec/Elliot. Premise Leverage gang is supportive to orphanages and investigate why Manticore refused their extension of holiday cheer- once inside they meet wee Alec and Ben. Bunny for a couple of years.)

Untitled crossdressing fic (Pairings: Alec/Logan)


A Deb/Frank piece continues on from the snip I wrote, The Desire of Stern.


Convergences of Force (FL/OaT, pairings: Deaq/Van, Victor/Mac, Van/Victor)

Betrayed & Broken (pairings: Deaq/Van)

Untitled (FL/White Collar, pairings Peter/El/Neal, Billie/Deaq/Van. Premise: Billie is mistaken for El and is kidnapped.)

Harry Potter

Ron/Draco (sequel to Pop Goes the Weasel, Draco’s pov)

One Tree Hill

Untitled (OTH/SPN, prequel to both shows. Premise: John enlists waitress and single mom Karen, to babysit his boys - where Dean learns how much he loves pie. Bunny from when I started writing tF&DoOMF, a John Winchester centric fic.)

Project Runway

Mondo/Michael C

Stargate Atlantis

Yearnings Bound in Friendship (Sequel, pairings: Carson/John/Rodney, Carson/Lorne, Lorne/Ronon)

Untitled werewolf Lorne (Sequel to Crimson Clove, pairings: Lorne/Sheppard)

Max Guevera (infusion of LC, DA/SGA, pairings: Alec/Max/Logan, John/Rodney/Ronon, Lorne/Parrish)

Untitled (sequel to First Day HS AU multiple pairings main Sheppard/Lorne)

Untitled (Lorne/Ronon? or Ronon/Rodney, Lorne/Sheppard still playing with pairings. Premise while on a mission Ronon and Lorne accidentally touch something that allows Lorne to hear Ronon's thoughts and Lorne discovers the silent stoic man he thought Ronon was is an illusion, a drastic illusion. Bunny that's plagued me for several years.)


Promises (Wincest, S3)

Sequel to The Fate & Damnation of One Man’s Fate (I have 3 parts in my head, but the next part would be John discovering and meeting Adam)

White Collar
Untitled (WC/Fastlane, pairings Peter/El/Neal, Billie/Deaq/Van. Premise: Billie is mistaken for El and is kidnapped.)

Lastly 5 sockpuppet fics in CW rps & SPN
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