Title: Max Guevara: Tomb Raider
Author: Denyce
Fandom: Dark Angel/ Lara Croft Tomb Raider
Pairings: Sketchy-Max friendship, pre Max/Logan
Rating: PG
Summary: Max adjusts to life at the manor while her dad is gone out on an expedition and Sketchy is breathing down her neck to be a lady.
Warnings: Prior to the movie Lara Croft: Tomb Raider. AU,
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Comments 4
I love me some sketchy.
Thank you!
Yes the other is 12k, I'm taking just this weekend as a needed break then jump right back into it. So I should be done & ready to post in July.
Oh and thank you for mentioning the art interaction. It felt right to use what they did in the pilot, and I could easily see LC having the same conversation. And pleased to say, I did do a tiny bit of research, ie the show incorrectly used Chitarus instead of Chiparus.
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