FIC: Family Pack 7/? Fandom: BtVS/AtS (Angel/Spike/Xander/Wesley, NC-17)

Mar 27, 2011 21:59

Masterpost, disclaimer/warnings
Previous chapters: ch 1, ch 2, ch 3, ch 4, ch 5, ch 6

He was too late; he wasn’t fast enough. Not only did Angel feel the precise moment Drusilla was gone, but also knew he was rendered powerless to protect his new mates from the ripple effect of William and his own drowning pain. He had miscalculated; reopening their embraced bond had only intensified the effect and made him defenseless under the crushing weight of their grief. In a faint distance he could hear screaming but was no longer capable of knowing whom, or to even pinpoint where it was coming from. Instead he was acutely aware of the rattling cage within himself; of Angelus' howling in pain, an agonizing pain that sought out and intertwined with William in an all-consuming ferocity within Angel's body. The hollowness stretched leaving Angel exposed. No longer able feel or use the strength he had garnered from Willow or his mates; he couldn't even gage their distance, but knew logically they had to be within his reach. One mate, Wes, he knew had been feeding off of him, he should be able to still physically feel him, but Angelus and Williams' pain literally paralyzed all of his senses. Of his other mate Xander, he could only speculate.

Each empathic wave mentally catapulted him further into the agony until he didn't even have the strength, or will to complete the bond. Guilt and despair consumed him. He had failed! Failed Dru, Buffy, but his failure was compounded when he thought of William, and his new mates. He couldn’t deny and had to admit he had even failed Angelus by not protecting everyone that was theirs. He was justly cursed with the knowledge that he damned everyone he ever loved or cared about.


An unexpected shift from excitement toward agony confused Xander, but even the steady hum of pain wouldn’t deter him from his task as he continued to build on the bond by sucking on the life source from Spike's arm. With instinctive clarity he felt the incredible connection Angel had tried to describe earlier. It was virtually indescribable, the magnitude and layers of emotions he felt from Angel, Spike, and Wesley was incomprehensible beyond the simplicity of words. Without releasing his grip, teeth firmly clamped onto Spike’s wrist Xander reached out, his hands skimmed over the bodies of his mates impulsively needing to feel and touch each mate.

The impact of emotions was overwhelming. Mentally Xander staggered from the onslaught. Guilt and failure lead the way, multiple emotions one over another making each almost indistinguishable. Xander continued to feel the assault and instinctively knew they were not his emotions. More importantly he knew the cycle was incomplete and lost his connection with Wesley that left Xander with lingering thoughts of confusion and hurt before Xander realized Wesley fell off into an abyss of Angel and Spike’s sorrow.

Xander felt the magnetic tug to follow Wesley and drown within those feelings when a new heated energy swirled around him before plunging deep to his soul.

A spark of familiarity was ignited followed by a roar. It was the hyena and she pushed to the fore merging with Xander instead of controlling him. Her panicked fury was quickly replaced by an overriding need to protect -their- pack.

Her gifts were suddenly his, as the smells of his mates consumed him. The taste of their blood and sex on his lips only fanned his excitement. With her urging him on, Xander started once again to lick at his mate’s blood that continued to flow from Spike's arm. Though it wasn't enough though, he wanted, needed more in order to protect his pack. The urgency to complete the cycle surged through Xander, he needed to complete the bond, needed them as his mates to complete the pack.

Reacting Xander ripped away what was left of Spike's shirt and started to lick his way up his arm imprinting his mate’s scent before he continued toward Spike’s jugular. He needed more than Spike's life force; he needed to embrace with Spike to stop him from following his dead mate in final death.

Energy crackled around as Xander’s beast took control of his body as he bit and sunk his blunt teeth into Spike’s jugular. Each bite tore into Spike’s cool flesh until he opened a wider wound. His tongue jabbed and protruded into the wound until he tasted a steady flow of blood then without hesitation, Xander suckled at the open wound drinking his mate’s blood.

Without stopping Xander eagerly raised a hand to the mark on his neck that Angel had created earlier. He didn’t stop to consider his options nor did he use any skill as his fingernails dug into the mark until he could feel the blood flowing down his own neck. Lifting his mouth off of Spike, Xander placed his blood soaked fingers into Spike's mouth forcing Spike to taste his blood; stirring his demon as he did. The baser instinct of fresh human blood woke Spike’s demon enough go into gameface. Xander immediately sliced two of his fingers along one of Spike’s sharp protruding fangs until he created deep gash in each finger. Slowly, completely unaware of what he was doing, led by instinct alone, Spike started to suckle on Xander's fingers even as he lay passed out mourning the loss of Drusilla.

Using his other hand Xander reached out and pulled Angel closer. Angling his head, Xander prepared to mark the Master vampire, repeating the same process of what he had done to Spike. Once he had the blood flowing from one side of Angel's neck, using the fingers Spike continued to suck on, Xander clamped down gripping tight on Spike’s jaw in order to pull him up until he had Spike’s mouth aligned with the mark he had created on Angel's neck. Then he forcibly guided Spike until Spike’s fangs latched onto the wound suckling his Sire's blood.

With his fingers free, Xander was able to scamper onto Angel's other side and once again preceded to mark Angel’s neck while Spike stayed latched on the other side.

Each tear of Angel’s skin Xander gnawed at savagely with his blunt teeth until he created another fluid flow of blood. Without pause Xander clamped his mouth over the ragged wound and drank his fill from his new mate.

Hands reached out first finding and encouragingly caressed Spike as he continued to drink from his Sire. Then impulsively he blindly searched for their young mate, Wesley.

Fingers found and clasped around Wesley’s bicep as Xander tried to drag their mate closer. With little success, Xander forced his eyes opened only to find Wesley’s ridged still form trapped and unfocused mentally wrapped within the pulsing pain of their other mate’s agony. Immediately he stopped gorging himself on Angel’s mark, and edged closer to his younger mate to get a firm grip and forcibly pulled Wesley up until the man was cradled between Xander and Angel.

Frantic fingers danced over Wesley’s unresponsive body trying to reassure himself of Wesley’s safety. Xander didn’t question himself why he felt or considered Wesley the youngest of his mates when in reality chronologically Xander was actually the youngest. It didn’t matter or change the way he felt: scared and overly protective of his young mate.

With each reassuring touch, Xander gently guided Wesley closer to their Alpha mate’s mark. Once the scent hit him, Wesley didn't need to be told what to do as he pressed himself firmly against Angel's side and started suckling at the open wound. Xander readjusted himself laying down spread out over Angel’s chest so that he could have easy access to all three mates. Bending down he threaded his fingers through Wesley’s hair, halting Wesley then Xander easily tilted his head before beginning to lick Wesley’s jugular, reopening the wound that Angel created earlier.

After several long licks then jabbing his tongue at one then the other punctured wound Xander venomously started to suck on the mark in order to reestablish more blood flow. After he tasted and was able to swallow more than a mouthful, Xander reluctantly released his mouth on his younger mate only to sit up grinding his lower body against Angel’s hard shaft when he did.

With halted breath Xander could only stare, his excitement growing as he watched his mate, Spike, wiggle to find the right angle before starting to erratically hump himself against Angel’s hip. Through scent and instinct alone, Wesley inclined his head closer toward Angel’s open mark and quickly latched on; his entire body moved sensuously as he contently matched Spike’s rhythm and suckled on the opposite side of Angel’s neck.

Heedless of his own movements Xander followed the pace set by his mates; matching movement for movement as his cock grounded against Angel’s. Each erratic stoke brought pain as he rubbed his cock raw against Angel’s still fully clothed lower body. The hurt only upped the ante toward the delicious sensations he was receiving with each purposeful grind.

Grudgingly Xander paused to lean forward, his anxiety spiking knowing that they needed to complete the bond. In a panic daze he glanced over watching his mates move rhythmically. With erotic sorrow Spike continued to nurse on his Sire’s mark. Hesitantly and with force he pulled Spike away from Angel and guided his mouth toward Wesley’s open wound.

Worriedly Xander reluctantly sat back to allow Spike more room as he attacked Wesley’s neck. Instinctively Xander knew it was Spike’s demon that responded to scent of fresh human blood mixed with his Sire’s saliva.

Wesley’s body stilled then bucked in reaction, a mewing sound followed as Xander completely moved off of Angel and watched his mates in awe. With an undeniable expertise Wesley’s long nimble fingers frantically worked on removing and effectively discarded the last of their clothes. Only to focus his concentration on the cock in his hand; tightening his grip Wesley firmly pumped on Spike’s hard cock. Ignoring how his cock jutted out waiting impatiently.

Unconsciously Xander licked his lips, his focus on the scene before him as both cocks glistened at the head. His own hand followed suit by gripping his own cock and copied Wesley's movements where long fingers glided up then down over Spike's slick member. Dazed Xander watched as Wesley’s thumb gathered more of Spike’s pre-spuk, and scooted his body closed angling his cock next to Spike’s.

A throaty moan was emitted from someone, but it was too difficult to say from whom as Wesley tried to wrap his hand around both cocks and slide them together. With a steady grip, Wesley held them together but their rhythm was off, too animalistic as each tried to dominant the other. A hoarse growl filled the air as the heavy scent of arousal grew from the pulsing need they had created.

With no finesse Angel boldly grabbed Wesley hauling him up until he straddled Angel’s chest. Spike started to growl until his Sire wrapped a fist around his swollen cock. Without losing his balance or rhythm, Angel used his other hand to prepare Wesley’s body with a rapid dexterous. An action Xander found he was envious of.

Wesley needed no encouragement as he lifted then lower himself down over Angel’s pulsating cock.

The sight was glorious; Wesley’s pale ass cheeks spread open, stretched to accommodate Angel’s swollen cock. Wes whimpered when Angel stopped him from moving; instead Angel pulled and held him down where they lay chest-to-chest.

His own body on fire, Xander inched closer.

Suddenly Angel’s hand appeared between Spike’s legs. The same hand that preciously had been working Spike’s cock was now fingering playing with his childe’s ass. Angel’s agile fingers caressed and played, Spike moaned his approval; wigging and angling his body to better receive his Sire’s play. One finger then another quickly entered. The sounds coming from Spike were almost animalistic as he started to push back and ride Angel’s long, thick fingers.

The pulsing beat of his heart wrapped within the haggard breathes of his excitement deafened out any other sounds Xander might have heard. The sudden kick of Angel’s foot against his thigh snapped him out his euphoric haze only to meet Angel’s lustful eyes.

They silently challenged him imploring that he join them.

Visions of himself fucking each mate or being fucked filled his head. At that moment he thought of Angel on his knees, Xander smirked; he wanted to wrestle Wesley free then mount the vampire himself. Imagining how tight he’d be, driving his cock-forcing Angel to submit stretching and entering that tight ass. His body ached with need as each vision unfolded.

A keening sound grabbed his attention only to witness Angel adding a third finger for Spike to ride. Needful lust snapped the last of Xander’s control as he scurried over to Spike’s body. His attention never wavered as he watched Angel’s fingers slide in and out as Spike rocked and lifting his body up then down in rapid secession. Xander didn’t wait for permission to take as each hand started to caress the cool flesh before him. Spreading each leg further as he moved in-between them. Lowering his mouth to one thigh, Xander licked his way up and around Angel’s wrist until he was nuzzling Spike’s hanging ball sacs; his tongue flicking out first to one sac then the other before following his scrotum toward Angel’s fingers.

Up close was a sight to behold as Spike’s firm ass swallowed his Sire’s fingers. With an obsessive need driving Xander’s mouth to practically devour Angel’s thumb and palm. Salvia dripped as his tongue worked to wiggle closer, sliding his tongue alongside Angel’s engulfed fingers. Xander firmly clamped his hands over Spiked hips forcing him to still as he and Angel worked together to drive Spike over the edge.

Harsh heady grunts met with whiny whimpers filling the air from every direction, the frenzy crescendo of lust driving each of them.

The uncontrollable quiver of Spike’s body dictated Xander’s next move as one hand quickly curled around Spike’s shaft and squeezed tight. Overloaded in excitement, Spike bucked, fucking himself hard between Angel’s fingers and Xander’s fist.

The unexpected weight of fingers caressed and entwined with his hair forcibly holding his head down as Xander continued working his tongue over Spike’s entrance. Suddenly Angel’s fingers slid out leaving Spike open and ready. Without thought of further preparation, Xander scooted closer rubbing his cock over the entrance.

Gentle fingers in his hair stretched out to grip not allowing Xander to move away, but at the same time they encouraged him. Xander realized without opening his eyes that the fingers in his hair had to be Wesley’s; as his mate silently urged him on by combing through Xander’s hair.

The head of Xander’s wet cock once again passed over Spike’s entrance trailing his precum over his mate’s crack, sliding his cock down then up. He didn’t have time for anything else as Spike pushed back, his hand reaching around only to take hold of his cock and guided it toward his puckered entrance.

Swiftly Xander entered Spike’s tight opening.

After that everything flowed in fluid motion as each rough thrust was met. Instinctively Spike inched closer to Angel until he was once again could latch on and nurse his Sire’s blood. Xander never hesitated his pace instead he stretched out over Spike’s back biting his way up until he found his ragged mark and attacked - suckling the red elixir losing himself in the euphoria of lust it incited.

Whether it was Wesley or Angel’s fingers that danced over his body it didn’t matter, the cycle was almost complete.


With abandoned lust Angel continued licking and sucking on Wesley's blood. His fingers brushed against Wesley’s as they each played with Xander’s hair to encourage him as he suckled on his Spike’s blood.

The tempo increased, Wesley’s muscles squeezed tight on every downward stroke before lifting up only to thrust down at Angel’s counter thrust. Only the sounds of ragged breaths could be heard. Each mate, thrust harder against the other; only increasing the pulsating beat that was driving them. Without dislodging Spike, Angel reached out to pull Wesley to once again lie flush against him to bite at his mark in order to have Wesley’s taste on his lips then Angel guided Wes to drink from his mark on the opposite side of Spike. Swiftly Angel reached out and pulled Xander’s arm closer to his lips, his tongue trailing over the vein. Though he preferred to drink from either of Xander’s other marks, instinctively Angel knew they didn’t have the time. Arriving at the crook of his elbow, Angel proceeded to create a new mark.

Each stroke pump increased their need. The beat of life, blood pressed each of them faster. Their bodies moved in chorus with each other and in equal pace to their mouths; as a new dance, rhythm of their bond and the ardeur was created between the four mates.

Angel wasn't sure who came first, but thick streams of cum, some cold and some warm intertwined between himself and his mates' fingers and various body parts. The full cycle was completed. The bond set and securely in place; the evidence was the scent of their blood and cum that permeated within the air above them.


Xander felt something like a gnat buzzing in his ear drawing him to stir. Mentally he brushed it off preferring to stay where he was, sated, breathing in his mate’s scent; his cock spent yet still nestled deep within Spike’s body. A raspy whisper grew to a loud boom that resounded in his head as it tried to incite Xander to rouse. The voice was desperate, ‘We’re not done. We must wake the other so he may call out to the marks, summon them to return home.’

‘The other?’ Xander silently questioned.

‘The Alpha, Angelus. Only he can call on the marks.’ Xander heard the frantic resolution in her voice, it was the hyena. He felt her fear for their pack demanding he wake. Resigned, Xander lifted his head, but discover he was unable to open his eyes. The smallest task complicated his energy depleted from completing the bond.

The hyena’s voice beckoned, giving away her anxiety. ‘I have wakened, we are to merge. Though I have little control - however you have all my gifts. Once the call is made my children will come, our packs will be one. Soon I will have no control, you have to move closer to the Alpha; while I can I will do what is necessary to wake him.’

Unable to do more Xander did as she pleaded. Moving was difficult, lethargic Xander slipped free of Spike. Blindly he reached out and gently disengaged Wesley from Angel. Xander ignored the empathic displeasure he felt from his mates. Instead he focused on rolling Wesley toward him only to abandon him by slithering over Wesley’s body onto Angel’s chest. In his wake he used his feet to shove Wesley toward Spike. Although Xander didn’t see it, Xander felt the moment when Wes and Spike touched. Only to feel pacified from his loss they comforted each other. In turn, Angel helped him by pulling him further up to settle on his chest. There Xander collapsed and let the hyena take over as she lifted his head and started to nip hard at Angel’s face.


Angelus struggled to ignore the whimpering all he wanted to do was sleep, but then the nipping started. Irritated, he only growled out, “Stop that!” He just wanted to sleep. He was tired, satisfied, and happy. ‘Happy’ the thought startled him. ‘I'm happy why? What the hell happened?’ The struggle for awareness increased, as did the nipping. ‘I'm still here…something happened? I need to do something, but what? And who the hell is nipping me? William, would know better…’ The thought died as jagged pieces of the puzzle came to him: Dru, William, the bond, Wesley and Harris. They were his mates.

Inhaling the scents around him only confirmed it as he tasted their blood and sex that still lingered in the air. Angelus ignored the weight on his chest and the temptation to just open his eyes. Instead he followed their scent to identify each mate’s position. First his childe, William, was tucked snugly between himself and… he could help but grin as he realized it was, Harris. Suddenly the scent of William’s tears hit him and though his childe was unconscious William continued to silently weep. The watcher, Wesley, his other mate was also asleep tucked partially on his left side. That leaves the Harris boy, and the extra weight on his chest, and more importantly who was continually nipping at his face.

With more effort then he’d ever admit Angelus opened his eyes only to be up close and personal watching the Harris boy’s tongue peak out and lick the corner of his mouth before taking a sharp nip. His eyes were closed, robotically, but never pausing as he continued to lick then nip.

Curiously Angelus watched as Harris moved on automatic pilot like he was trying to wake me, or to tell me something, fighting off his own exhaustion.

The thoughts of mates…his mates filled his mind as he struggled to remember ‘I have new mates, not Dru-’ Pain sliced through him as he remembered his Drusilla of what Cain did to her…to William, him.

With a flash Angelus remembered was able to fill in the missing blanks, he needed to call on the marks. ‘Somehow Harris knew, he held on-knew what needed to be done. How? And how the hell was he able to withstand the pain? He's only human.’ The twisted irony almost had him chuckling; what he had once considered a joke turned out to be true, the boy truly was a white knight.

As Harris continued nipping, Angelus shook his head unable to deny that when this was over he’d have to have a long talk with the boy. Especially about him trying to claim soul-boy. It didn't matter that technology he and Angel had merged, or that they were for once working together as they shared the same body they were still two very separate beings. He was just going have to remind Harris exactly who had claimed whom first.

Electricity sparked the air enough that he could feel the magic in the air. The witch did a good job. Instinctively he could feel the protection shields around them. Once he called on the marks they would strengthen as a pack their changes drawing them closer. Hopefully they’ll have enough time for the marked ones to return and they could plan for a defense before Cain retaliates.

He just needed to act and cite the magic that’d call on his line. Closing his eyes, Angelus concentrated then recited, 'I Angelus oldest in line, Order of Aurelius, I call on all within my reach Living-dead, Pets, Marked, Embraced, demand all within the Aurelius line as head of our clan to hear me. I call on your marks, to obey… hear me. Follow and come to me, your one true Master.'


The low steady chant reached out on the whispered breath of air as it escaped the room branching out to the four corners of the earth heralding the call from the true Master of the Aurelius line. Angelus was honoring the rights of the line ancestors, following tradition by declaring his rightful claim as heir; the one and only true Master from the Line of Aurelius. As the chant died down to a murmur, the hyena stopped nipping at the alpha, Angelus. With the last of her awareness she enjoyed the secure feeling of her new Master and mate. Releasing the last of her consciousness the hyena merged with the boy Xander and snuggled closer to their mate, offering her body’s warmth like a blanket.


verse!fp, genre: slash/3some/moresome, fandom: ats, pairings: angel/spike/wesley/xander, wip, fandom: btvs

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