Argggggggggggg, can I just say I hate my allergies!!!! I know I'm slow witting & limited in time most days, but damn---when I have days off, & the muse is with me, its beyond irritating to me when my hands swell. Why do they swell? I'm allergic to plastic/latex among a growing longer list. Last 2 days, I've seriously been trying to play catch up with my fic, & mail, so I've been on the computer for 2 days and for the most part ignored the swelling which only slowed me down MORE! Since I'm not speedy in the first place we're talking a crawl. I don't know this whole allergy thing just pisses me off!!! I wore a necklace Friday & accidentally slept with it on--& still have a slight rash. Guess I wouldn’t be so pissed if didn’t wake up; make coffee go to the computer to check mail, lj and my hand is already swollen. At least its only one hand-just annoying! And seems as only my life can be -BUGGER!!!