the snow is perfect for packing!

Feb 14, 2006 13:54

...and I am really trying to withstand the urge to go out and play. I have an hour. I could. But I want to someone to play with! and Lisa is still sleeping. because she is boring. and aaron had to work. I don't know if the snow will be so perfect tomorrow. It might get a lot wetter...or freeze again. Now is the time!! But I probably shouldn't. Alas.

Used the coffee machine that Aaron recently purchased. Yes, the Aaron who despises coffee, and has been known to vomit spontaneously when coffee is introduced to his palate. It is such a shame that of all people I know, Aaron cannot consume caffeine. Can you imagine him hyped up on coffee and sugar?! I should go have a cup in his honour, right now...brb!

Oh its so good - and its actually hot! Thank you so much Aaron - I assure you that you are making a great contribution to the overall "Happiness Factor" in our home! I would purr if I could!

Give me a moment as I try to restrain myself from jumping on Lisa to go play in the snow. Just a little bit. Maybe make that wall in front of the porch?! It will be so fun!

Today is Valentines Day. Admittedly, this day specifically has never meant much to me. Sure, I went through all the motions for most of my life. I put the same kind of enthusiasm into it that I do with so much else. Whether its fun, funky, or even a tad romantic, the excuse to do something is much appreciated. I have to admit that this year its a little different, though. A few more chinks in the armour, I guess. Not that I feel mopey in any way. Just nostalgic. Kinda. I suppose I miss the "surprises" and mini-adventures that were so prevalent in the past few years.

So I am working Valentines Dinner at the restaurant. Thats interesting. So many regulars I will see together for their dinners. Groups of friends that will segregate as they usually do. Its an excuse to go out; not to spend time with their respective partners. Although that means they get drunk more, and tip more. Which could be good. The floor should be worth about $600 - plus happy people. Its not impossible to get $1000 tonight. Which of course gets split between servers, and some to the kitchen. I think I will be happy with $200. Thats the price of my happiness tonight.

Jesse was over last night, and Lisa and I spent a couple of hours with him in my office and the library. I cleaned up Lisa's computer. It was good - I was a little stoned, and found it terribly awkward to type on her laptop and navigate with her mouse. But it was good. We talked about myspace and Jesse's work. He mentioned I should get a job at his work. Strangely enough, I am tempted to seek another job entirely. I would probably do really well in a phone centre-y type place. For awhile at least. And it would be more consistent money than I am making now. Its great that because of a few functions a month alongside my usual service and occasional cooking I can get as much money as I do for as little time I have to put in. I make at least $15 an hour over the month. But I only work 20 hours a week. And if one week is slow I am lucky to get paid $11/hour. Thankfully, between good service and events, most weeks are closer to $20 an hour. But thats still only 20 hours a week. Usually. Sometimes less. I am torn. I don't really want to work in two restaurants, but I need more hours and more money.

Last weekend was good. Two busy nights at the restaurant, and I went out on Saturday night. Had a good night dancing. Chugged vodka just before getting to the bar. Then drank too many beers. So by 230 I was a little out of it. I can't remember a taxi ride so rough. Well, maybe a few. The rest of the house had gone to Phils, and got back to the house awhile later. Interesting scene. Too much for me. Jesse should have come over! But hitting the pipe a little required my departure from the room. and a subsequent nap in the upstairs bathroom. This nap was a little more restful than the last, however.

Sunday was a laze-a-bout day. TV, computer, some tidying. Watched "Waiting...", a quite funny movie based in a restaurant. And those who work there. Highly entertaining. Even though certain people seemed to think I was in a bitchy mood. *I* think most everyone else was in a bitch. I was in a perfectly decent mood, and had reflected upon that several times. And besides, they were boring. Except for YOU two! You two are always great!

Had a good day at work, surprisingly enough. Decent tips. I enjoy being at the restaurant. I like everyone there, and it helps that they all really like me. If no one takes the initiative to stop being so friendly and a little more business-like, that restaurant won't last much longer. And I am not paid enough to care. And I enjoy that. But I feel guilty. Well, no - you know what I mean. I FEEL as if I should feel guilty. Time for more coffee. I want to play in the snow!!!

Mmm. so good. As I left the kitchen, I dimly recall thinking that I could make a sandwich today or a nicely toasted english muffin with jam. On further reflections, I think I was being a little optimistic yesterday in thinking I would have time to eat!!

The previous weekend was indeed a drug- and Ren-free weekend. Movies and video games. I can't recall what else went on. Oh right - that was the weekend that I baked 100 cookies that were consumed 25 hours later. I think we had a car trip to Woodstock to bring Lisa's first computer to my parents house! That sounds right! Woohoo!

I note that there were no substances used this past weekend - aside from copious amounts of weed. But there is more in the house now! could be seen to be a little too late in the day for me to be hitting a bowl before work....but...maybe I should call to see when I am needed....Carlos is hilarious! Such an amusing little man!

Well, I think I am going to make Lisa a coffee and get ready to go out for a smoke. And maybe roll a few snow boulders! And then a shower and off to work. If lisa drives me I can play in the snow longer!
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