deepintoblue (♥♥♥) tagged me, yessssss.
These boys didn't quite make the cut... LOL, I CHEAT SO BAD! Come on, there are 5872305 Johnny's boys! You expected me to be able to choose only 10? For shame...
Added him last minute because I was feeling really guilty for leaving him out! I mean, I LOVE the KinKi Kids! Why shouldn't he be on here? The only reason he isn't higher is because I know almost nothing about him X3. I admire him a ton, though, and I can tell from what I have seen that he is hilarious ♥. And he's really, really pretty @_@.
I fell for Shoon first, in Ya-Ya-yah, but I find myself more drawn to Hikaru now that he's become such a handsome young man! :D I think it's the hair, and his wacky sense of humour, but he's so great :3. He's gaining a lot of popularity among the Juniors, too! For the end of the year polls in some magazine, he won, like, half the categories ♥. I want him to become YamaPi big! XD Also, he's super nice, whereas Yabu is a bitch.
link XD Ahaha, just kidding~! ...
I KNOW NOTHING ABOUT THIS BOY, AND I FEEL LIKE A PEDOPHILE JUST PUTTING HIM ON THIS LIST. Well, I know a bit... he motivated me in to the Kis-My-Ft2 fandom ♥. He's so cute, and he's got muscles! And I really like his smile/cheeks a lot XD. My favorite thing about him is his sarcastic sense of humour, though! And, even though he's a baby, he still exudes The Sex. Did anyone else see his little 「ん?」 spot on Shounen Club a little while ago?
link SOOO CUTE! ♥
OK, DO YOU KNOW HOW DIFFICULT IT IS TO FANGIRL SOMEONE YOU HAVEN'T HEARD ABOUT IN A YEAR? He would have been higher in the list had he not been suspended! I totally got in to NEWS after his suspension, too, which makes it even harder. Anyway, I love this kid :3. He's always way energetic and happy, and I love his singing voice best out of NEWS! sorry TegoSlut! ♥ And can we talk about his dancing for a minute? Hello, the 5th Dancing King? X3.
The best of the best, the boys I adore within JE! The boys closest to my heart tend to be chosen more based on talent than looks, but it is JE :3. Kinda hard to find an ugly one, eh? I GUESS I'M JUST LUCKY THAT THE ONES I LIKE BEST HAPPEN TO BE SEXY PIECES OF MANMEAT, YESSS. ♥
TOOOOMAAAA! :D I finally see why all the long-time Johnny's fans love this kid so much! He's filled to the top with a ton of energy! I took notice of him in HanaDan2, because I LOVELOVELOVE Junpei's character :3. I thought that it was interesting that he could pull off both the innocent and evil boy really well. Quite a talent, I think. Anyway, I'm watching HanaKimi, and Nakatsu has become my favorite character. I just love how Toma acts! Again, in the first ep he was all conniving and angryface, then he became so sweet and cute! I dunno, I just love his acting :3. He makes me want to watch all of his acting roles, including his stage plays... and I don't even watch stage plays! :O
First of all, Sho is gorgeous. He's got a face like Takki's: every feature is perfect. And those full lips~! X3 I love a man with a good tan. ♥ Plus, he's got the best hair in Arashi! I love it! No one does curly hair as well as Sho ♥. His magically disappearing muscles intrigue me, as well. But, enough about his looks... I fell in love with his voice. My first exposure to Arashi was Kitto Daijoubu... He was my immediate favorite after that. He's got the most sexy rapping voice :3. And I like that he's smart, and isn't depending solely on this idol thing to take care of him for the rest of his life, even though he's quite popular.
Like... I don't even know how to begin describing why in the world I like Aiba so much... He's... I don't know... I think it's his energy, too. He's always in the center of things :3. I watched Mago Mago Arashi last season... I think that's what did it. He's really good with people, it seems. Whenever they would spend the day with elderly people, he always seemed to get on well with them. I remember a man cried when Aiba left, one episode. :O And the kids adored him, too. He's hilarious, and he's got the greatest laugh; like he really means it. He seems like a lot of what he does is for real, you know?
This kid is so weird! Most of the time he seems really level-headed and cool, but when he gets going with being silly, he's like a different person XD.
link What? That's Junichi? ♥ I love him because everything I've seen him in has been excellent. He was perfect in Kisarazu, hilarious in his 2 scenes in Hold Up Down, and he was so, so good in Tokyo Tower T__T. I think he's my favorite JE actor.
I don't know a lot about Subaru, but I know that he's got a fantastic voice ♥. I love how enka sounds, and his voice is so strong, besides! He takes really good care of it! :D Now, let's talk about Subaru's hair... it's amazing. There aren't many guys that can wear their hair that long and still look like men, but he does it with a cool grace. Lovelovelove that hair, and the hand tattoo! Oooh, what a rebel! OK, I think the thing I like best about Subaru is that he's mean X3. He's not mean like, "I'm so much better than you," it's more like, "I don't put up with stupid crap," I think. And I find that hilarious in the tiniest member there ever was (WHAT? 90 lbs? XDDD). Everyone listens to what he says, haha. Remember the time K8 were on that deserted island (minus the cameramen and staff XD) and Subaru had his group members doing the slavelabor while he commanded?
link That's my favorite Subaru :3. What a man...
Shige-baby! It's hard to believe, now, but back when I first got in to NEWS, Shige was in my bottom three XD. He was Ordinary boy #1, I believe (Yamapi was Yamapi, Ryo was Sad Eyebrows Guy, Tego was Big Upper Lip Boy, Massu was Huge Smile Boy, Kusano was Mean Eyebrows Kid, and Shige, Uchi, and Koyama were the Ordinary Boys XDDD). Well, Shige is far from ordinary for me, now. ♥ I dunno, I think he's a cute kid, but I really love his personality. I became his fan after reading his J-Web (which, sadly, is no longer translated) like many other Shige fans. He's the funniest person in the world, and he doesn't take himself too seriously. He's really down-to-Earth. I think his entry about being stung by the jellyfish in Hawaii was what made me his huge fan ♥. His entries seriously make me LOL, even re-reading them. I love it when Shige raps, too (OK, I love a deep voice, what can I say?). He should do it more often :3. I also love it that he's becoming a better actor with every drama role, and that he's attending college and always making himself a better person. He's definitely someone I can admire. ♥
One half of the idol group I adore, and therefore a piece of my heart ♥. I like Takki because he's married to Tsubasahe's Papa Takki! Everyone loves him! I love how well he gets along with the little juniors :3. Everyone wants to be like Takki! Except for Fat Jin, AHAHA
link. Seriously, Takki's a super-idol! He can sing, dance, act like nobody's business, plus he's gorgeous! Have you ever just looked at him? His face is perfect! It's kind of creepy... And he's got absssssss! :D He seems like he would be conceited and holier-than-thou, but he's always got the cutest little smile on his face that it's really hard to tell! No, I think he's probably really nice too bad his girlfriends are so sluttyyyyy. :O And, just between us, I love Takki's hair however he does it XD. He looks good with blonde, brown, and black hair! ♥
... I like Go SO MUCH. When I first saw him I was all, "What? He's not a pretty young boy; what's he doing in Johnny's?" Doesn't he look like he should be in some rock group, or even a hip-hop one? I mean, mussssstache. I thought he was so bad ass, man. I mean, he is a bad ass, but not to the extent that I thought. Even more than Junichi up there, his personality surprised me so much. Because of his looks, I thought he'd be quiet and mean... but he's not. He's actually really funny and adorable :3.
link link link link Oh geez, let me stop here XD. I could watch Go do his thang all day. ♥ He's got the cutest laugh, too! He's like a little boy with all his energy. I just think that he's so cool XD. Whenever I watch clips or shows with him in them, I end up cracking up! Plus, this kid is such a wuss, and isn't afraid to let it be known. If it involves some kind of danger, he says SKIPPPPPP.
link (+subs!) OK, let me stop now. For srs. Go is just the funniest little thing, and that's why I love him!
Tsuyoshi was my first exposure to Johnny's and I didn't even know it! I'd fallen in love with the FANTASTIPO song in 2005 (I just assumed it was some old man singing XD), and not until I saw Dots & Taichi performing it at COUNTDOWN 2005 did I realize it was a Johnny's song. Guys, I love that song... So when I watched the PV and saw the crack (and Tsuyo swiveling his hipssssss), I had to buy the movie :3. A friend of mine encouraged me to buy a J-Friends single around the same time, and I fell in love with the guy who sang Love me all ovaaa in this great way... and it was Dots again! It was a sign, I think. Not until Sora ga Naku kara, though, did I completely succumb to his charms, and now everything that he touches is golden in my eyes. I just love his voice, and his groovy music so, so much. As a producer, song writer, and lyricist he's fantastic. I'm listening to some of KinKi's older stuff right now, and Tsuyoshi sounds so different! He hasn't got his fantastic whiny-voice... It's like, after a little while, he was like, "I don't want to sound like every other idol." ♥ He just exudes 'cool', and I love that he's not afraid to take chances. Like Go, when I first saw him, I thought that he didn't really have and idol look to him. If someone had told me a year and a half ago that I would like this guy as much as I do now, I wouldn't have believed them. BUT HE IS AMAZING. He's a genuine artist, really intellectual, and he's really in touch with himself, I think. ♥
OH, YOU KNEW HE'D BE HERE. THE MOST GORGEOUS OF THE GORGEOUS, THE MOST TALENTED OF THE TALENTED. ONE OF JOHNNY'S 4 DANCING KINGS, WITH THAT EXCELLENT SINGING VOICE AND THE COMPLETELY ENDEARING PERSONALITY, MY NO.1 JE BOY IS NONE OTHER THAN IMAI TSUBASA. Someone summed up Tsubasa really well when they said that when you start to like him, it usually ends up with you loving him. He's magnetic like that, I think. :3 I pretty much thought nothing of this boy when I first saw him on the cover of T&T's 2wenty 2wo album (come on, not his greatest shoot~~~). I was actually a Takki fan first, since I got in to Tackey & Tsubasa after NEWS and I was on some sort of Yamapi high. I saw the cute clips with Yamapi and Papa Takki, and I thought he was so cool since all the juniors admired him. It was Tsubasa's dance on Shounen Club that really turned the tables, and I started answering 'Tsubasa' to the 'favorite T&T member?' question.
link Look at that... You know how most dancing sequences have to switch angles 59382487 times to cut out the mess-ups? Not with Tsubasa. Seriously, he's the most graceful thing I have seen on two feet. Every movement is perfect. It's really amazing. He's so intense when he dances... and he's so dedicated to it! Tsubasa also seems really gentle and laid-back. He seems like the kind of person that can get along with anyone. And I love his voice :3. It's really niiiiiiiice and smooooooth. He and Takki are adorable together, by the way~ ♥♥♥
& I'm gonna tag
agtoro cyberslowpoke daystarlove frozen_rii hitomipyon riko_ryuusaki sakuraminamoto verdy_ivy & anyone else who want to do it :3.