Yesterday was very cloudy and gray all day. By the time I left work in the evening, there were hints of snow in the air. The hints of snow were freezing to the windshield. I had made plans with Scotty to see a late showing of The Golden Compass and arrived there 2 hours early so I could do some Christmas shopping at some neighbouring stores and by the time I got there the snow was coming down heavily. But this only lasted for an hour or so. As I made my way to Borders bookstore I saw a crowd gathered looking at a building opposite the Borders building I was going into. I saw huge Christmas trees plastered onto the building high up and lights everywhere, and I figured something was about to happen.
Then right on the hour the faint Christmas music in the background stopped and a voice came on announcing that there was some sort of holiday light show set to the music of Trans Siberian Orchestra. I stayed and watched for 15 minutes. It was pretty impressive and made me feel so holiday! The pic below is of the light show, and there were about that many people there.
Saw The Golden Compass (VERY good btw) with Scotty and his boyfriend Genaro who was in town from L.A., then came home and fell into bed.
I was worried about the snowfall as I was supposed to be travelling to Colorado Springs today to see my kids until Sunday. When I awoke this morning and looked out my window, there was snow. Everywhere. Covering the ground. I looked at the traffic on a nearby street and saw how the traffic was inching along. This couldn't be good. Despite this I got ready and dressed and ready to go, and went out to my car. After much scraping and preparing, I was ready to go. I got out of my driveway barely and slid all around in the middle of the road. Good thing there was no other cars around! I determined this was a bad omen and decided I was not going anywhere :-( So I turned around and called it a day. It was 12pm.
I rented a few movies, curled up on the couch with a blanket, got some corn for popping (actually cookies, but I pretended it was popcorn) and camped there all day. It ended up nice after all.