halloween blues

Oct 27, 2006 01:02

ok so this should be my most favorite time of year. and it is don't get me wrong.
but all this getting ready for the halloween show just makes me so damn busy every year at this time that I can't do anything else with my time.
I'm not looking for sympathy. just writing down my thoughts and wishing I had help with everything. But this is all the stuff that most people take for granted and don't even notice for the most part.
Like I have been meeting with the opening band about 7 times so far this month making sure that everything is ready. editing the dvds and all the special stuff were showing for the night. made over 500 prop bags so far and still about 200 to go. have to make 300 virgin buttons and about 300 other character buttons for sale at the show this weekend. bought 200 rolls of toilet paper. had to mix all the music onto the dvd. Been in 3 meetings with managment in the last 2 weeks (all good stuff but it all takes it's toll, no pun intended)
the there is the cast. they are all excited about hallowen and all they had to do was learn 3 preshows one for each night. they started this 21/2 months ago and then about 3 weeks ago I was told that no one was into learning the new preshows and that it just wasn't going to happen.
I'm not saying that no one does anything down there but me. because that would be bullshit to say. but it just seems that the same old shit is good enough for alot of the people down there. cause somehow it went from doing a pirate preshow for friday, YMCA for saturday, and a big cast this is halloween for sunday.
and it turns into shout for friday, ymca for saturday, nd nothing for sunday.
I mean we still have a geat show ready to go on for monday. I guess that's all that really matters in the long run is that the audience sees a great 30th anniversary show and it's something I can be proud of.
oh well I guess i should get back to everything I have to do for this weekend.
Viva la Rocky and all the fun stuff.

I now return you to your regularly scheduald life...

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