(no subject)

Sep 12, 2004 14:52

So yesterday it's gameday. USC vs. Georgia. I'm thinking I have to sit around Monica's dorm for a while, but luckily for me (as previously mentioned), MK found me a ticket. VERY awesome of her and her parents to hook me up.

Unfortunately, that was the best part of the day.

Night before when we went out on that double date Andrew and Monica were tellin me that when I drove them to the game that James would probably come along, which was cool, then asked if Mikey could fit in the car...I said that the only way he'd fit is if he sat on someone's lap or got in the trunk.

To me, that says "car can only fit 5", but if that was lost in translation, ok, so they figured I could fit 6. Mikey's small, no big deal.

I show up to pick them up...Andrew, Monica, James, Mikey, AND some dude I've never even seen before (guess his name was Chris) all are there for a ride.

Immediately, I am not very happy.

So those 5 (remember Volvo sedan we are talking about here) are trying to squeeze in the back..well, change that, 4 were. James decides to get in last, when he's the biggest of the 5, which is dumb as hell to begin with. He sticks one leg in, says he can't fit, and asks me if it's ok if Katie gets in the back and sits on this stranger's lap. Before I can even let how fucking rude of a question that is to sink in, it's already happened. And then when the ride is over, Katie's been pinned down so hard that her leg has fallen completely asleep and she could hardly walk for a few minutes.

And oh yeah, they brought some booze with them.

So let's review what could have happened to me if I came across just ONE asshole cop who didn't like how crammed it was in the backseat :

1)Had 5 people in my backseat, none of which were wearing seatbelts.
2)I'm going to assume that some of them if not all were slightly under the influence, but not majorly so, but still, minors.
3)Open containers while driving.

And all the while one of them was such a jackass that he made MY girlfriend get in the backseat and sit on some stranger's lap so that way he could be comfortable while I did HIM a favor.

God I wish I had chewed him out for that on the spot...fucking jackass.

And oh, did I mention that I paid the 10 bucks for parking and got 7 back for it? (Monica and Mikey were nice enough to give me $5, and $2, respectively).

So I paid 3 bucks to be taken advantage of, run the risk of not only getting some form of ticket, but have a serious charge of a minor with open containers in his car, have my girlfriend sit on some stranger's lap, and pay for the gas to do everyone said favor.

Oh wow, don't get me started on how happy I was.

But did it get better from there? OF COURSE NOT! It is me we're talking about, isn't it?

So the game was at 5:30, and everyone wants to leave at 1:30 to go "tailgating". We walk around in circles doing a whole lot of nothing until about 3:15 when Katie decides it's time to meet up with MK and her parents to get my ticket. That was the one good part about the trip to the game - getting to thank MK's parents for helpin me out with a ticket. After hanging with them for a while we head back and call Monica/Andrew to find out where they are, Monica gives us directions to some grassy spot, we get to where we think we're supposed to be, they aren't there.

Try calling, neither of our cell phones can get through.

So we look around for a while, can't find anyone, so I figure it'd be best to go ahead and get in the stadium and get some seats so in case we see them or our phones start working that we can meet back up.

Of course, phones never work, we never see them again that night. The guy standing next to Katie was this huge obnoxious sweaty guy who kept moving closer to her. I wanted to trade spots with her, but she didn't think it was a big enough deal, so w/e.

So game gets over (close game, btw), and we head back to the car. Magnus' pinhole leak in the right rear tire has shown it's ugly face again, so we have to refill the tire. That takes about 10 or so minutes.

No one has shown back up to the car, so we assume that they either gave up on getting a ride from us, or got a ride back with Elliot since his car was there as well (remember, cell phones still don't work...tried calling again, still nothing).

So we're driving to go get some dinner and eventually Katie's phone starts to ring. It's her dad. "Where are you? Andrew just called and said that you drove off without them."


So I guess they must have gotten there like 2 or 3 minutes after we'd left and their phones worked better than ours. So based on Katie's phone conversation with them when she called back Monica to see what was up, I'm guessing they were less than happy about having to walk back.

Which, while I was kinda upset that they had relied on me, I found sort of amusing. If I wasn't there to take advantage of in the first place, they would have been walking back anyway.

And today Monica said she didn't care about it anymore, but that the "guys" were still a bit pissed.

Funny, the one of them who DID pay is the one who isn't mad anymore. Funny, huh?


So I'm guessing that from now on I'm not doing anyone that isn't a bonafide friend of mine any favors. I'm sick and tired of people taking me for granted when I go out of my way for them when I don't have to.

I may come down to football games in the future, and if Katie doesn't want to walk I'll drive her.

But unless we go back, don't bother asking again. I forgive...but for some reason I just don't forget.

But I'm about to leave sometime today, so I'm gonna go back to spending time with the reason I'm down here at all. ta ta, all.
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