Political activism time now, y/y?
What is
ACTA and why it's bad.
Where can you sign against it.
And a protest plan for hardcore masochists -
Black March 2012, a month without downloading or buying any CDs, DVDs or books whatsoever.
I'm actually considering participation in the latter, which won't be as hard because I can go without buying books or CDs for a month, no problem. But not downloading the new Gintama episodes might be a bit too much for me... I guess I could still try watching them online? XD Not sure whether it will be something that can make an impact, globally - but at least I will be able to say that I did my best. And of course, I have signed all the petitions too.
Political activism time over.
And now, for something completely different.
How would you like to cringe in second-hand embarrassment? Take a look at this video. Blutengel were never hardcore, but this is actually disturbingly mainstream. Everything about this video screams that they are trying way too hard and miserably failing at being edgy and cool. And all that fake blood looks so fake! And the female in black lacy underwear... And the one in polka-dotted underwear... Class and elegance, not existent in this video. Try to keep a straight face when Chris Pohl gives the camera a sultry look, or what he thinks is a sultry look. Ye gods.
Blutengel - Reich Mir Die Hand
Click to view
Let's have something unglamorous and not vampiric and not goth to cleanse our brains. How would you like some Basteroid? :D
Basteroid - 16 Steps Away From the Stars
Click to view
While you're still enjoying that Basteroid song (and don't worry, you'll probably finish reading this entry before the song is over XD), I can tell you fun fact about my job - tomorrow there will be a photo shooting for all employees. Apparently photos of us will be put on our company website or some such. I think it's stupid, why would anyone need to know what I look like :/ Also, I have no representative clothes to wear XD
Unrelated, but interesting fact - I signed up for a Prince of Tennis fic exchange thing, so I suppose that will lead to me writing a Prince of Tennis fic, eventually. Might be a good thing, seeing as I haven't written anything noteworthy for ages. Or ever, depending on your definition of noteworthy XDD