May 02, 2013 23:43
Ѽ I did a favour for a guy at work and he bought me candy as thanks. Candy from IKEA, I didn't even know they have candy XD And one of them was called Skumtopp. That sounds like some gangster's nickname, not a name for marshmallowy candy.
Ѽ I'm going back to Latvia for a vacation on 11.05 and I'm so not looking forward to it... And I also chose the wrong time for going there because on that Saturday there will be an anime con in Riga, but my plane will fly in too late, so I'll miss it, and there will be a 4 day long harbour festival here in Hamburg, which I will also miss because I'll be going away. My holiday planning skillz are not so l33t.
Ѽ And it will be a sucky vacation anyway because my grandmother has already told me she needs to get her kitchen wallpapered and firewood stacked, and of course I will be the one to do it. Lemme tell you about wallpapering: the glue consists of evil chemicals, and I am somewhat sensitive to that stuff, so I will have to wear rubber gloves all day and my hands will sweat, itch and get pruny. And the kitchen will have to be kept warm, or else the wallpaper won't stick, so the doors and windows will be closed. Hello glue fumes in the stuffy and humid air.
And while I'm at it, lemme tell you about stacking firewood - all the splinters you can get! All the dust that flies in your eyes! All the insects that are hiding in the pile of unstacked firewood and are just waiting there to jump on you! The pile of firewood itself that is constantly threatening to collapse on your foot! Fun times all around.
Ѽ Any of you guys watching Champions League? An all-German final, who could have predicted that! I am supporting Borussia, but I suspect Bayern will win, they have been more convincing in the last games.
Ѽ I'm thinking of buying a TV set, so I could finally watch my DVDs and maybe watch football properly instead of online where the live-feed keeps freezing. Would be neat to get the TV set before 25.05, that's the day of the finals for Champions League. So, any advice about what TV set to buy?
Ѽ Also, the latest chapters of Haikyuu!! were hilarious. If you are not reading it yet, you should!
irl: holidays,
irl: family,