Title: I Must Go On
Characters: Talim
Rating: PG
Squicks/Spoilers: None!
Summary: Talim understands that there's something she must do.
Author's Note: Soul Calibur II universe :3 I've always wanted to write Talim fic~ <3
Two weeks had passed since the traveler had come, touting his wares to the people of the Wind Diety's village. Two weeks had passed since Talim first sensed the powerful evil that had come to wreck their world brewing in the winds like an on-coming tide.
She drew in a deep breath, eyes fixed on the sea before her. She could feel it just as strongly here as she could feel it anywhere in the village and she felt the taint of evil on the breeze from lands and waters far beyond them. something had to be done. Somehow, she had to protect all that she held dear.
It was her duty as a priestess, both to fight evil and protect those under her care, after all.
She closed her eyes, listening to the sounds that the wind carried, the shouts of the village children, the call of sea birds, and beyond them, the sound of the wind mills' steady churning. Everything seemed so peaceful and calm here, as it always had been. She couldn't let that change, not when there was something that she could do to stop that from happening.
The call of Alun on the wind made her open her eyes, lifting an arm for the chocolate-feathered bird of prey to settle, if only for a few minutes.
She had decided and, as she felt the sharp grip of the bird's talons tighten against her arm, she knew she had to leave. The only way to stop this evil was to confront it at its source and pull it up, roots and all.
Her soft-soled shoes made little noise as she stepped across the sands and into the grass, letting Alun take flight once again.
Goodbyes had to be said. She had a journey to take upon, after all.