Written for my
fanfic100 claim on the 12th division. Originally posted
Title: Parasites
Fandom: Bleach
Characters: 12th Division; Akon, Kusari, Tsubokura Rin
Prompt: #026 - Teammates
Word Count: 357
Rating: G
Summary: Kusari has a pressing question for Rin.
Author's Notes: This is all
tsukishine's fault, but she probably doesn't remember it. XD Short, but I like it. Little damn table is
"You know what?" Kusari leaned back into Hiyosu's empty chair, squishing comfortably against the cushions that sunk around her much tinier frame.
"Ah, yes, Miss Kusari?" Rin blinked up from where he sat cross-legged on the floor. The others in his department had thinned out for the night, leaving Rin and whoever came to bug him to watch the machinery.
Kusari, of course, had come to bug him.
"I was thinking, it would be really fun if I had a parasite," Kusari continued, almost as if Rin hadn't spoken. She tapped her lips with a small finger, "Wouldn't it be fun? I could name it, feed it, and maybe even dissect it."
"R- really?" Rin slowly sat down his rice cracker away from his keyboard. It wouldn't do to get crumbs on the equipment, oh no. "I don't see why it would be a problem. Parasites are fairly common and..."
"Yup! So, I was thinking," Kusari cut in before Rin could finish his statement, leaning forward in the chair, "I was thinking that maybe you could infect me with one."
"In- infect?" Rin blinked, scooting back just a little, although the young girl hadn't started towards him. "I- I- don't..."
Kusari nodded, "Infect! Boys are great for parasites! I bet you could make a very nice parasite with me."
"Baby," Akon cut in from the door, "You mean baby."
"Akon!" Rin almost breathed with relief, the slight smile that curled over his lips at the older man's appearance freezing when he realized just what Kusari had been implying, "A- a- what!?"
"Just say no," Akon cut Rin off before he could stutter out further, his sharp gaze drifting to the other girl, "Look, Kusari, I need your help with those eyeballs you prepped yesterday. You free?"
"Of course, sir!" Kusari chirped, bouncing up from her seat to join her superior in the gigai department, "Do you think we could make a parasite together? Maybe it would grow your horns and..."
Rin watched the two as they left, shaking his head before turning back to his work. Some days he was very glad he didn't do gigai work.