Jun 02, 2009 19:21
So I'm getting ready to continue writing this danged paper you've all heard about a million times by now for the night and one of my partners for this project has sent their part of what they did so far.
Unfortunately it seems there was some miscommunication and part of what she wrote was what I was supposed to be doing! D8 CALISSE DE MERDE >.< (which roughly translates into FUCKING SHIT for the non-french inclined). She only wrote 2 pages of my supposed part so I called her up and I'm going to pump it up as much as I can but hell it's a good thing I started writing with the other section of the paper assigned to me beforehand. All I have done so far for this usurped part is an outline, so I'm going to have to re-do it to fit with what she did/didn't write about. God I hope this doesn't put me too much behind schedule.
I freaking hate this paper, I hate group work (love the girls I'm with though!), and I want to be done for the fucking summer to officially begin already ;_;