mbv, A Field on Lisa's Property, What Happened After the Pictures...

Jul 15, 2010 23:29

Russell: *moving to join Rinny at one of the other tables now that he's got both Meryl and Liadán*

Serenity: *Can has bebeh, will hold Liadán*

Doc:  *appears with the flash and slight swish of a PINpoint and looks around, his bushy brows drawing together as he sees the activity around him*  This isn't the Autobot base.

Russell: *looks up from rocking Meryl* Actually, it's part of the land that the Autobot base is on. *small smile*

Meryl: *sleepy chirr*

Doc:  *looks around again, his lined old face creased in a scowl, but then shrugs*  Not like I was coming for anything important.  Is that a barbecue smoker?

Russell: *nods* But watch out for anything that smells like meat wrapped in meat.

Serenity: *making a face*

Doc:  I happen to like meat wrapped in meat.  *smirks and heads for Javan*

Javan: *Brandishing his grilling tongs at Beau again*

Doc:  *grabs a plate and helps himself to a quarter of a fatty, several thin slices of that lovely whole salted ham sitting there, and a few pieces of smoked dino rib.  Adds bread and butter and then stands and licks his fingers*

Javan: *blink blink* ... *sighs and mutters something about not being able to win*

Doc:  Got any Worcester sauce?

Beau: *Blink blink* Who're y'u? *then shrugs* Dunno 'f th're 's aneh...

Doc:  Guess I'll have to make due.  *looks at the tall youngster from under those brows*  The name's Red.  Most people now days call me Doc.

Beau: 'S nahce t' meet y'u, sir. Mah name's Beau MacKenzie-Trach.

Doc:  That's a mouthful.

Beau: *shrugs* 'Ficialleh, 's jes' Beau Trach...

Doc:  So what connection have you got to this lot?  *jerks head toward Javan, who will probably be finding out How The World Turns now that Irene just pounced on him*

Beau: *Tips his head towards the blue Shelby Cobra that's parked next to the green Barracuda* Mah sis's parta NEST, 'n married t' th' gent who's become mah dad.

Doc:  *looks that way*  That's two Cybertronians having a nap.

Beau: 'S an interestin' storeh... *moves to catch Will as the youngster tries to sneak some more dinoham slices*

Will: *Clicks and wiggles a bit, regards Doc with curiosity*

Doc:  *testily*  Well I think I've had enough of those for today.  *turns to go back to his alternate's table*

Destiny: *Wanders past, looking quite stoned and clicking forlornly. Went to find Mama, but she's so confused now she doesn't even know where to look*

Russell: *on his feet and going to assist the youngster, frowning a bit as he listens to what Alex is reporting*

Doc:  *gently catches Destiny's arm with his free hand*  Hey....

Destiny: *blink blink at Doc, a bit of a glazed look coming to her eyes*

Doc:  *concerned frown as he scans her, his other arm going around her waist to support her*  Can you hear me?

Destiny: *Quietly* Can't feel Sister... Can't find Mama...

Doc:  *gently*  Who's Mama?

Destiny: Mama...

Serenity: Ratchet. *pings the older femme's comm, explaining what Alex has told her husband: Sora and Mirage are asleep under one of the trees and won't wake up, and Destiny's out-of-sorts*

Doc:  *glances to Serenity, then back to Destiny as he helps the youngster to sit down*

Rachel:  *across the field by the picture tents*  WHAT??  ALREADY??

Serenity and Russell: *Wince*

Destiny: *clicks quietly as she sits down*

Alex: *to Rachel* //Should Mia and I bring them to the tent trailers?//

Rachel:  //Yes.  And let Ryan know if he doesn't already.  I'm coming, Desti.  Hold on.//

Sky:  *over by Doc now, clicking to Destiny and smoothing her hair*

Sean:  *by his mother, a concerned look on his face*

Destiny: *more clicks, leans against Sky as well as she can*

Serenity: *pings Ryan's comm*

Ryan:  //Hou... Ryan here.//

Serenity: //Ryan, would you mind coming to the picnic area, please?//

Ryan:  //Sure, just let me finish figuring out how to get out of this tree so I can help carry Mom and Dad back.//

Serenity: //... Alright... // *facepalming*

Rachel:  *over helping Sky lift Destiny now.  Is steering the little group over toward where Simon is napping*

Doc:  *watching and frowning*

Destiny: *clicks quietly, blinking back sleepy feelings as well as she's able to at the moment*

Russell: *Quietly as he gently rocks Meryl* Destiny's twin sister bonded... The feedback has her confused...

Rachel:  *tucking Destiny by Simon, and then smiling at Sean as he crawls into the forming snuggle pile too*  There you are, sport.  Let me get the blanket spread out.

Doc: Ah. So that's what's happened, is it?

Russell: *nods, clicking quietly to the baby in his arms*

Serenity: *very quiet, amused chuckle as she glances in Tracks' direction*

Doc:  *gives Serenity a quizzical look as he has a bite of food from his plate.  Then frowns at Russell*  This isn't meat.

Serenity: *Without turning to look at Doc* Sora was already Tracks' bond sister... Now she's his sister-in-law... *going to wait for Ryan over at the picnic table nearest to the snuggle pile*

Russell: It's a type of mushroom called meatplant.

Doc:  So she's just his sister by two bonds.  *eyeing his slice of fatty, but then shrugs and eats anyway*  Mushroom's alright.

Russell: *Nods* Which also means that she's Denver and Rain's sister as well.

Doc:  Denver and Rain?  *cocks an eye at him*

Russell: Tracks' mate is Denver. Rain is Dion's aunt, and Denver's bond sister.

Doc:  Ahhh.  *then looks up as Storm shoots into the air with Song wobbling determinedly in her wake*  ...Jet fighters, here?

TC:  *launches too*

Russell: *looks that way* *Calmly* Seekers.

Doc:  Like your Starscream.  *eats more*

Russell: *Nods* They're part of his flock... *chuckles* As are Denver and Magnus....

Doc:  *slight wistful note in his old cracked voice*  Sounds like home.

Russell: *Quietly* This is home for us... *carefully shifts Meryl to the crook of his arm*

Doc:  *shaky sigh and nods, eyes on his plate*

Russell: *almost forlornly* [Meryl and Liadán will likely never know Cybertron... Nor will most of the youngsters here...]

Doc:  *looks up at that*  *quietly, his Cybertronian sounding rusty and pronounced with a little difficulty*  [At least you have youngsters.]

Russell: [It's only been within the last year that we've found out about creating new sparks without Vector Sigma...]

Doc:  [And you've been on Earth how many vorns?]

Russell: [Vorns? We've only been on Earth for about five years now.]

Doc:  [Exactly.  My people met up with dinosaurs when we first arrived.]

Russell: *may have just inadvertantly taught Meryl her first cussword*

Doc:  *looks at the sparklet, and then back to Russell*  [And Cybertron's dead.  I don't know if Primus is still there or not.  If he is, he's the only one.]

Meryl: *Sound asleep*

Russell: [Our Cybertron's still in Megatron's control... The Decepticon Warlady has made it clear she intends to work with us to reclaim our home... but only Primus knows when that will happen.]

Doc:  *silent for a moment*  [On the good side, we don't have to worry about Megatron.]

Russell: [We almost didn't have to worry about him any longer... but the son of a glitch struck his mate before she could get the killing blow in...] *Scowling muchly*

Doc:  *questioning frown*

Russell: [Nightbird, the Decepticon Warlady. She's quite likely the most capable of killing Megatron out of anyone here... After he decreed that femmes and all so-called "useless" beings be exterminated, she took offense, and attempted to assassinate him. He struck her before she got close enough...]

Doc:  *sucks in air and looks rocked to the core*

Prowl: *Making a break for it, has Motormaster hot on his heels*

Doc:  *quietly*  [Our Megatron was just a common criminal.  Our crew was sent to apprehend him after he fled Cybertron with restricted technology that the powers that be didn't want falling into the wrong hands.]

Russell: ...

Doc:  [And while we were gone Cybertron got itself into some kind of war and was torn apart.]

Russell: *Quiet curse in Gaelic and Cybertronian*

Doc:  [But we don't have to worry about Megatron....]  *eats*

Serenity: *Glancing over her shoulder for a moment, returns her attention to watching for Ryan*

Ryan:  *helping Alex and Mia bring his mother and new father in*

Mia: *carrying Sora and sticking close to Ryan and Alex*

Rachel:  *back to check on the couple as they're carried toward the last tent trailer*  Dipsticks....

Fluffy:  *recorded and sarcastic agreement from her shoulder*

Alex: *Soft snort* Yeah... but really... would you expect anything less from Tracks' brother?

Rachel:  I'm still in minor shock that he's bonded at all.  *chuckle*

Destiny: *clicking quietly, snuggaSean*

Rachel:  *looks over there, and then directs the installing in a bed of the newlyweds*

Sora: *clinging to Raj when they're both on the bed*

Rachel:  *covers them with a blanket, clicking quietly as she does so, then turns and watches as Ryan heads across the field to add himself to the snuggle pile*

Destiny: *giving Ryan a mildly puzzled look before snuggling against him as well*

Ryan:  *quietly*  What's wrong, Aunty?

Destiny: *Quietly* Can't feel Sister...

Ryan:  Ohhhh.  *arms around she and Sean*  Don't worry.  You will again.

Destiny: *snuggles, shutting her eyes and succumbing to the need for sleep that her body's giving her*

Ryan:  *gentle clicks as the memory of Hound settles down to watch over the four of them*

Rachel:  *will sit by them while they sleep*

Serenity: *small nod, turns her attention back to her family and Doc*

((Co-written with random_xtras))
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