Honeyfuggle: *has weasels on his shoulder*
Honeyfuggle: *also tied to his chair.* ...
Randomly: *feeding Honeyfuggle roasted drake* ^^
Chagrin: *sighs. Guesses that short bald guy's..okay.*
Stoic: *amused*
Honeyfuggle: *sighs lightly as Randomly leans on him* ^^;
Honeyfuggle: *considering buying his usual bacon and cabbage to share*
Heartstone: *is late*
Randomly: *waving to her*
Heartstone: *waves back, and then hurries to get changed and bathed*
Chagrin and Stoic: *going over to Honeyfuggle's table.*
Honeyfuggle: *grins at them*
Anna: *brings over a platter with a whole roasted drake egg on it and sets it on Honeyfuggle's table*
Honeyfuggle: Ah, thank you...*he doesn't remember ordering this, though*
Anna: It's a gift from Blackout.
Honeyfuggle: Oh?
Anna: *nods* Do you want anything else?
Honeyfuggle: Well, I was considering ordering a trencher of bacon and cabbage
Anna: Still want it? *grin*
Honeyfuggle: Sure ^^
Anna: Same size as usual?
Honeyfuggle: Yes ^^
Anna: And for drinking?
Honeyfuggle: *considering*
Heartstone: *coming over, a towel being used to dry her hair* *perk* Could we have a pitcher of Buckenbroth meade, sir?
Honeyfuggle: We could.
Anna: Pitcher of Buckenbroth meade? Okay.
Chagrin: *will keep from making a face. Especially since that's about the only thing he can handle*
Bashnose Bonnie: *singing after mixing Planeswalker Port and Primal Mojo Fizz. Going to go out and kick monster butt!*
Heartstone: *slightly afraid of the Berserker*
Anna: *goes to get stuff*
Chagrin: What's wrong?
Heartstone: *looks up at him uncertainly* She... well. Um. *ducks head, feeling silly*
Chagrin: *offers the seat beside him and a snug*
Heartstone: *sit and snuggle, and shyly offer her brush*
Bonnie: *nearly knocks the door off going through it. Is still singing*
Chagrin: *snugs, then starts to brush the tangles from Heartstone's hair*
Randomly: *awwws at that*
Heartstone: *blushes at the 'Aww', a faint smile on her face*
Stoic: *faintly amused at both of them*
Honeyfuggle: *gotten mostly loose so he can eat now*
Sunstreaker: *stumbles in laughing his rear end off. Was helping a local farmer make sure his ale turned out alright*
Honeyfuggle: *just shakes his head at him. Will try the roasted egg*
egg: *once its skin is removed and it is sliced, he will find that Anna found some way to inject spices into it before the roasting, and used fragrant wood. This egg is good*
Honeyfuggle: *surprised and pleased at that.*
Heartstone: *deep breath as she smells the egg, and then looks at it curiously*
Honeyfuggle: Gift from Blackout. *not sure what warrented the gift, but he wasn't going to anger her by rejecting it. And it was good.*
Heartstone: *cautiously* May I have a slice?
barmaid: *sets bread on the table*
Honeyfuggle: Sure. *carves off a slice, and puts it on bread before handing it to Heartstone.*
Heartstone: *bows head, tastes, big eyes go even bigger, and then she's trying to turn without moving her hair too much so that she can offer a bite to Chagrin*
Chagrin: *blinks, and takes a small taste*
egg on bread: *goood*
Chagrin: Oh, that is good...
Honeyfuggle: *offers slices of egg on bread to the Thunderspark siblings*
Heartstone: *happily eating hers*
Siblings: *take, taste, and ooo. Soon everyone at the table is eating some egg on bread*
Heartstone: *perk* I got a big egg like this today. And I didn't sell it because the man said he had too many.
Honeyfuggle: Oh? *feeding some to Nutcase. The metal weasel doesn't seem interested.*
Heartstone: Yes, and I think I could cook it.
Honeyfuggle: Ooo...
Anna: *sets down the trencher of bacon and cabbage, then sets a small head of brined cabbage beside it and follows everything with mugs and the pitcher of Buckenbroth meade* The brined cabbage is free. A certain wyvern decided to get into the crock.
Honeyfuggle: Oh...ehe...
Heartstone: 0.o
Anna: He didn't do anything to it, other than eat some and sit in it. But he was covered in honey at the time, so it needs to be used up now.
Randomly: I bet he was cute doing it!
Honeyfuggle: *facepalm* Thank you, Anna...
Anna: *eye roll* He's cuter than a half digested drake poop has a right to be.
Randomly: You name the little zombie yet?
Stoic: He's...not a zombie, Randomly.
Anna: *pause and blink* Ah, no. I've just been calling him pet... among other things.
Randomly: *cackles at that*
Anna: *glances at the bar, sees that the basket is empty. CUSS and head that way*
Heartstone: *now putting brined cabbage on a thick slice of bread, her eyes shining*
Randomly: *helping herself to bacon. She knows Honeyfuggle won't mind*
Heartstone: *adds a slice of meat to her bread and sour cabbage, then bites it* Mmmmm.
Chagrin: *finishing up with the tangles before getting his own meal*
Sunstreaker: *frowning as he looks in his pockets, and then orders a slice of bread and some dripping*
Stoic: *has some dinner too*
Honeyfuggle: *looks up from his munching*
Sunstreaker: *eating his supper and trying not to fall off his bench. Also talking to his brother, despite Sideswipe not being apparent*
Honeyfuggle: o.O
Trailbreaker: *calls over from where he's sitting and munching roast and brined cabbage with the rest of Ironhide's squad* Hey, Sunshine, where's your brother?
Sunstreaker: *scowls at him* He's right.... *looks* Uh... not here.
Honeyfuggle: *hides his smirk by eating*
Trailbreaker: *gets up and goes outside. Returns shortly lugging a passed out Sideswipe*
Sunstreaker: There he is. I knew he was somewhere.
Metal Weasel: *found a piece of scrap metal. Gnawing on it.*
Honeyfuggle: Heh.
Heartstone: *getting another slice of bread, has turned right way around in her place so that she's facing the table now, and her hair falls down her back nearly to the floor as she sits* I bet this would taste good if it were cooked with the brined cabbage too.
Stoic: The bacon?
Heartstone: *points to the meat* Yes, this. *smiles at him*
Chagrin: Maybe. ^^
Heartstone: Well, it tastes good with this. *holds up her mug. Has already forgotten the name of the drink again*
Chagrin: I think Buckenbroth can make anything taste better...>.>
Heartstone: Me too. *smiles*
somebody: *overhears and gags*
Randomly: *laughs*
Heartstone: *startled look as she searches for the gagger, but she can't tell who it was, and so turns back to her meal and resumes eating hungrily but daintily*
Honeyfuggle: Some people don't like the taste of this. *drinks some of his*
Heartstone: That's so strange.
Eruiste: Stoic has a girlfriend! *dances out to go look for a last few bits of loot*
Stoic: ... ... ...whaat?
Bumblebee: *came over to offer a few fried mushrooms* Maybe she got Stoic and Chagrin mixed up?
Randomly: Maybe...because Chagrin does! AAHAHAH!
Chagrin: *blush!*
Heartstone: You do? *looks up at him, her eyes wide*
Bumblebee: *bites her lip to keep from smiling and offers Honeyfuggle the mushrooms*
Honeyfuggle: Mushrooms?
Randomly: Yesss! *giggles* Right there! *point at Heartstone*
Bumblebee: Yeah. I found a lot of good ones, so I brought them home and fried them in drake grease.
Heartstone: :o *blush*
Honeyfuggle: Oh, thank you ^^
Bumblebee: You're welcome. *grins and carefully scoops them onto one of the dried bread slices, then turns and goes back to her friends*
Heartstone: *hides her face on Chagrin*
Chagrin: *hiding his in Heartstone's hair*
Randomly: *goes on about how cute that is!*
Heartstone: *has NO idea what to say about this!*
Chagrin: *mutters that his sister is a goof*
Heartstone: ...Am I your girlfriend?
Chagrin: ...do you want to be?
Heartstone: .... *thinks of Ironhide and Eruiste* Would... I have to kiss you in public?
Chagrin: Not if it makes you unconfortable.
Heartstone: *sadly* I don't have any dowery.
Chagrin: ...that doesn't matter to me.
Heartstone: *snuggles, the movement being the answer she's too shy to voice*
Chagrin: *snuggles in return*
Randomly: *thinks that's sweet. Snuggles Honeyfuggle*
Honeyfuggle: *smiles and snuggles back*
Trailbreaker: *over at the lout table speculating about a double wedding some day soon*
Honeyfuggle: <.<
((Written by
random_xtras and