Softshoulder: *nightmare!* 0_o
Felicity: *bleary* Scott, don't move so much... *snuggling Susana*
Scott: *shaking and hides his face* Sorry... sorry.
Susana: *barely reaching to put a hand on Scott's shoulder*
Scott: *bites back a whimper*
Susana: *clicks quietly*
Scott: *quietly* Susana feeling better?
Susana: *just as quietly* A little bit...
Felicity: *is gonna snuggle your foot now, Scott*
Scott: *sighs and reaches for blankets* Sorry for noisy.
Susana: *more clicks, will move so she's all but sprawled over you, Scott. This is how the girls offer comfort*
Scott: *sighs and snuggles close* Scott sleep now.
Susana: *clicks and snuggles*
Scott: *lays quietly for a moment, and then is soon breathing deeply as the warmth and weight of the people he knows as his sisters comforts him*
Wesson: *peeks through the partially open hall door, his forehead creased with concern*
Felicity: *Clicks at Wesson, close the door plz?*
Wesson: *comes in and checks on the girls and their new brother, and then smiles a bit before going out and doing so quietly*
Destiny: *putting up a bit of a fuss as Sora brings her back to the family quarters, wants to stay with Mirage and make sure he's alright*
Wesson: *voice a deep soft rumble* Hey, Desti. What's wrong, girl?
Destiny: *wibble* Wanna make sure Mirage 's okay...
Wesson: *bit of a frown* Is he sick or something?
Sora: Jack put him into a full protoform... He was in a drone shell earlier today.
Wesson: *brows lift* They moved him already?
Destiny: *nodnod, more wibble*
Wesson: Did Professor Ruteger say everything was alright?
Sora: *nods* Just that Mirage would need the quiet of the med ward to recover.
Wesson: *gently* Then maybe you better let him have some quiet, Desti.
Destiny: *wibble* But Sarah'll get him for dolls...
Sora: *Soothingly* He's too big to dress up like a doll now, Des...
Wesson: *chuckle and put a hand on the young femme's shoulder* Yeah.
Destiny: *more wibble*
Sora: *gently* I think Simon might need snuggles, Des.
Destiny: *blink blink, nod, still doesn't want to go into the room though*
Wesson: *glances around quickly, and then reaches down into a cargo pocket and pulls out a little doll with a brown vinyl face and a soft bean bag body. Offers this to Destiny*
Destiny: *eyes wide, quiet clicks as she holds her hands out*
Wesson: *gently lays the tiny thing in her palm* Saw him the last time I went out for the mail. He looked kinda lonely sitting there on the counter.
Destiny: *clicking quietly to the doll now*
Wesson: *slight grin* Think he could stay with you for awhile?
Destiny: *nodnod, more clicks to the tiny doll*
Wesson: See if you can get his name. He wouldn't tell me.
Destiny: *nodnod*
Wesson: *grin* *quietly* Now you better get to bed, so you can keep up with Greg and Sandy tomorrow.
Destiny: *lets Sora usher her into the room*
Sora: *mouths "Thank you" to Wesson before following her sister into the room*
Wesson: *grins and continues on his patrol*
Lt. Ross: *just finished putting the last of the gym equipment away, is on her way to bed*
Wesson: *looks in there* Hey, Maria.
Lt. Ross: *small smile* Hey, John... ^_^ You heading to bed too?
Wesson: *shrug* Not really tired. Just making sure everybody's tucked in alright.
Lt. Ross: Ah... Well, don't stay up too late... The Major was talking about sparring with Tracks' brothers... and Jean's convinced the one that just arrived'll be eating mat.
Wesson: Since when has staying up all night ever slowed me down? *slight grin*
Lt. Ross: How about the time we got into Lt. Col. Berkley's wine stash? *eyes sparkling with mischief now*
Wesson: *pause. Smirk* Nooo idea what you're talkin' about.
Lt. Ross: I declare baloney. *grin*
Wesson: *wrinkles his nose* You eat baloney.
Lt. Ross: I have film of you doing the "Thriller" from that day, John. * smirk*
Wesson: I still say that ain't me. *standing at loose parade rest as he smirks at her*
Lt. Ross: Jean's also got the footage. As does Vato.
Wesson: *scratches nose* And it's all too grainy to make out.
Lt. Ross: You're the only brawny African American in our squad, John.
Wesson: *just grins at her* Still got nooo idea what you're talkin' about. *even if she has got a bean bag in her hand*
Lt. Ross: *Gonna beanbag you now, Wesson.*
Wesson: *laughing as he retreats back into the hallway* Watch the guitar!
Wesson: *Watches her go before heading back into the gym to have a look through the patio windows at the night time lake and the deck*
2nd Lt. Havoc: *is that form that's laying on the bench closest to the door*
Wesson: .... *gets door open and steps out quickly* Jean? Man, what'd you do now?
Havoc: *quietly* Came out to have a smoke.... then stuff started spinning...
Wesson: *calls him a non angry name and bends over him* Will it be safe to lift you?
Havoc: I think so...
Wesson: *scoops him up carefully* Hey, if I dropped you right they might send you where Rose is. *said with his usual good natured humor and no hint that he'd ever actually do it*
Havoc: *soft groan* She's gonna kick my #@#^& anyways....
Wesson: *turns to bring him back inside, then uses his foot to get the door to close* Hey, at least they can't get you for fraternizing now. And she didn't decide to like somebody else.
Havoc: *Quietly* She deserves better than an idiot like me...
Wesson: Yeah, but tellin' her that'd only get the teller's head bashed. *walking across the gym now* Does Doc know you're gone?
Havoc: .... No...
Wesson: *deep sigh and a curse* Here, lemme bash your head a few more times so you don't get the Look. *aims his friend's head at the door jam*
Havoc: *Flails a bit* Hey!!!
Wesson: *carries him safely through*
Havoc: *Giving his superior officer a full-blown wibble*
Wesson: *stops and frowns at him*
Havoc: You weren't really gonna bash my head against the door jam, were you?
Wesson: *rolls his eyes* You're really down, aren't you?
Havoc: *mutter* Couldn't even get my cigarette lit...
Wesson: *lays Havoc on the floor and then shifts his guitar where it's hanging on his back and goes to one knee next to his smaller friend as he pulls out his cellphone and speed dials Denver's number*
Denver: *groggy as she answers her phone* //'Lo?//
Wesson: Wesson here, Major. We have a sitch.
Denver: //...Wh't sorta sitch, Wesson?// *sounds like she's moving to get out of bed*
Wesson: I think I need to bring Jean to go see Rosie.
Denver: //...Y'u 'n th' med ward?//
Wesson: No, sir. I'm in the hall outside the gym.
Denver: //... Ah know Ah'mma regret askin' th's... 'S Jean wit' y'u?//
Wesson: *long pause, unwilling to rat friend out*
Denver: *Getting that one particular tone that means someone is going to be catching heat shortly* //Wesson....//
Wesson: *apologetic looks to Havoc* *quietly* Yessir.
Denver: //...// *hangs up*
Wesson: *looks for somewhere to hide his guitar*
Havoc: *soft sigh* Either way, I can't win.
Wesson: *scoots over to hide guitar in gym, then hurries back and stands to attention*
Denver: *Arriving a few minutes later, a multitude of emotions flickering in her eyes*
Havoc: *Managed to pull himself up to a seated position, though he is using a wall as support*
Wesson: *stoic face is go*
Denver: *grabs a handful of the front of Havoc's coat and bodily hauls him to his feet* What the $^#$@ were you thinking?! Were you even thinking?! You are supposed to be RESTING and trying to RECOVER so you don't end up making yourself even worse off than you were when Greg got that lucky hit in!!! What is wrong with you?!
Havoc: *cringing and apologizing* I wasn't thinking, sir.... I'm sorry.
Denver: You'd better be sorry! You could have seriously hurt yourself pulling a stunt like this! I don't care HOW badly you needed a #&$#$%&^ing cigarette, you should have KNOWN BETTER than to go out without someone to stick close to you in case this sort of thing happened!!!
Wesson: *looks like a soldier statue, eyes straight ahead*
Havoc: *more apologizing*
Denver: *Resisting the urge to do like she normally would, which is to give Havoc a good shake* What's more, you shouldn't have even been getting up! Dr. House tells us what to do when we're in the med ward for injuries for. A. REASON. Not because he likes bossing us around, but because he knows what will help us recover sooner! You put yourself at risk for injuring yourself worse! This behavior is UNACCEPTABLE! *If anyone is listening, they'll be able to hear the undercurrent of worry that marks her words*
Tracks: *hears that clear down the hall and around the bend. It makes him walk faster*
Wesson: *very firm chin*
Denver: Wesson, get him back to the med ward. Havoc, you're going to explain exactly what you were doing to Dr. House, and then you're going to do exactly what he tells you to do. When he releases you for light duty, you are to report to me at 400 hours to be assigned duties. Do I make myself clear?
Havoc: Crystal, sir.
Denver: Good.
Wesson: *salutes, and then stoops to pick up his friend, face expressionless as it gets when he's deeply bothered by things*
Tracks: *arrives and looks at the two men, and then at Denver*
Denver: *A bit quieter, to Wesson* After you get Jean back to the med ward, go get some rest...
Wesson: Yessir. *turns and carries Lt. Havoc away*
Denver: *Watches them go, before her shoulders slump as she sighs*
Tracks: *walks over and puts a hand on her back*
Denver: *Quietly* Ah 'ate 'avin' t' do th't.... But Jean... 'e c'ld'a seriously 'urt 'imself...
Tracks: *softly* You don't need to explain, darling.
Denver: *turns a bit, before she's moving to lean against him*
Tracks: *arms around her and cuddles her close, only to tense and look sharply toward the door of the gym as he senses a stealthy movement inside*
Denver: *quietly* Tracks?
Tracks: Stay here. *Transforming to bot as he pushes her against the wall and then slides along it himself before checking the cross corridor and scooting across to put his back to the wall by the gym door*
Denver: *is pressing herself flat against the wall when he returns, since her gun is locked up back in the room*
Tracks: *frowning* I heard something. But there was no one there.
Denver: ... *frowwwwn* Th't c'ld be bad..
Tracks: I didn't sense any energy trails, either.
Denver: ... *more frown*
Tracks: *poking self in audio* I just had these maintained.
Denver: *Quick glance around* Y'u don' th'nk 't c'ld be Soundwave, d'y'u? *Sounds a bit worried now*
Tracks: Soundwave is a lot bigger than whatever I heard.
Denver: ... *moving closer, isn't scared, you can't prove it*
Tracks: *very quietly* And it was metallic.
Denver: *lips thin as she nods* Sh'ld we 'lert y'ur boss?
Tracks: *quietly* I just did.
Denver: *nod* *Quietly* Le's git back t' th' boys...
Patrick: *sends Tracks a message: Alex and Mia volunteered to scout around and see if they could find anything.*
Tracks: *acknowledges and requests orders*
Patrick: //Go get some rest... Alex and Mia will let us know if they find anything or not... and if they do, they know how to neutralize a threat...//
Tracks: //Understood. Tracks out.// *looks at Denver and relays the message over their private channel*
Denver: *nod, then she's chuckling softly* Alex 'n Mia 're good at th' d'fense part... Ah remember th't fr'm sparrin' 'gainst 'em.
Tracks: They're our two second best trackers, too.
Denver: Th' li'l bit th't Rachel 'ad on 'er lap th't day's 'notha, rahght? *Remembers Moofy*
Tracks: *chuckles* He's the best, though he's too small to do anything once he's found something other than make a lot of noise.
Denver: *soft snerk* Well, 't least 'e's good 't th't...
Tracks: The other is Arcee. I'm not certain why Patrick didn't send her out with Ironhide and Chromia. *slight frown*
Denver: Ah dunno... *covers her mouth quickly, but that doesn't prevent the yawn that escapes*
Tracks: *gently rubs her back* We'd better get some sleep, darling.
Dr. House: *calls Denver's cell*
Denver: *grumbles a bit and answers her phone* MacKenzie here...
Dr. House: //I've got a shivering and weepy Havoc here. Do I have permission to try the treatment Wesson thinks he needs?//
Denver: *quiet sigh* Jes' make sure Rose knows she ain't 'lowed t' kick 'im.
Dr. House: //You do realize she's probably still in some form of traction yet?//
Denver: Ah know... *sigh*
Dr. House: //Don't worry, she's a tough little bird. And so is Havoc.// *and yes, he knows very well that Havoc would yell about what he just said*
Denver: *Shoulders slumping a bit more as she realizes that yet again, she's going to have to do n00b assessment* Ah know... 'S gonna be 'ard t' fahnd s'me'un t' do Jean's job...
Dr. House: *gently* //The papers just came in for Tad's transfer, too.//
Denver: ... *quietly* Ah see...
Dr. House: //Maybe you should talk to the Col. in the morning. He's got some ideas for what to do in the meantime.//
Denver: Ah'll do th't... Th'nk y'u, Dr. House.
Dr. House: *kindly* //Get some sleep.//
Denver: Ah will, Dr. House. Th'nk y'u 'gain...
Dr. House: *wishes her a good night and hangs up*
Tracks: *gentle hand on Denver's cheek to lift her eyes to meet his, his brow plates lifted quizzically. Apparently he thinks it's passe to listen in to a human cellphone conversation*
Denver: *Quietly* Jean 'n Tad're bein' transferred...
Tracks: *sucks in air* I'm sorry.
Denver: Ah'm s'posed t' talk t' Col. Franklin t'morrah...
Tracks: *nods, and then kisses her on the forehead* We'd better get to bed.
Denver: *small nod, putting her phone away for now*
Tracks: *gently arm around her shoulders as he leads her back to their suite*
((Co-written with