sv, Autobot Base, Wonderful Christmas Time

Dec 26, 2009 02:53

Sunhalo:  *crawls out of the Christmas tree and flies down the hall toward the medical bay*

Shia: *points and chirps*

Sunhalo:  *zips under the not fully closed door and swoops over to the table, then lands and looks at the two bots laying on it.  Clicks thoughtfully, and then smacks the big red and white one right on the skidplate*

Ratchet: *Soft snort, snuggles Arcee*

Sunhalo:  0_0  *well that was anticlimactic.  Walks up his side and jumps up and down on his head a few times*

Ratchet: *Grumbles a bit, barely unshuttering one optic*

Sunhalo:  *leans over and clicks to herself thoughtfully as she looks at that peeking*

Ratchet: *sticks out his glossa at Sunhalo, before going back to sleep*

Sunhalo:  0.o  *walks over and pries his optic shutter up, then pokes him in the viz scanner*

Ratchet: *startled, cuss flail, falls off the table and takes Arcee with him*

Arcee: *Awake now, and going 0_0*

Sunhalo:  *hovering above them and looking absolutely wide-eyed with shock*

Ratchet: *muttering curses and helping Arcee to her feet*

Sunhalo:  Well, dat was... unecpected.

Arcee: Sunhalo... where are your parents? *Worried about the little Seeklet*

Sunhalo:  *points to the door, flying up a little higher so that she's taller than the big bots*

Ratchet: *Grumbles unprintable mutterings, even as Arcee gently suggests going to get energon*

Sunhalo:  *clicks excitedly and darts back out, not even touching the floor with her tiny wings despite the narrowness of the gap under the door*

Hound:  *at the kitchen counter, staring at what looks like a giant roast turkey made from energon and minerals*

Showtime: *trying to hide her amusement at the looks Hound and Blurr are giving the gummiturkey*

Sunhalo: *goes and stands on the gummiturkey*

Hound:  *startles and then grins sheepishly at his little one before looking around*  Hey, Ratchet.  How're you feeling?

Ratchet: *Grumble* Like I've been run over. *expression softens as Arcee squeezes his hand*

Hound:  *sympathetic expression, then glances back at the counter*  Come see this.

Ratchet: *leads Arcee over* ...That looks like one of those 'turkey' things...

Showtime: *explaining, with the occasional Blurr input, about human traditions and customs, including the ones surrounding turkey*

Sunhalo:  *smacks the turkey, and then flies over to see what brother's doing*

Ridgeback: *playing with Shia, and learning what the wiggly bit at the end of his foot does!*

Sunhalo:  *mistimes her landing and wipes both little mechs out*  D:

Shia: *Squeak!*

Ridgeback: *Startled, puts up a fuss*

Sunhalo:  *sad clicking as she tries to hug both of them at once and can't quite reach*

Shia: *crawls back over, snuggaHalo*

Ridgeback: *clicks, snuggasissy*

Hound:  *gently scoops up all three little ones and turns to bring them to his mate, only to stop as he notices a black-haired organic man has come in while he wasn't looking*  *frowns at the guy and tries to figure out why he looks familiar*

Sharpshot: *coming back from getting Ridgeback and Sunhalo's blankies, freezes upon sighting the black-haired organic man. Moves to flatten herself against the wall as much as she can, visor snapping down reflexively*

Prowl:  *looks from Hound to his mate*  *quietly*  Don't worry.  It's only me.

Sharpshot: ...*soft snort, goes to bring the littles their blankies*

Hound:  *blinks, but returns his attention to his babies and his mate and speaks and clicks to them softly*

Ratchet: *raises brow ridge at Prowl*

Prowl:  *raises a brow back at the medic*  I apologize for being away so long.  I was hunting, and meditating.

Ratchet: *small nod as he checks the weather channel* Well, Stiletto's still at Saelen's... but the roads got cleared earlier today, so she'll probably be back home soon.

Prowl:  Should you be up already?

Arcee: *As Ratchet stinkeyes Prowl* Prowl... were you LOL'd again? *concerned*

Prowl:  No.  *looks down at himself thoughtfully*  This is one of my forms.  It seems once I've taken one my body doesn't forget it.

Ratchet: ... Huh... *attention going to the door when a car pulls up outside*

Prowl:  *goes completely still, and thus becomes almost invisible*

Showtime: *looks over at the door* *quietly, to Prowl* Stella went looking for you almost three days ago...

Prowl:  *softly*  I suspected she would.  That's why I left the reality.

Bumblebee:  *makes happy noises from the couch, where he's beating Sari and Air Raid at their video game*

Stiletto: *running back inside the base in a flurry of fur, pounces on Ace*

Ace:  *yeeks and then laughs and tickles his cousin*  Hey, Prowl just got home too.


Ace:  *snuggles her, and then scratches her ears*  Mom and Sider are out patrolling.

red-haired guy with Denver: ... *kinda going 0_o at all the 'bots*

Stiletto: *small nod, snuggles cousin, glad to be home*

Ace:  You wanna come play my new board game?  It was in a box Mudflap opened.

Stiletto: *tailswish, snuggle cousin again, looks around for someone*

Prowl:  *watching her*

Stiletto: *trying to catch Prowl's scent, happy ear perk when she does*

Prowl:  *slight nod, and then he looks at the red-haired guy.  Yes, Saelen, that's a pointed ear you see peeking out from under his hair*

Stiletto: *Transforms and clings to Ace's back, wants to see the new board game plz*

Denver: *looking around and frowning when she doesn't see whoever it is she's looking for*

Saelen: *arm around Denver's waist, looking very lost now*

Ace:  *heading off to show his cousin the cool two person strategy game*

Prowl:  *aware of the young bots going off to play as he steps toward the humans*  *quietly*  May I help you?

Denver: Ah was hopin' th't th' couple th't helped me out 'while back w'uld be 'ere...

Prowl:  Which couple would that be?  *golden eyes gleam softly in the light as he tests their scents*

Saelen: *scent is similar to good-quality leather, due to his very slight use of aftershave and cologne, mixed with a bit of hospital scent that he just can't seem to get rid of completely*

Denver: Th' pink 'un. *Smells a bit like cars and very faintly of cigarette and cigar smoke mixed with alcohol and sandalwood*

Prowl:  *stoops slightly to lift Kendell into his arms and then rubs the sparklet's back as she snuggles*  Mistfire and Scattershot live across town.

Denver: Oh... well, shoot... *seems a bit disappointed*

Prowl:  *to Saelen*  You were at the refinery explosion. Do you know First Aid?

Saelen: Er... not personally... I know of her, because of Josh...

Prowl:  Ah.  *looks down at the little one he's holding*  I was wondering, because this is her daughter.

Saelen: *blink blink* The Autobots can have children?

Prowl:  Obviously.  *steps into the shadow of the Christmas tree... and vanishes*

Hound:  Whoa!  Did you see that, Sky?

Sharpshot: *Froooown*

Saelen: ... o_o

Denver: ... Wh't th...

Hound:  It's some kind of mod he's got.  I couldn't tell you how it works, but at least now I know I wasn't seeing things the other day.

Ratchet: *cuss! And then settles down to track the ninja down and get his granddaughter back*

((Co-written with random_xtras))
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