Mistfire: *walking along the Tau mezzanine with a little on her back*
Wheelie: *happy to snuggle*
Scattershot: *walking alongside Mistfire, happily chattering about anything and everything and is holding dRumrunner's hand*
Mistfire: *pats a Wheelie butt and smirks* So... what's a rich girl supposed to do?
Scattershot: *stops as he spots something interesting. Odds that he'll get inadvertantly yanked forward?*
Wheelie: umm...*headtilt*
dRumrunner: *stops and looks up at his mentor* What is it, Scattershot?
Scattershot: *Grinning* *quietly* C'mon...Let's go get Mistfire something nice... *moves to guide dRumrunner towards a merchant's booth*
dRumrunner: *peeks after his femme mentor and his brother, then grins and goes*
Mistfire: *walks on a bit* Oh dear... *snerk* We lost Scattershot.
Wheelie: *worried* We should find him...
Mistfire: *squeezes the little mech's foot and winks at him*
Wheelie: *puzzled chirr, which turns into a snuggle attack*
Mistfire: *laughs* He snuck off to buy surprises, Slugger. It's alright.
Wheelie: oh...okay...*snuggles Mistfire, and then peeks around when he hears several other youngbots laughing and raising a ruckous* ?
TM: *surprised yelp as he's tackled by the local kids, and then he's laughing as his helmet goes flying*
Mistfire: *watches, brow quirked* Those the guys you met during that 'Con attack, Slugger?
Wheelie: *watching, nods*
Mistfire: *turns her head and rubs her cheek on him* Wanna share your cookies?
Wheelie: *nod nod, small wiggle*
Mistfire: *lets little brother down and hands him the box from her storage compartment*
Wheelie: *Snuggles Mistfire, before clicking and chirping to the youngbots who are ganging up on TM*
Five or six pairs of optics: *on Wheelie now*
Mistfire: *hunkers down to watch, her heathery purple optics smiling but watchful*
Wheelie: *moves closer, still clicking and chirping to the other youngbots, who recognize him, and are approaching with *HITHERE!* expressions* *within moments, all the youngbots have cookies, and TM is sitting up to watch with amusement dancing in his optics*
Mistfire: Don't forget the cowboy, Slugger. *smirk*
Wheelie: *offers a couple of cookies to TM, who thanks Wheelie, and sits, cross-legged to have a taste* *clicks to Mistfire and brings the box back, before he's being tugged into the game of 'tackle Torky'*
Mistfire: Heyyyy, guys. Let the cowboy finish his cookies. *puts box away as she chuckles*
TM: *laughing as he gets pounced on and used as a youngbot jungle gym*
Mistfire: *snerks softly and stands to look and see who/what else is around*
*Life is proceeding as usual, and over in a corner, Firestar and Inferno are talking amiably*
Mistfire: *watches them a bit and then returns her attention to the littles*
white and gold femme: Hey... are you guys supposed to be doing that here?
TM: *looks up from where he's being 'subdued' by the youngbots* Huh?
femme: *wearing an Elite Guard badge* Isn't it a bit of a hazard?
Mistfire: *brow quirk and smirk*
TM: Only if we play here during transit times, and these guys know better than to do that.
Wheelie: *giving the white and gold femme a wary look*
femme: *frowns, but then notices Torque's badge* You're an enforcer?
TM: *nods, and gently removes the youngbots who haven't abandoned ship* Torque Minor, at your service.
femme: Ironfist Prime. Sorry for disturbing you. *easy grin*
Mistfire: *hugga Wheelie, still hunkered*
TM: *Salutes* I take it you just arrived on the shuttle, Ma'am?
Wheelie: *Hiding face on Mistfire, but occasionally peeking out at Ironfist Prime*
Ironfist: Yes, with your newest recruit. But I'm trying to find a way to a planet called Earth.
Mistfire: *kissing Wheelie on the helmet, no sign she knows anything of this 'Earth'*
TM: New recruit? *getting up and retrieving his helmet*
Ironfist: Yeah, some yahoo named Ironhide.
TM: ooooh! *small grin*
Ironfist: I take it you know the bot.
TM: Only from what Chromia's mentioned about him, Ma'am.
Ironfist: Chromia... silvery blue femme? Outdrinks anything on servos?
TM: *nods* One of the best Enforcers we've got, Ma'am...
Ironfist: *chuckles* She owes me money. But that can wait. *rubs head* I really need to get to Earth.
TM: Any particular reason? *yes, he knows Mistfire and Wheelie are there, but he's trying to be sneaky*
Ironfist: *slight grin* Personal reasons. I'm going to join my mate.
Mistfire: *kiss kissing Wheelie's helmet still, quirks the other brow at this*
TM: *Raised brow, curious* Ma'am?
Wheelie: *making like he's falling asleep, is really trying to listen*
Ironfist: Hmm? *head tilt*
TM: Anyone I might know?
Ironfist: You know the mechs on Earth? *curious and interested*
TM: I know a couple of 'em...They used to be stationed here...buuut, if you really want to know who all is stationed there, I know a couple of information traders who do business there...
Ironfist: Ah. This bot's never been stationed on Tau. Ever hear of a mech named Jazz?
Mistfire: *kiss kiss... 0_0*
TM: *boggles* Have I heard of him...Who hasn't?! *totally going into geek mode now, kthx*
Ironfist: *slight smile* Have you heard of the youngling he's adopted?
TM: Youngling? *attempted sneaky glance at Mistfire and Wheelie*
Ironfist: Yeah... it seems he was created there on Earth. His name's Blaster.
Mistfire: *smirking behind her little brother's head*
Wheelie: *snuggles closer to Mistfire* //Should we tell her we know who she's talkin' 'bout?//
Mistfire: //Go ahead, Slugger.// *snuzzles his helmet*
Wheelie: *Quiet, and a bit unsure at first* W-we know Blaster...'n Jazz...
Ironfist: *turns her attention to the little orange guy, then hunkers down to be at his level* Do you? What's your name?
Wheelie: 'm Wheelie...*snuggles closer to Mistfire*
Ironfist: Wheelie, hmm? Is this your creator?
Mistfire: *inward wince and tighten her arms around little brother just a bit*
Wheelie: *headshake* Mistfire's my big sister.
Ironfist: Really? *optics flicking as she compares their features* Mistfire, hmm? Nice name.
Mistfire: *lazy opticked smirk as she thinks Ironfist has nooo idea the reason behind her name*
Ironfist: *grins at Wheelie* So how do you know Jazz and Blaster?
Wheelie: Blaster's one 'a my friends...'n Jazz is too...
Ironfist: Oh... you're from Earth? *perked*
Wheelie: *headshake* Live there now with Mistfire 'n 'shot...
Ironfist: *looks at Mistfire* Do you have a ship?
Mistfire: *smirk* I'd say it's more like... we know a ship.
Wheelie: *nod nod, snuggles Mistfire, and makes like he's ready for a nap*
Mistfire: *rubs his little back and cuddles him*
Ironfist: Know... Omega Supreme?
Mistfire: Nope. Rumrunner's one of his clones.
Ironfist: o.0 I know who you are now.
TM: *grin* That's the femme who sold that picture of Megatron looking like a misclocked...*looks around to make sure no other littles are around to hear his minor cuss* glitch-head.
Ironfist: ...But I hadn't known that. They say you brought Lockdown in.
Mistfire: *smirk goes a little feral* Mmmhmmm.
Wheelie: *Quietly* Clobbered 'im...*biiiiig yawn for such a little guy!*
*and nearby, someone's playing a bouncy tune over their speakers...heeey, is it coming closer?*
Ironfist: That's putting it mildly, from what I heard. *looks toward the music quizzically*
Mistfire: *grinning as she recognizes the song*
Scattershot: *basically making a fool of himself as he dances to the song he's playing* :D
Wheelie: *totally used to this by now, is gonna nap*
Ironfist: *recognizes that pink bot* *watching him in silence*
Mistfire: *watching her watch the pink bot*
Scattershot: *Dancing over to Mistfire and Wheelie* :3
Ironfist: *stands and turns to face him* Hey, Scattershot.
dRumrunner: *pauses as he follows Scattershot* ??
Scattershot: *Startles, then gives Ironfist a friendly wave* Hey! Long time no see! *moves to cuddle Mistfire and Wheelie* :3
Mistfire: *stands so as to make the cuddling easier. Leans comfortably back against her mate* You two know each other, Gorgeous?
Ironfist: *snorts at him* Still taken. And it looks like you are too.
Scattershot: *nods* Ironfist Prime was the one who handled my case when I turned myself in when I was involved in that smuggling ring Jakai mentioned... *grins to Ironfist* Yup. Happily bonded to the most beautiful femme this side of the galaxy.
Ironfist: Really now, and she seemed like such a sensible girl. *optics twinkling as she smiles slightly*
Mistfire: Am. *lazy smirk*
Ironfist: So you guys know a ship?
Scattershot: *Blink blink* er...yeah...why? *totally lost*
Mistfire: Seems she's looking for a ride to Earth. *arm that's not holding Wheelie goes up and back and hooks behind Scattershot's neck*
dRumrunner: *perks and leans against his family, listening now with even more interest*
Scattershot: *headtilt, nuzzles Mistfire's helm* Huh...how come?
Mistfire: Because she wants to go see what her bondmate's doing down there, adopting kids behind her back.
Ironfist: *bit confused by that explanation and ready to correct*
Scattershot: *'wings up* Oh? Who's the bondmate? Maybe we know the mech...
Mistfire: *laughing in her soft way* Dunno, Gorgeous. You ever hear of a guy named Jazz?
Scattershot: ...Jazz never said anything about having a ladyfriend...
Ironfist: *quietly* We've been bonded for several vorns. The war just stuck us in different places.
Scattershot: oooh...*small smile* Does he know you're heading to Earth, or are you planning on surprising him?
Ironfist: He's got no idea. *slight smile*
Scattershot: *Grin*
Ironfist: So... is there room on this ship you know for passengers?
dRumrunner: There is.
Ironfist: *looks down at the little guy quizzically*
Scattershot: *cheeky grin* He'd know...
Ironfist: *grins* Well, he's part of the crew?
Mistfire: He's part of the ship.
Ironfist: *puzzled frown* What?
Scattershot: *nods, and reaches to gently rub Wheelie's back when the little mech makes a soft sound*
Mistfire: *chhchhchhing to Wheelie, Ironfist forgotten for the moment*
Ironfist: *looks to Torque to see if he knows what they're talking about*
TM: *headtilt* You mean like a drone component or something?
dRumrunner: *blinks and looks at them, his hand going to touch Wheelie's stablizing servo* Yeah. This is my drone.
Wheelie: *shifts position slightly, and settles into a deeper stasis*
TM: Coool... :3
Ironfist: Wow. *leans down to look at the little guy, her expression friendly* So... do I talk to you? Or do you have a captain?
dRumrunner: *pats Scattershot on the butt*
Scattershot: Ack! Hey! That's Mistfire's!
Ironfist: *slight blush and throat clearing sound* Are you the captain?
Mistfire: *silent snerk fit*
Scattershot: *Playfully razzes Mistfire, before his attention goes back to Ironfist* Er...yeah...I guess...
Ironfist: *is not grinning. Nope, you can't see it* How much for passage to Earth?
Scattershot: Well.... lessee...*tilts head and closes one optic* //Should we charge her, or not, Beautiful?//
Mistfire: *snerks over the comm* //Sure. Maybe Jazz will yell and chase us around.//
Scattershot: //Hmm...How much would we have to charge to get him to spazz completely?// *nuzzles Wheelie's helm gently*
Mistfire: //...What would you say the usual fare for that distance is?//
Scattershot: *adds up the total, going by the standard rate* //...//*tells Mistfire over the comms, and yes, it's a large number*
Mistfire: //*snerk* Twice that. And we make her sweep the galley.//
Scattershot: //Oooo, I don't know who'll be more mad about that, Jazz or her...// *nods*
Mistfire: //Just keep hold of the money so you can give it back when we've had enough fun.//
Scattershot: //Gotcha.//
Mistfire: *resumes nuzzling Wheelie*
Scattershot: *keeping a straight face as he tells Ironfist a higher price than what he and Mistfire discussed* But we'd be willing to give you a discount...
Ironfist: ...That's a little steep.
Scattershot: *shrug* Like I said, we're willing to give you a discount on that price...
Ironfist: How far is it? It's not that far.... *frown* How much of a discount, and why?
Scattershot: We could knock the price down to *names the amount Mistfire suggested* If you'd be willing to help out on board...
Ironfist: That's still steep. It can't be that far. *frown*
Mistfire: You see anybody else goin' that way, sugar?
Ironfist: ....
TM: *sympathetic wince* I hate to say this...but they're right...We're usually the last stop for shuttles...
Mistfire: *smirk* And bots have to make a living.
Ironfist: *frowwwwn*
Scattershot: Plus, we're not gonna be here for much longer...at least, not this trip...and who knows when we'll head back this way...
Ironfist: *muffled growl* Help out how?
Scattershot: *hiding his grin* Mostly sweeping...
Ironfist: Sweeping what?
Scattershot: The galley...
Ironfist: *looks at dRumrunner* Are they slobs?
dRumrunner: *hides on Scattershot*
Scattershot: *Sulk* We're not that bad...
Mistfire: ...You could always try walkin'... or bum a ride on a comet.
Scattershot: *Trying to hide his snerk*
Ironfist: *more growl* Fine.
Scattershot: *'wings perk* :3
Ironfist: When do we disembark?
Mistfire: //Saywhutnow?//
Scattershot: //She wants to know when we're gonna be leaving...//
Mistfire: //I dunno. We bored yet?//
Scattershot: //I dunno about you, but I'm kinda bored...and I think Wheelie's had enough for now...//
Mistfire: *snuzzles her little brother and checks on dRumrunner, who is peeking again* //Runner looks like he wants a place with less bots, too.//
Scattershot: *nods* //So within the next five minutes? I kinda wanna see her scramble...//
Mistfire: *pushes away from him* Come to think of it, yeah, let's go home. *jogs away, dRumrunner trotting beside her*
Ironfist: *blinks and watches the tricolour femme, then looks at Scattershot*
Scattershot: *chuckles, nods to Ironfist* You'd better be able to keep up. *moves to hurry after Mistfire*
Ironfist: What? I have luggage!
Scattershot: Then hurry up! *heading for the docks*
Ironfist: *bolts, leaving Torque with no goodbye. Nearly wipes out an Inferno on her way by*
TM: *telling Firestar and Inferno to help Ironfist Prime with her luggage*
Firestar: *Hurrying after Ironfist, as is a very flustered-looking Inferno*
Mistfire: *looks back and then cracks up before continuing to the dock at an easy pace, little brother on hip and ward held by the hand*
Scattershot: *slows in his hurrying to a pace that matches Mistfire's, and he's chuckling all the while* If Jazz doesn't freak, she will when she finds out we were jerking her chain...
*the sound of a snerk drifts back faintly to the mezzanine*
((co-written with