Scattersverse, Autobot Base, Rise of the Aerialbots

May 20, 2009 01:04

First Aid: *coming home after a long and very busy night of work*

Op: *was out patrolling, and is now heading back home, catches sight of First Aid* //Mind if I join you?//

First Aid: //Oh, hello, Optimus. I don't mind.//

Op: *pulling up alongside First Aid* //Busy day?//

First Aid: //It was a busy night.// *sadness* //There was more than one case of violent injury, and one of the victims was only a little boy.//

Op: //I'm sorry to hear he alright?//

First Aid: //We didn't hear before our shift ended.// *stops at a light*

Op: *also stopping at the light* //I hope he'll be okay...//

First Aid: *sighs* //Me too.//

Bulkhead: //Hey, bossbot?//

Op: //Yes, Bulkhead?//

Bulkhead: //Uh... you know how the guys that went to the moon only found Megatron's old ship?//

Op: *not liking where this is going* //Yeah...why?//

Bulkhead: //Well something really big just took off from there... and it's heading straight for Detroit.//

Op: //...//*curses fervently, turns on his lights and sirens and rushes back to the plant*

First Aid: *right on his figurative heels*

Prowl and Jazz: *standing and watching the blip on the screen as Bulkhead scowls at it*

Blurr and Show: *Also watching the blip on the screen, matching grim expressions*

*and in the medbay, WakeJumper is pleading with Ratchet to be allowed to check out what's going on*

Shia: *clinging to Arcee, as she's one of the calmer 'bots at the moment*

First Aid: *transforms as she comes inside, her head turning toward the monitors even as she unfolds*

Op: *transforms as well, worried look in his optics* What are we looking at, timewise? When is this...thing...going to arrive?

Bulkhead: Pretty much... now. *turns and runs out of the building, followed by Prowl and Jazz*

Op: *curses, is about to head out when Ratchet all but shoves the Magnus Hammer into his servos*

First Aid: *standing and watching, her optics wide and frightened, though she herself is calm*

Bulkhead: *shouting from yard* Bossbot, we can see it!

Ratchet: Get going!

Op: *nods, and then runs out to the front yard*

Show: *hurrying to the roof, as is Blurr*

Jazz: Superion!

Op: *optics wide, tightens his grip on the Magnus Hammer* *quietly* oh, slag...

First Aid: *automatically followed Optimus, as an ambulance should follow the firetruck, is now looking up, her mouth moving silently as she prays*

Prowl: *crouches, his expression grim and determined*

Show: *taking aim at Superion, and quietly praying that she hits her mark*

Op: *battle mask up, gets into an attack stance*

Superion: *engines roaring as he comes into audio range, an angry, constant rumble sounding in his chest*

Show: *opens fire, the shots aimed for Superion's chest*

Superion: *doesn't even twitch, only continues his relentless descent*

Jazz: This is bad. This is real bad.

Prowl: *only closes mask*

Op: *Startled by the shots* Showtime! Hold your fire! *engages jetpack and shoots up to hover just out of reach of the behemoth* Superion! What are your reasons for entering Earth's airspace?

Superion: *still that angry rumbling, as of inner conflict, but the big 'Con's only reply is to swing a haymaker that will knock Optimus flying if it connects*

Op: *slams into the plant's outer wall hard*

Show: *takes that as permission to resume firing at Superion*

Blurr: *rushing at Superion, intending to distract the super-sized Decepticon*

Prowl: *leaps into the air, his own jetpack engaging as he whips out his stars and prepares to throw them*

Superion: *ignores Prowl's hologram and shoots Prowl*

Prowl: *pwned and out of the picture*

Superion: *turns cannon on Showtime*

Jazz: This is bad! *runs forward and makes his own leaping attack, sent sailing by mighty fist*

Superion: *lands, the roof crackling under his weight*

First Aid: *had been running toward Optimus, now teeters as the roof shakes, and crouches, looking up fearfully*

Show: *lands in the river, earning a panicked shout from Blurr*

Ace: *comes running out to see what all the noise and shaking is, then snaps his gun out and charges*

Op: Ace, no! *shoots out of the nice big hole that was created from him slamming into the plant, jetpack at full throttle as he swings the Magnus Hammer as hard as he can, aiming for Superion's chest*

Superion: *roars and charges*

hammer: *hits right over the mighty 'Con's spark compartment....*

Superion: .... *explodes!*

First Aid: Optimus!

Bulkhead: Bossbot!

Ace: *pwned by flying body* 0_0

Op: *oh look, another Optimus-sized hole in a nearby building!*

First Aid: *blinking, and then gasps as she realizes that there's a body laying not far from her. She doesn't stop to realize that the silver femme is unfamiliar, she only goes to try and help her*

Ace: Ow....

red and white femme: Eeeek! *skitters back from him, her red optics wide*

Bulkhead: *pauses in running to check on Optimus to hunker down and look at a tall, slender, winged mech who's sprawled across his path* Hey... where'd you come from?

Op: *getting up and leaning heavily on the Magnus hammer as he does so*

Ratchet: *Hurrying to help the tall, winged femme that landed near the door*

Blurr: *Already halfway to the river*

Ace: Hey... I'm not going to hurt you. Just take it easy. Are you hurt?

femme: *whimpering* Brothers... sisters...?

First Aid: //Ratchet... there's someone here, and she seems to be comatose.//

Bulkhead: Docbot, this guy's hurt....

Ratchet: *Grim* //I've got one over here in the same state...// Are there any more injured?

Bumblebee: //Guys... there's somebody in my room!//

Ace: *soothing talking to the frightened femme, who is huddled and staring at him* You're looking for your brothers 'n sisters? Are those the guys my friends are finding? //Dad, where are you? We just got attacked by a giant Decepticon!//

Sides: //Well that explains why nobody answered when we called for help! Sunny and I are trying to deal with that glitch, Colossus!!!//

Ace: //Oh no... I don't think anyone here's steady enough to go help!//

Sides: //*Yelps over his comm* Frag! That was too close! Forget this glitch! *arguing with Sunny about going back to the base*//

Blurr: *panicked report that Showtime is severly injured, and that he's bringing her back to base*

Ace: *is suddenly glomped and clung to* Ack! Hey... it's okay.

Jazz: *over offering Optimus a hand*

Op: *grateful for the help*What happened?

Jazz: The cat exploded. 'N turned into a lotta other guys... 'n gals.

Op: ...are they alright?

Jazz: *quietly* I don't think so....

Op: *worried* How badly are they hurt? *Is starting to blame himself*

Ratchet: *authoritative tone* Get all the wounded to the repair bay!

Jazz: I'm not sure, OP, but the Doc don't sound too happy... see?

Op: *grim nod*

WJ: *took the opportunity presented, is now getting the mech that landed in Bumblebee's room to the repair bay*

Prowl: *helping with Showtime despite his rather pronounced leak*

Blurr: *trying not to freak out*

Ace: *brings the red and white femme, as ordered. A little clumsy, as she's taller than he is* Hey, what's your name anyway?

femme: *hides her face on him*

Bulkhead: *bringing in his find as well, worried about the guy*

Ratchet: *carefully sets the femme he encountered on one of the repair tables*

WJ: *sets the mech that he found on another repair table*

Bumblebee: *following WakeJumper in, despite orders given at the start of the night to stay on his berth*

Bulkhead: *looks around* ...We're gonna need more tables....

Ratchet: *quiet sigh* I know...

First Aid: *brings in hers and gently lays her on the floor, then goes to see Ace's*

Prowl: *helping Blurr and Showtime inside*

Show: *barely responding, trying to conserve energy*

Prowl: Ratchet... Showtime needs help... she's... badly hurt.

Bulkhead: *sets down his find and goes to gently pick Showtime up*

Ratchet: Bring her over here...*setting a tarp on the floor, and trying his hardest not to think about the similarities between some of the battles in the war, and the situation at hand*

Omega Supreme: *peeks his drone around the door* Ratchet?

Ratchet: *startled*

Omega Supreme: I didn't go with Arcee. I wanted to help.

Bulkhead: *is gently laying Showtime down*

Bumblebee: *small cry of surprise as Prowl crumples*

Ratchet: *quiet sigh* It's going to be a long solar cycle...

*that night, shortly after Arcee and Stiletto returned with the youngbots from where they hid during the attack...*

WJ: *helping Blurr escort Showtime and Shia to one of the spare rooms that has been turned into makeshift quarters*

Arcee and Stiletto: *making sure the rest of the youngbots get tucked in for the night, and afterwards, head off for a bit of 'girl talk'*

First Aid: *shaking with weariness as she drinks some oil and mechanically prepares to go to work* -_-

Bumblebee: *passed out over the back of the couch, and having bad dreams*

Sari: *helping WakeJumper and Blurr*

Op: *quiet concern for First Aid* Maybe you should take some time off...

First Aid: *doesn't realize who he's talking to at first, but then blinks and looks up* Hmmm?

Op: *gentle tone, concern showing clearly on his face* You look tired...maybe it would be a good idea to take a few days off from work to rest...

First Aid: *too tired to understand* But I have a shift... are you supposed to be up?

Op: *like he's really the best example of getting plenty of rest* You've been up since your last shift...*quietly* I just...don't want you to get hurt...

Kathy: *frowning as she catches the tail end of the latest news, before she calls First Aid*

First Aid: *blinking at Optimus, and then says excuse me and pokes herself in the ear* //First Aid here.//

Kathy: I just saw the news...Are you guys alright?

First Aid: //Oh, hello, Kathy. Ah... that would depend on what kind of 'alright' you mean.//

Kathy: *sigh* You haven't gotten any rest since the last shift, have you?

First Aid: //No... there were too many repairs. Showtime is hurt badly, as are Prowl and Optimus. And the bots who arrived today... most of them are comatose.//

Kathy: *if she were there, she'd be frowning and giving First Aid her "Stern Paramedic Look"* Get some rest...I'll let the hospital know that you're not going to be available for this shift.

First Aid: //But, Kathy... the othes aren't allowed to give such short notice. And I'm no different from the rest of the staff....//

Kathy: It'll be alright. Considering the circumstances, I'm pretty sure this qualifies as a family emergency. I'll take care of things at the hospital, you just worry about getting some rest.

First Aid: //Yes, Ma'am.... *sighs without realizing it*//

Kathy: *reassuring tone* It'll be alright. Get some rest, and I'll see you the shift after this coming one.

First Aid: //Yes, Kathy. First Aid out.// *looks up at Optimus*

Op: Was that Kathy or Josh?

First Aid: It was Kathy. She told me to stay at home. *drooping wearily*

Op: *gentle shoulder pat* She just wants what's best for you...

First Aid: *incoherent murmur as she unintentionally leans forward and headbutts him with a soft clang*

Op: *slight wince, but hides it* I's time for you to get some recharge...

First Aid: *doesn't reply, only starts to gravitate toward the floor*

Op: *quiet sigh, moves to lift First Aid from her chair*

First Aid: *startles awake* What? No! No, Optimus. *wriggles* Ratchet says you're supposed to be resting. Remember?

Op: I'll rest in a bit...You need to rest too...

First Aid: Please put me down. Ratchet will be furious.

Op: Alright...but promise me you'll rest...and not in a chair? *Sets First Aid down*

First Aid: *puts a hand on his chest to steady herself, then gives him a gentle little push* I promise. Please go and lay down now?

Op: *nods, and turns to head for his quarters*

First Aid: *watches him go, and then turns her head* Oh, Bumblebee.... *moves to pick the little bot up, then turns and brings him to the repair bay*

Ratchet: *finishing up on the last comatose mech, and looking very weary*

First Aid: *looks around, and then simply walks up to him* *softly* He's sick again. I think he did too much.

Sari: *has come back, with her dad* Let us take care of him, and watch over these guys. You two go and rest.

Ratchet: *quiet sigh, nods* Alright...if anything happens though, let us know immediately...

Professor Sumdac: *gentle smile* Of course we will, Ratchet. Now go and get some rest.

First Aid: *lays Bumblebee down on a makeshift bed on the corner, then startles as the red and white femme tiptoes over to Ratchet and hides her face on him*

Ratchet: *gently pats the femme's shoulder* It's going to be alright, Fireflight...

Fireflight: *softly* Brothers... sisters.

Professor Sumdac: ...Who is this? *moves his crane higher so that he can see her, his expression quizzically friendly*

Ratchet: *gently* They're resting right now...but they'll be okay...

WJ: That's Fireflight. *points to the comatose mechs and femmes one by one* Air Raid, Slingshot, Skydive, and Silverbolt...they're her brothers and sisters.

Professor Sumdac: When did they arrive?

Sari: *quietly fussing over Bumblebee, getting him covered up and tucked in*

First Aid: *listing badly where she's standing next to Ratchet and Fireflight*

Ratchet: *Raised brow ridge as WJ names the other 'bots, will ask how he came up with those names later* They were that giant 'Con that attacked us earlier...*notices First Aid* Go get some rest, First Aid...I'll be alright.

First Aid: Yes, sir. *too tired to process*

Professor Sumdac: *surprise and fear* The Decepticon!?

WJ: They were that Decepticon...Now they're not...*moves to help First Aid* I don't think they're Decepticons anymore.

First Aid: *looks at WakeJumper blankly and blinks*

Professor Sumdac: But how can that be? Why would they change alliegience?

Fireflight: *snugga Ratchet and yawn, then whimper softly*

WJ: *supporting First Aid* They're new...And when the rest of them wake up, they'll probably be scared and confused...*quick glance at Fireflight* Besides, I don't know of many 'cons that would act like she's acting now...

Ratchet: *quietly talking to Fireflight, is trying to coax the femme into laying down on another of the makeshift berths that were brought into the medbay*

Professor Sumdac: I am confused.

Sari: Dad... could you come look at Bumblebee?

Professor Sumdac: *distracted and goes*

Fireflight: *doesn't want to let go of Ratchet. Is scared*

WJ: *moves to guide First Aid to one of the makeshift berths, before suggesting that Ratchet recharge on one of them as well*

First Aid: *in stasis as she stands, and lays down with no argument*

WJ: *Carefully lifts First Aid up and gently sets her on the berth*

First Aid: *sleeps*

WJ: *chuckles a bit, before moving two of the makeshift berths so they're side by side* *gently, to Fireflight* If Ratchet's right next to you, would that be okay?

Fireflight: *watches him, without letting go of Ratchet*

Ratchet: *trying to get Fireflight to let go of him long enough for WJ to help the femme onto one of the berths*

Fireflight: *looking back and forth between them, her browplates drawn together in a light frown as she tries to figure things out*

WJ: *quiet clicking, and reassurances that Fireflight can hold onto Ratchet as soon as he's on the other berth*

Fireflight: *listening to him, her grip loosening as curiosity lights her ruby optics. And then she hesitantly tries to mimic the sound*

WJ: *gentle smile, clicks again*

Fireflight: *responds*

Ratchet: *begins moving towards the closest berth*

Fireflight: *too caught up in wonder of clicks to notice*

WJ: *nods, smiling*

Fireflight: *mouth twitches, but the smile doesn't actually happen*

WJ: *begins gently trying to guide Fireflight to the berth next to the one Ratchet is currently getting onto, still clicking in a reassuring tone*

Fireflight: *clicks back, so focused on WakeJumper that she clips her leg on the table her silver sister is on and then squeals softly with distress*

WJ: *moves to check Fireflight's leg for injury, still using a reassuring tone*

First Aid: *opened optics and turned head to check the sound, is in stasis again*

Fireflight: *leg is okay. She was only startled*

WJ: *gentle*'re just bumped into the table, that's all...nothing to be scared of...*attempt number two at getting Fireflight onto the berth*

Fireflight: *obediently lays down, turning her head from side to side to see the world from this vantage... and discovering Ratchet!* *happy clicks*

Ratchet: *gently pats Fireflight's hand, a small smile on his face*

WJ: *quiet chuckle, goes to get some of the blankets that have apparently multiplied since the last time he looked*

Fireflight: *snuggaRatchet!*

WJ: *gently drapes one of the larger blankets over Fireflight and Ratchet*

Fireflight: *clicking away, 'talking' up a storm*

Ratchet: *quiet chuckle, responding in like, until he starts to nod off*

Fireflight: *talks on after Ratchet's fallen into stasis, till finally she too fades out with a sigh*

WJ: *gently covers Fireflight's siblings with blankets as well, before dimming the lights, and heading for his own berth to get some rest*

*Sari and her dad continue to work in the one lighted corner, till Bumblebee's systems have cooled again. And then they settle down to monitor the inhabitants of the bay*

((co-written with random_xtras))
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