girlRatchet-verse. Health and Human Services Building, Washington DC. Beginning

Oct 15, 2011 18:18

Ironhide: *growling* Ratchet, so help me. I don't tell you how to repair (does too), so stop telling ME how to shoot! *takes another potshot at the 'Cons hiding in the junk yard*

Ratchet: *from where she's also taking shots at the 'Cons* The slag you don't! *is more focused on providing cover fire for Ironhide so he can get enough room to unleash doom upon the 'Cons*

Ironhide: Harrumph! Only when you're working on me! I'm not shooting at you, so stick a gear in it!

Bumblebee: *pops up nearby, playing the music from the shoot the duck game at the fair*

Ratchet: Shut up and shoot! *pew pew pew!*


Bumblebee: *pops up again* 'Too slow!' *then twerps happily at Ironhide, and even though he knows the old bot's been happily bonded to Chromia for a long time, cocks an eye at his grouse with Ratchet session and starts playing 'Single Ladies'*

Ironhide: *takes a warning shot at Bumblebee. Again*

Ratchet: Quit shooting at our teammates!

Ironhide: *as Bumblebee laughs merrily* STOP TELLING ME WHAT TO DO!!! *pots a 'Con* Eight.

Ratchet: So help me, Ironhide, if I have to repair ONE MORE teammate that you've shot for saying or doing something that you find irritating, I'll weld your aft to the floor for a week!

Bumblebee: 'That wasn't eight! That one guy had two heads!'

Ironhide: I know how to count! *growls at Ratchet and takes another shot at the enemy*

Ratchet: *cautious peek around what she's using for shelter to see if there are any 'Cons foolish enough to try and approach*

Ironhide: *still grumbling about knowing how to count* Keep your stupid target of a fat head down.

Ratchet: *gives him a scathing Look from over her shoulder*

Ironhide: *accidentally ricochets a shot that nearly wings her*

Ratchet: *startled curse, hits the deck* SHOOT THE FRAGGING DECEPTICONS, YOU RUSTED OLD SCRAPHEAP!!! *yeah, that got a little too close for her liking*

Ironhide: *rises to his full height of ire* DON'T TELL ME... Urk. *keels over like a pole axed ox*

Bumblebee: *squeee!*

Ratchet: *SO many obscenities as she scrambles over to Ironhide and scans him*

Ironhide: *shell shows no sign of weapons damage, but his vitals are dangerously low*

Ratchet: *frantically working to get Ironhide stabilized, is also calling for backup*

Wheeljack: //I can't come! Ohslagohslagohslag, please don't all three of you die!// *frantic engineer femme is frantic!*

Ratchet: *very worried now* //What's the situation on your end, Wheeljack?// *checking everything she can think of to keep Ironhide going*

Wheeljack: //'Mia just got vaped, and Arcee died from the shock. I'm tryin' ta keep Elita here!//

Ratchet: *low* //...Oh, slag....//

Sideswipe: //Dude! Optimus just fell on Streaker!//

Ratchet: *going to do something very risky that she's often lectured her assistants against doing, due to the extremely high risk of being taken with the patient.... Works to hook her systems to Ironhide's*

Wheeljack: //Elita's gonna survive. ...I think.//

Lennox: //Ratchet, clear your team out of there. We're bringing the rain.//

Ratchet: *relays this to Bumblebee* //I need help getting Ironhide evacuated, and I need it now!//

Bumblebee: *pops his butt over the rubble in the direction of the 'Cons and slaps it, then scoots toward his superior officers*

Ratchet: *trying to reach Ironhide through the link provided by her wrist cable* -Ironhide!-

Ironhide: *pain, confusion, reaching for a voice he can no longer hear*

Ratchet: *trying to stay calm* -I've got you, Ironhide. Focus on my voice.- *moving to try and carefully lift the old soldier*

Ironhide: *world is falling apart all around him, and his mind is starting to fragment*

Bumblebee: *squeals and hunkers down as a huge shadow falls over them*

Ratchet: *trying desperately to get Ironhide to focus, isn't paying much attention to her surroundings* -Ironhide! Report!-

Bumblebee: *relief then as he recognizes the massive human made shuttlebot* Skymine! They need evac!

Skymine: *perks at the familiar word, and then scoops up medic and patient before launching into the air and away*

Two weeks later

Ironhide: *tearing savagely through the base, smashing things and bots that get in his way and raging incoherently in Cybertronian* *again*

Wheeljack: Oh $$@##@#@! *grabs the humans she'd been walking with and dives into a bot size supply closet as she hears the approaching storm*

Ratchet: *string of obscenities as she chases Ironhide down, intends to sedate the old soldier*

Optimus: //Ratchet, Director Mearing informs me that there is a disturbance on the lower levels.// *concern in the deep voice. He suspects he knows what's happening down there*

Ratchet: //It's Ironhide.// *yes, again* //I'll get him.// *again*

Optimus: //Ratchet, you evaded a direct response the last time I asked you if this had happened before, and the cause. I understand not wishing to further burden me while I was concerned for Elita, but she is once more at full capability.//

Ironhide: *rips the door off the elevator when it tries to lock him out, then gets on and heads up*

Ratchet: *string of curses* //He's on the elevator now!//

Optimus: //Does he require apprehension?//

Wheeljack: *peeks out of the closet with her armload of soldiers*

Ratchet: //If we don't stop him, he could endanger anyone in his path.// *sounds so irritated right now, is currently seeking an alternate route up*

Optimus: //Understood. I'm on my way.//

Skymine: //Detain!//

Ratchet: *climbing the elevator cables and cursing up a storm*

Optimus: //Skymine, no! Fall b...//

massive explosion: *shakes the entire base*

Optimus: //Skymine!//

Skymine: //...Bad 'Hide.//

Ratchet: *more cursing* //%#$(&%$(*%&$@!!!!//

Optimus: //Ratchet, Elita and I are cut off by rubble. Are you able to continue pursuit?//

Ratchet: //The elevator's blocking my path... I'll be up as soon as possible.// *so not amused. Will get to the floor below the one the elevator is stopped at, and push the 'up' button to get it out of her way*

Optimus: //Understood.//

Ratchet: *once the elevator's arrived and she's gotten up to the floor above, she'll look around to see where Skymine and Ironhide are*

Skymine: *is easy to see. The big femme is sitting in the corridor, trying to figure out how to put a shattered leg back together as she frowns like a child*

Ratchet: *moves to see how bad the damage is, worrying*

Skymine: *looks up* Ratch! Detain, detain!

Ratchet: *soothing patpat* I'll get him, Skymine... *worried for the youngster*

Skymine: *nod nod* Detain!

Ratchet: //Wheeljack, can you come up and stay with Skymine while I chase down the resident walking weapons factory?//

Wheeljack: //What happened ta Skymine??// *worried engineer is worried!*

Ratchet: //She tried to detain Ironhide and he didn't appreciate it.//

Wheeljack: //Ack!// *incoherent cussing and fussing that makes a pretty clear answer to Ratchet's question. There are even a few threats against Ironhide's person in there*

Ratchet: //I'll deal with Ironhide. Just get up here.// *terse and worried*

Wheeljack: //Yeah yeah, I'm slaggin' comin'! Hold on, Skymine, I'll be right there.//

Ratchet: *soothing sounds for Skymine* Wheeljack's on her way up. I'll go detain Ironhide. *gentle patpat and then she's moving to try and locate the weapons specialist*

Ironhide: *is that shriek of Sunstreakerish terror in the entrance hall*

Ratchet: *RUNNING*

Ironhide: *shaking the golden fighter till his armour plating rattles, and snarling furiously all the while*

Sideswipe: *watching the abuse of her brother with a savage scowl and raised blades*

Sunstreaker: Ahhhh! My processor!

Ratchet: Ironhide! That's enough! *hurrying over*

Ironhide: *ignores Ratchet and slams Sunstreaker against the wall*

Ratchet: *moves to try and tackle Ironhide, will go for the wires in the neck*

Ironhide: *belts her upside the head with a Sunstreaker, who is so addled that Ratchet nearly catches his pole ax with her person*

Ratchet: *is one determined lady, and isn't above fighting dirty to reach her goal, though being belted with a teammate wasn't on today's agenda*

Ironhide: Stay back! Leave me alone, you hag!

Ratchet: Not while you're using teammates as blunt weapons! *going for the wires!*

Ironhide: *throws Sunstreaker at her* *bitterly* You've already done enough damage.

Ratchet: *barely manages to dodge thrown teammate* *grim determination on her face and a brief flicker of pain in her optics*

Ironhide: Haven't you slagging tortured me enough, you miserable old !#@$#@?? *working himself up to a frothing rage again*

Ratchet: *desperate measures then.... out comes a sedative gun*

Ironhide: *sees that and roars his hurt rage* I hate you! I'll kill you, $#@$@#. *a lunge, impossibly fast, and then a big fist is smashing with brutal force into Ratchet's face*

Ratchet: *startled and stunned, drops the sedative gun as she's knocked back into the nearest wall*

Ironhide: *glowers murderously down at her, then whirls and smashes through the sealed blast door, transforming as he goes. Is soon out of sight*

* * *

Wheeljack: *hazy, as though from a distance, but getting closer* Ratchet? Hey, c'mon, Ratch. You're fully functional, so quit bein' so block-headed 'n wake up already. *sounds tired and wrung out*

Ratchet: *groggy, slowly coming online* Nnn....

Wheeljack: That's it, Ratchet! I knew ya were in there! *gentle slap to the taller femme's face*

Ratchet: *slight flinch at the slap and then she's blinking a bit* ...Wheeljack? *will move to try and sit up*

Wheeljack: Ah ah ah! Not so slaggin' fast. *tries to hold her friend down, despite Ratchet being built like a linebacker*

Ratchet: *so confused* What?

Wheeljack: *peers into her optics* What's the last thing ya remember?

Ratchet: *just a bit dazed looking* *frowns and thinks* I was climbing the elevator cables.... *optics widen and then she's trying to sit up again* Skymine's hurt!

Wheeljack: Skymine's fine. I finished 'er repairs two hours ago. She's watchin' cartoons with Bee 'n the little twins.

Ratchet: *wibble* Let me up, Wheeljack...

Wheeljack: *gives her a stink eye* You wouldn't let me up yet, if I was the one on the table.

Ratchet: *more wibble* *is worried about Skymine, and wants to see for herself that the youngster is alright*

Wheeljack: *quietly* Besides, we got other stuff ta worry about. Charlotte Mearing's ordered Ironhide decommissioned.

Ratchet: *so shocked that she forgets that she's supposed to be laying down* What?!

Wheeljack: You heard me. The sick ##$#%$@&'s talkin' like he's some defective drone that's gone haywire.

Ratchet: *trying to sit up, and calling Director Mearing all manner of rude names*

Wheeljack: *lets her up* *quietly* I never expected ta hear Optimus yell at a human. 'Specially not that loud.

Ratchet: *cycling air and feeling ill, though she's not sure if it's due to waking up on a table or due to being so upset*

Wheeljack: *offers her a hand off the table* Nobody can find 'im, though. He ain't showin' up on any radar or anythin'.

Ratchet: *glad for the help* What direction was he heading in?

Wheeljack: Nobody saw. *absently dusts the bigger femme off*

Ratchet: *quietly* Slaggit.....

Wheeljack: *hangs her head slightly* Yeah... He... Him and 'Mia...?

Ratchet: *quiet as she slowly nods*

Wheeljack: *sadly* So that's why he's gone crazy?

Ratchet: *softly* It's quite likely... *wishing she could have done more for the old soldier she saw as a brother*

Wheeljack: I thought people died when their bond mate did. *lifts her head and leans back to check something in the next room*

Ratchet: *quietly* I had him linked into my systems.... *intakes hitch*

Wheeljack: Yeah... I saw that. That helped?

Ratchet: It.... It kept him alive.... *gaze going to her hands* *softly* But at what cost?

Wheeljack: *sighs and pats her* Y'know what? Tryin' get some defrag time.

Ratchet: *quietly* I'll do that....

Wheeljack: Good. 'N I'll go watch 'Funny Farm' with the kids. *turns and shuffles out*

Ratchet: *very soft 'heh' as she moves to go get comfortable and defrag*

A week and a half later....

*in the time since Ironhide has gone missing, the infirmary has been 'properly' given the name "Hatchet's Lair", as Ratchet has become far more irritable the longer Ironhide has been gone. Even preparing for the cross-country drive to deliver parts and materials has been a terse situation, though spirits have lifted, somewhat, at the prospect of being on the road on a low-risk mission*

Ratchet: *grouchy and quite upset. Feels as though she's not doing her job by not being out searching for Ironhide, even with the orders she was given earlier today. She got into an epic row with Director Mearing the other day, and apparently, the shouting could be heard outside, or so some of the other Autobots had said....*

Bumblebee: *speeds up suddenly and gently nudges the medic's back bumper*

Ratchet: *startles* What?

Ironhide: *voice deep and calm, from somewhere back there behind the young scout* What're you staring at?

Skids: ...Nothin'.

Ratchet: ... *would be staring if she were in root mode* *as it is, she stalls slightly*

Bumblebee: *soft meep of surprise as he accidentally nudges her again, this time a little harder*

Optimus: //Ratchet, is something the matter back there?//

Ironhide: *gruff* //You alright, Ratchet?//

Optimus: //Ironhide????//

Ratchet: *breaking formation to fall back to Ironhide's position*

Optimus: //Ratchet, report?// *sounds hopeful and just a little fearful to one who knows him well*

Ratchet: *to Optimus* //Let me scan him...// *yes, that's a bit of shock and possibly a bit of apprehension in her voice*

Ironhide: *bumps her* //You're crossing the line, stupid.//

Elita: *quietly, to Optimus* //He sounds almost normal....//

Optimus: *startled* //Indeed.//

Ratchet: *scanning the black Topkick and hoping against hope at this point* *a bit snippily* //Don't tell me how to drive.//

Ironhide: *sudden black and very familiar suspicion* //Are you trying to scan me?//

Ratchet: *trying to stay calm* //I'm not above sitting on you if I have to, Ironhide.//

Ironhide: *gives her the same reaction he's given her since the two of them met the day he joined Megatron's Protectors. That is to say, he guns his engine and heads for the head of the convoy!*

Bumblebee: *'Dukes of Hazard' chase theme!*

Ratchet: //Slaggit, mech! HOLD STILL!// *gives chase* //Bumblebee, that's enough!// *yup. Just like old times*

Optimus: *soft groan, but there's so much relief in it...*

Elita: *so amused, will give the inside of his trailer a gentle nudge*

Optimus: //Now I just have to keep Will and Director Mearing from killing each other. And Mearing from killing Ir... is that 'Yakety Sax'?//

Elita: //...// *snickerfitdie*

Ratchet: *string of obscenities over comms as she chases Ironhide*

Optimus: *as he watches them vanish into the distance the comms are suddenly filled with his deep and relieved laughter*

A few hours later.....

Optimus: *standing in front of one of the human balconies, his arms folded across his chest as he looks down at the person standing there*

Director Mearing: *so not intimidated, nor is she impressed* He's a danger to himself and to society. He needs to be decommissioned before he kills someone.

Optimus: He's nothing of the sort, and killed no one while he was missing. You are over reacting.

Director Mearing: You can't guarantee that. You didn't even know where he was for the past week and a half! *narrows her eyes behind her designer glasses and frowns*

Optimus: I have known Ironhide for several million years. In view of that, I feel that I do, in fact, know that. Besides, Sideswipe attacked him upon our return to base. Were you aware of this?

Director Mearing: .... Why was I not informed of this?! *soooo upset*

Optimus: Because the attack was anticlimactic. He caught Sideswipe in one hand and handed her to Ratchet, then went to his room to see if the younger twins had broken in again to abscond with his entertainment files.

Director Mearing: *frowning muchly now* His behavior earlier is still unacceptable, Optimus Prime.

Optimus: *quietly* Chromia was his wife. When Cybertronians marry they bond their sparks together so that they are in essence one creature in two bodies. I would like to see how rational you would be while half dead, Director.

Director Mearing: .... *not sure how to respond to that*

Optimus: *gaze steely* Furthermore, I myself will soon be marrying.

Director Mearing: .... *a bit shocked, not that she'll let that slip past her mask of professionalism*

Optimus: *severely* And I should also inform you that there is a small, but very possible chance that said marriage could result in infant Transformers.

Director Mearing: ...So your numbers are going to increase. *sooo not happy about this*

Optimus: *yes, that's actually a glower you just got, Mz Mearing*

Sunstreaker: *peeks in* *cheeky grin* I think she's just jealous 'cause she can't get a mate of her own, Optimus.

Director Mearing: *GLARES at Sunstreaker*

Ironhide: *from back in the doorway* So then you and she are in the same boat, eh, Sunstreaker?

Sunstreaker: *startled curse as he jumps*

Optimus: *startles slightly at that deep voice behind him*

Ironhide: *studies the small golden mech* You don't look any more damaged than usual.

Sunstreaker: Slaggit, WARN a mech next time you're gonna stand behind 'em! *SCOWL*

Ironhide: Why? It's funnier to watch you twitch. *actually grinning*

Sunstreaker: *grumbles and curses, calling Ironhide all manner of impolite names*

Director Mearing: .... *to Optimus* ...Is that normal?

Optimus: *turns to frown at her from where he'd been watching his friend interact with Sunstreaker* To what are you referring?

Director Mearing: .... *gestures to the golden mech and the black mech*

Optimus: *looks at the pair* Yes, that is indeed their normal mode of interaction.

Director Mearing: ... *headshake, sigh* We'll be in contact with you. *the issue concerning Ironhide isn't over, not in her book*

Optimus: Very well. Good night, Director Mearing.

Ironhide: *very low recording of a cow sound*

Optimus: IRONHIDE!

Ironhide: *unrepentant smirk as he stamps out, wapping Sunstreaker upside the head as he goes*

Sunstreaker: *acks at the wap, was laughing himself silly at the cow recording*

Director Mearing: *GLARES at Sunstreaker a bit more before storming off. Thankfully, she's wearing the tennis shoes and not her fancy high heels...*

Sunstreaker: *soooo not fazed by the glare. Ratchet's glares are scarier*


Ironhide: *walks past the quarters that he used to share with Chromia, not even looking at the door though he knows very well that Ratchet's in there laying in wait* //You're not scanning me, so give it up.//

Ratchet: *stubbornly, as she emerges from the quarters* //I have to make sure you're not seriously hurt, Ironhide.//

Ironhide: *snort* Do I look hurt? Stop proving you're an old woman.

Ratchet: *quietly* You were gone for a week and a half, Ironhide.

Ironhide: *gruff grumble* My chrono works.

Ratchet: Then where the slag were you?!

Ironhide: Out. *sticks head into an empty room, and then walks in*

Ratchet: *low, frustrated sound* That tells me nothing!

Ironhide: Good. *shuts the door in her face*

Ratchet: .... *string of cursing*

Bumblebee: *quiet ping over comms*

Ratchet: *grouchy, but not the 'liable to throw things at anyone who so much as looks at her wrong' grouchy* //What is it, Bumblebee?//

Bumblebee: //Um... I just got back from stopping at Sam's. Uh... can I talk to you about something... in the infirmary?//

Ratchet: *soft sigh* //I'll meet you there...// *grumbles a bit about Ironhide being a stubborn glitch as she moves to head to the infirmary* *pauses as she realizes that Ironhide didn't snark nearly enough at her to be back to normal* *puzzling over this as she resumes walking and comes to the conclusion that the old mech's hiding something*

Bumblebee: *sitting on the table and swinging his legs when she comes in. Is absently munching on something from a bag in his hand*

Ratchet: *scans the scout out of habit as she moves to approach*

Bumblebee: *in perfect health, though something has his systems running a bit more quickly than usual as though he's surprised, nervous, or fearful about something. The munching that's going on seems to discredit the possibility of the first and last*

Ratchet: So, what was it you needed to talk to me about?

Bumblebee: *ducks his head, his faceplates heating as the bag of packing peanuts trembles in his hand* Um....

Ratchet: *quietly* Bumblebee....

Bumblebee: I... *voice squeaks and statics* Um... Kissed somebody.

Ratchet: *raised brow ridge* *squashing the urge to shout that Bumblebee is too young to be doing that sort of thing, since he's not a hatchling anymore, nor is he a youngling...* Who was it?

Bumblebee: *blushing even harder now as he swallows* Sam.

Ratchet: ..... *blink blink blink*

Bumblebee: *looks up earnestly, still blushing* Ratchet... is there any way that humans and Transformers can... can love each other? Or... should I just forget that this ever happened?

Ratchet: *slowly and quietly* I've never heard of it happening.... But according to human custom, Sam is an adult.... *see her trying to puzzle this out in her head? She's trying to understand....*

Bumblebee: *looking down again* *quietly* We were watching a movie while she cleaned up the garage and griped at me about the wrappers I left laying around. And then the people in the movie kissed, and I complained that I'd never been kissed, so Sam... *sigh*

Ratchet: *blink blink blink* ... *softly* As long as it's mutually consensual, I see no reason to protest....

Bumblebee: But there wasn't any of that tingle I've heard Sunstreaker talk about. And Sam's so little and soft. *frown*

Ratchet: *soft snort* What have I said about listening to Sunstreaker?

Bumblebee: *peeks up at her* You mean there isn't any tingle that makes you feel dizzy?

Ratchet: *slight shrug* But remember, Sunstreaker doesn't always know what he's talking about.... *though now she is curious....*

Bumblebee: Yeah, but Sideswipe says he's kissed girls back on Cybertron. Even Mirage says Sunstreaker's done it.

Ratchet: *soft 'hrmm', considering look*

Bumblebee: *blinks* You've never kissed anybody either? *so surprised!*

Ratchet: *more slight shrug*

Bumblebee: Um... oh. Well... is it true that kissing girls can wind up making you married to them? Do you know that?

Ratchet: That only happens with Cybertronians...

Bumblebee: Oh. *looks around, and then slides off the table* I better go see what Skids 'n Mudflap're doing. It's kinda quiet.

Ratchet: If you need to knock their heads together, just don't do it hard enough to seriously damage them. *chuckle*

Bumblebee: *chuckles and walks out, swinging his bag of snacks and calling a greeting to Fig and Perceptor as he goes*

Ratchet: *thinking about what Bumblebee said, will move to see if there's any merit in the scout's words*

Fig: *looks up and grins* Hey, Ratchet, you makin' sure Bumblebee's runnin' right?

Perceptor: *shy peek upward through his quiet blue optics* *is on the way to the labs after Optimus asked for a little private time with Elita*

Ratchet: Something like that.... *considering look for both Fig and Perceptor*

Fig: ...What?

Perceptor: *quizzical head tilt* *softly* Miss Ratchet? Is something amiss?

Ratchet: There's something I need assistance with.... An experiment, of sorts....

Fig: Uh... what kinda assistance? You need stuff moved?

Perceptor: *silent curiosity on his small, human-like face*

Ratchet: Nothing needs to be moved this time, Fig.... *will offer her hand to the human soldier and the scientist*

Fig: So whaddyou need help with, then? *up onto her hand without hesitation, and then turns to help the shy scientist up. Is unfazed either by Perceptor's slight towering over him, or the size of the hand he's sitting in. Here in the base, everything is safe and cool. Except maybe the new director*

Ratchet: Bumblebee mentioned something that he heard from Sunstreaker.... I would like to test the validity of what was stated...

Fig: *snort* What was Chromeface sayin' this time?

Ratchet: Apparently, when a mech kisses a femme, there is some kind of energy transfer that results in a tingling sensation.

Fig: *doubletakes, and then squints* How'm I supposeta help with that?

Perceptor: *just watching with his usual intense and silent curiosity*

Ratchet: *suddenly finding herself a bit sheepish. Understands Bumblebee's discomfort better now* *hesitantly leans to gently plant a kiss on Fig*

Fig: *surprised flail* Hey! Whoa... mrrphhhh.

Perceptor: Oh, my word.

Ratchet: *breaks the kiss and frowns as she notes the lack of tingle*

Fig: *wipes his mouth* Hey... next time warn a guy, alright? *is miffed*

Ratchet: *soft 'hrrm....'* *to Perceptor* I'm going to kiss you now. *will plant a kiss on the scientist with the same gentleness she used with Fig*

Perceptor: *soft sound of surprise, but then closes his eyes as one slender hand goes up to gently touch her cheek. And the tingle is there, soft, shy and light*

Ratchet: *soft engine rumble, reluctantly breaks the kiss in order to gently set Fig and Perceptor down*

Perceptor: *looks up at her wistfully as Fig beats a hasty retreat* *softly* Was... the experiment successful, Ratchet?

Ratchet: *quietly, as she thinks about how pleasant the tingle was* More experimentation may be in order.... Would you be willing to assist?

Perceptor: *perks, though he's blushing* I... I would like that, Ratchet.

Ratchet: *will gently lift him back up then*

Perceptor: *gently pats her hand, a smile lighting his small face for the first time since Ratchet has known him and transforming it handsomely* *quietly* Is... this only experimentation?

Ratchet: *quietly, a faint blush coming to her cheeks as she notices just how handsome the scientist looks when he smiles* The first one was.....

Perceptor: *smile grows just a little, though his own blush is growing* Would you be adverse to our entering into a courtship?

Ratchet: *quiet* I would not be adverse to that, Perceptor. *gentle as she hesitantly nuzzles his helm*

Perceptor: *leans into the caress, and then clambers up gracefully to gently touch his small forehead to hers in the ancient gesture of affection*

Ratchet: *soft, happy engine rumble*

Perceptor: *leans back to once more bestow that smile on her, and then reaches to touch her nose as it moves*

Ratchet: *soft chuckle, more kiss?*

Perceptor: *gentle peck* Should we be doing this in the hall? Methinks Bumblebee is keeping images.

Bumblebee: *GONE*

Ratchet: *sends a message to the scout mentioning that he's due for a full check-up soon* *will move to bring Perceptor into the infirmary*

Perceptor: *looks around, remembering the last time that he was here* *softly* Have you had a chance to partake of any of the local entertainment media?

Ratchet: *quietly, as she moves to find someplace comfortable to sit* Aside from the local news feeds, no....

Perceptor: Would you be interested in viewing a fictional drama?

Ratchet: I'd like that... *trusting Perceptor's judgement on the subject matter of said fictional drama*

Perceptor: *looks around* Have you a viewing screen? Ah, I believe they're called 'TV'?

Ratchet: I do, actually... *will bring Perceptor to one of the private rooms, the one with the flatscreen TV*

Perceptor: *smiles again* Excellent! Perfect! And here is the 'easy chair' that I have heard so much about. *looks at the prize which was built by others as a gift for Ratchet, and which Charlotte Mearing still doesn't know about*

Ratchet: *chuckles as she moves to settle in the chair* I never did find where they managed to build it....

Perceptor: I understand that our new director would be most displeased were she to learn of this use of material. *reaches over to poke the arm of the big soft chair, his face alight with curiosity*

Ratchet: *slight scowl* Our new 'director' is an interfering busybody.

Perceptor: *looks up* *gently* No doubt she sees herself as best protecting the interests of her people.

Ratchet: *quietly* She wanted Ironhide decommissioned.

Perceptor: *softly* I know. I was present when she stated such to Optimus Prime.

Ratchet: *shuttering her optics* *quiet* She doesn't trust Optimus.... He's known Ironhide far longer than I have....

Perceptor: *gentle touch for her hand, since he can't quite reach her face* She does not, I suspect, trust any of us.

Ratchet: *softly* It would make this whole situation go much more smoothly....

Perceptor: It would indeed. Would that all humans were like the elderly male I'm told befriended Optimus' team when you first arrived here.

Ratchet: *soft chuckle* Keller... I found him quite pleasant to interact with once the initial threat from Megatron and the rest of the Decepticons present on Earth were dealt with....

Perceptor: *smiles at that chuckle* What has become of Mr. Keller? Do you know?

Ratchet: *quieter* The last I heard from him, he was considering retirement from duty....

Perceptor: *optics widen with shock* Retirement?

Ratchet: According to traditions of the human workforce, he is nearing the proper age....

Perceptor: Is his lifespan so close to its fulfillment, then? *dismayed*

Ratchet: *frown* It had better not be, considering he was in optimal health for his age range....

Perceptor: But then... why give up his primary function, if he is still capable of doing the work?

Ratchet: *soft rumble as she thinks about a conversation she overheard* I do know he has offspring, and his offspring have offspring.... Perhaps he wishes to maximize his interaction time with said offspring.....

Perceptor: Ahhhh. Yes, that is a popular activity for humans, isn't it? The interaction with their hatchlings and younglings.

Ratchet: *soft chuckle* Actually, the offspring are more like sparklets than hatchlings....

Perceptor: Ah yes. They do arise from the body of the female batch initiator, don't they? *pauses to look at the television as he remembers their intention in coming here, then sends the file and watches as the screen lights up on the opening scene of 'The Maltese Falcon'*

Ratchet: *nods* Humans are quite fascinating in that regard.... *attention going to the screen, will gently cuddle Perceptor close*

Perceptor: *softly, as he leans against her* Optimus and Elita hope to acquire a sparklet at some point after they have found time to spark bond. It... seems strange to think that there will possibly be naturally created new life living with us here, in this strange place.

Ratchet: *quietly* Yes, but it also fills me with a sense of hope.... If we're able to create new life, then perhaps we are not as doomed as initially thought....

Perceptor: *quiet nod, and then looks up at her* But not such life as Miss Skymine?

Ratchet: *quietly* Skymine is one of the new lives that fills me with the most hope. *is so proud of the youngster, and it shows*

Perceptor: *looks up curiously* But is she not a drone?

Ratchet: *quietly* She has a spark... She's got programming, she's steady, and she's stable.

Perceptor: *surprised* A spark... but. How?

Ratchet: *quieter* The remaining shard of the Allspark....

Perceptor: *softly* Ahhhhhhh.

Ratchet: *softly* Galloway and Lennox helped....

Perceptor: *gently pats her hand* So she is a hatchling developed beyond hatchling ken.

Ratchet: *softly, as she leans to gently nuzzle Perceptor's helm* She's quiet, determined, and loyal.

Perceptor: *quietly, as he reaches up to touch her face* I know that she saved many lives during the recent incidents with the Decepticons. *slender fingers once more touch her nose as it moves* Do I smell strange?

Ratchet: *soft snerk* You smell like fresh blue paint and salt water.

Perceptor: *looks down at his already scratched and scuffed coating* Not very fresh...

Ratchet: *soft chuckle and more nuzzle*

Perceptor: *shyly, his faceplates heating, offers her another little peck*

Ratchet: *gentle kiss*

Perceptor: *quiet sigh, and then lays his head on her shoulder* *quietly* That's very pleasant.

Ratchet: *soft sound of agreement* It is... *quietly content*

Perceptor: *slight snuggling motion as one hand gently rubs her shoulder* I had forgotten what friendly contact felt like.

Ratchet: *softly, remembering how torn up and battered Perceptor was when he was first brought in* I think, to an extent, we all have....

Perceptor: *lifts his head and once more sets his hand to her cheek* No wonder we are becoming so few. We were not created to be solitary beings.

Ratchet: *leans into the touch* *softly* We're not so different from the humans in that regard....

Perceptor: *smiles at her movement, but then his gaze once more sharpens into that native curiosity* What were you testing, that you kissed Chief Warrant Officer Figueroa?

Ratchet: *quietly* Bumblebee mentioned that there was no tingle when he received his first kiss.... *won't say who the scout kissed*

Perceptor: *invites her to continue by his look*

Ratchet: The person he kissed is human.... I was trying to understand why there might not be a tingle....

Perceptor: Ahhhhh. *blinks* Why is Bumblebee kissing a human?

Ratchet: I wish I had an answer for that.... *fond chuckle* I have yet to figure out why Bumblebee does much of what he does...

Perceptor: I see. *startles then, and turns his head as the music swells up and the action becomes exciting on the movie*

Ratchet: *looks to see what startled Perceptor and feels herself pulled into the story on the screen. Will settle back in the chair, hold the small scientist close, and enjoy the movie*

Next day

Bumblebee: *bops past the open door of the Autobot infirmary, his music blaring cheerfully*

Sideswipe: *soft 'ack!' from where she's trying to find the etching fluid her brother ordered her to get back from Ratchet while the medic was out of the lab*

Ratchet: *awake now* *and moving to get up after checking to see where Perceptor is and spotting him on her plating*

Perceptor: *is that blue ornamentation where before there had been no such on her battered yellow armour. The little scientist's systems are running peacefully and regularly, but he is not yet aware of his surroundings. He is taking the rest that he has not taken in many years*

Sideswipe: *is that quick rustling in the main room*

Ratchet: *soft chuckle as she sees that Perceptor is resting peacefully, will head into the main room after getting off of the table that she decided to lay down on after the movie ended*

Sideswipe: *gasps and scoots for the door in a streak of silver*

Ratchet: .... *raised brow ridge* *headshake, will move to see if she can possibly get a quick scan of Ironhide*

Ironhide: *standing in the Autobot mess, handing out containers of weak energon to the row of bots filing past him. Sees Ratchet and gives her the same half mocking look that he'd been giving her the day before. She still can't get a clear scan of him*

Perceptor: *stirs, and then crawls groggily up onto her shoulder to rub his head and look around* What are you doing, love?

Ratchet: *quietly, to Perceptor* Attempting to scan Ironhide.... Though it's proving difficult at best....

Perceptor: *glances over toward the old black soldier* *also quiet* Why is that?

Ratchet: *quietly* He has always been near impossible to scan... I cannot get a clear reading....

Perceptor: *softly* Ahhh. I may be able to assist with that, since I see that he is employing a low level stealth shield...

Ratchet: ... *quieter* That slagger.... *frustrated amusement is clear on her face*

Perceptor: *mildly* Take me into your hand, but give me room in which to transform.

Ratchet: *soft chuckle, will gently proceed to do so*

Perceptor: *shifts. Ratchet will now find herself holding that beautiful, high powered scanner that she's been longing for for the past million years*

Ironhide: *doesn't notice this. He's arguing with Bumblebee over 'floaties' that the younger mech alleges are in his portion of energy*

Ratchet: *surprised and pleased expression is a go* *will scan Ironhide with Perceptor's help*

Ironhide: *has the usual age related damages that she always sees when she works on him. Everything is running smoothly however, despite the creaks. Including his spark*

Ratchet: *soft sound of surprise as she sees that* *magnifies and looks closer, wondering at the change in the old soldier's spark reading*

Ironhide: *spark is still scarred, but there is no sign of the extensive dead areas that it held the last time she looked at it. Instead, it seems healthy and whole*

Perceptor: *softly* Did he not just lose a bond mate?

Ratchet: *softly* He did.... *so confused right now*

Perceptor: I'll magnify again and study his coding...

Ironhide: *looks up, sees what Ratchet's doing, and lobs a container of energon at her*

Ratchet: *reacts by turning and shielding Perceptor*

Optimus: *catches the container and frowns down at his medic* Ratchet, what is transpiring here?

Ratchet: *gives Ironhide a warning Look before answering Optimus* It's nothing.

Optimus: *follows her glance and blinks with surprise* Ironhide threw energon at you?

Ratchet: So it would appear. *will fuss over Perceptor now*

Optimus: *relief comes to his faceplates as he spots the little scientist* Perceptor. You were not in your quarters last night when I came to check on you.

Perceptor: No, I wasn't. I... er... heh...

Ratchet: *faint blush, will continue to fuss over the scientist*

Optimus: *looks from one to the other, his expression showing his bafflement at their behaviour*

Perceptor: *quietly, as he transforms to his root mode* I spent the night with Ratchet. And rested easily.

Optimus: *brows UP*

Ratchet: *quietly* We were watching a movie...

Optimus: *knows what movie the small science unit often uses foremost to beguile the quiet hours of the night* 'The Maltese Falcon'?

Perceptor: Yes. *looks up at the Prime, meeting the larger mech's eyes without flinching* I will not be troubling you further, sir. In future I will be surrendering myself to Ratchet's care.

Optimus: ... *turns his head to look at the femme who is clinging to his back*

Elita: *slight smile. Is glad that the scientist got the rest he's been needing.... and seeing Ratchet in a calmer state is a good thing as well*

Optimus: *cautiously* //Elita, are they saying what I think they're saying?//

Elita: //I'd be surprised if they weren't.... Look how calm Ratchet is....//

Optimus: *quietly sucks a draught of air into his intakes* //So life resumes... at last.// *turns back to look at his old friend with searching optics*

Ratchet: *is now gently cradling Perceptor close. Will stick her chin out stubbornly, almost daring Optimus to say something*

Optimus: *mouth twitches, and then turns up at the corners* *quietly* I wish you the best, old friend; Perceptor.

Perceptor: *blushing as he quietly thanks the Prime*

Ratchet: *is also blushing ever so slightly* *quietly* Thank you, Optimus.

Optimus: *quietly* You were scanning Ironhide? *hand on Ratchet's shoulder*

Ratchet: *quietly* Yes....

Optimus: What did you find? Were you able to get any readings? *head lowered as he awaits her reply*

Ratchet: *softly relays what Perceptor's scans show regarding the old soldier* *also rats the old fart out regarding his shielding*

Elita: .... *quietly* His spark is whole? *so surprised*

Perceptor: Indeed. Scarred but missing nothing of volume or energy output. Unfortunately we were unable to study the coding before he detected our surveillance.

Optimus: But... the parts of his spark that held Chromia's coding died. *looks to Ratchet for confirmation*

Ratchet: *small nod* This is true.... I have no explanation for why his spark appears to be healed aside from the scarring....

Perceptor: *quietly* Is it possible that he bonded it to another?

Optimus: *incredulous look for the scientist* So soon after Chromia's passing? Even if it were physically possible... *shakes his head*

Ratchet: *quiet* Without scanning his coding, it's impossible to say....

Elita: *quietly* If it was possible.... Chromia would've wanted him to be happy....

Optimus: *stares at her with pain in his optics at the thought of ever replacing her once they are wed. Knows he wouldn't be able to do it*

Elita: *snuzzles and clings. Is hiding her face so nobody can see how much Chromia's passing still hurts*

Optimus: *gentle big hand covers hers that is holding onto his chestplate* *softly* Shhh, love. Let's go drink our energy, and then you should rest.

Perceptor: Is today not the day scheduled for Miss Elita to be moved into her new body?

Ratchet: *quietly* It is, but not until she's rested and refueld.

Optimus: *nods, and then gently holds the cube in his hand up to his intended's face* *softly* Do you want this, or oil?

Elita: *quietly* Energon is fine.... *will reach for the cube*

Optimus: *gently moves her from his back and into his arms so that she can use both hands for her meal. And then forgets himself so far as to nuzzle her helm in public*

Sideswipe: *spittakes energon at her brother at the sight*

Sunstreaker: *cussing at his sister now!*

Ratchet: *turns to snap at the pair, and in the process catches the anguished look in Ironhide's optics just before the old soldier turns and hurries out of the room* .... *slight, worried frown as she watches him go*

Four weeks later

Ironhide: *smacks the big flame decorated rig* He's #$#@$@ed.

Ratchet: *slight cringe before she can help it, attention going to Director Mearing* *can't help the slight stinkeye she's giving the woman*

Bumblebee: *looks from Ironhide to Ratchet, his expression classic 0.o as he absently holds an upset and excited Sam in his arms*

Optimus: *transforms then, and shakes the thing in his hand at Director Mearing as he stoops to glower at her* When were you intending to inform me about this???

Director Mearing: *looking just as upset, if not moreso, at being left in the dark* We were unaware of this as well, Optimus Prime.

Ratchet: *resisting the urge to mutter something under her breath to the contrary*

Optimus: *engine growling* I... *looks up at a shout*

soldier: There's a Decepticon coming this way! Just walking through Washington!

Sam: Oh maaaaan! *curls up in Bumblebee's grasp and then protests bitterly as she's set down*

Ratchet: *low growl, is sick of dealing with Decepticons for the moment*

Elita: *moving to touch Optimus' hand, is concerned*

Director Mearing: Why didn't any of the energon detectors pick up anything?!

soldier: They did, but we don't need them this time. Like I say, they 'Con's just walking this way. Holding a big white flag.

Optimus: *head snaps up from where he'd looked down at Elita* Do you have an identification?

Lennox: *looking at printouts* Looks like Blackout. But I thought he was dead.

Ironhide: *startles and moves restlessly*

Ratchet: ... *looks to Ironhide* //...Is there something you'd like to share with the rest of the class?// *yes, she's snarking. At least she's not doing it out loud*

Ironhide: *shoots her a Look, and then turns and follows Optimus from the room*

Perceptor: *softly* Oh dear... *becomes ornamentation on Ratchet's armour behind her grill cage*

Ratchet: *quietly* He's hiding something.

Perceptor: *softly* So you've observed repeatedly over the past few weeks.

Lennox: You coming, Ratchet? *standing in the door by Bumblebee's feet*

Ratchet: I am. *moves to follow* *softly* It worries me, Perceptor....

Perceptor: Myself, as well.

Optimus: *standing forward to meet the tall Decepticon as Blackout strides toward the base, wondering as he does how the human authorities are going to explain this away*

Blackout: *looks at him, then turns a dark-visored gaze toward the bots behind him. That gaze lingers for a moment on Ratchet. The tall bot is indeed holding a large swath of white material in one hand. More of the material is wrapped around something held in the crook of her other arm*

Lennox: He's as ugly as ever.

Ratchet: *frowning as she watches Blackout. Something definitely isn't right here....* *quietly* She....

Lennox: *looks up* You're #$%#$@ me.

Ratchet: *still quiet* I assure you, I am not.

Optimus: *meanwhile* What have you come for, Blackout?

Blackout: I come in peace, Prime. *holds up her flag* Just give me a moment and I'll be done my task.

Optimus: *frowning, his optics going toward the Decepticon's bundle* Very well.

Blackout: *steps past the Prime, right up to Ironhide, and puts the bundle in his arms* *softly, so that only Ratchet and Perceptor hear her besides Ironhide* His eyes are blue. *turns then and strides away, still holding her flag*

Ironhide: *choking sounds as he opens the end of the bundle and stares at the contents*

Bumblebee: *up on his toes to look* ...Oh hey, is that a hatchling?

Ironhide: No... No. He's a sparklet. *dazed as he lifts guilty optics toward Optimus*

Ratchet: *quickly scanning the sparklet, is just a bit brain-broken now*

sparklet: *big strapping mechlet, who is just unshuttering those big blue optics to look quizzically up at the bot who is holding him as he grasps the edges of his wrapping with strong baby hands* *soft and groggy* Energon?

Ironhide: *chokes again* He's not even a day old.

Ratchet: .... He needs to be fed.... *sounds completely and utterly brain broken now*

Optimus: *staring at his Weapon's Master. Quietly* Ironhide, report to Ratchet's lab. Do not leave it till I send for you.

Ironhide: *hangs his head* Yes, sir, Optimus. *turns toward Ratchet*

Ratchet: *hesitantly reaching for the sparklet, wants to make sure the little one gets fed properly*

Ironhide: *grasps the infant more closely for a moment, but then hands him over*

sparklet: *surprised look for Ironhide, and then turns those quizzical optics to Ratchet* Nom?

Lennox: Prime, what just happened here?

Optimus: *shortly* Ask me later. I have an interview to continue. *strides back inside*

Bumblebee: *sneaking over to try and get a look at the sparklet*

Ratchet: *gently cradling the sparklet and making soft, soothing sounds* *will move to herd Ironhide inside, intends to go to the Autobot mess and get some energon for the little bundle of parts in her arms*

sparklet: *so curious. None of these people are the one who held him and who sounded so comforting during his first meal. And this one has something so funny on their face...* *Little hand gets Ratchet nose*

Perceptor: My word!

Ratchet: *startled sound*

sparklet: Buh? *blink blink*

Ironhide: *peeking to see what's going on*

Bumblebee: *holding in laughter with both hands*

Ratchet: *to Ironhide* This little one is definitely related to you.

Ironhide: *blinks* *quietly* I've never grabbed your nose.

Bumblebee: *surprised look at Ratchet's words, glances from her to Ironhide again, and then scoots off to find Sam*

Ratchet: *quietly* He resembles you....

Ironhide: *forces himself to study that tiny face and cringes as he sees an infant version of his own looking back at him. Looks away*

sparklet: *looks at the guy who sounds nice, and then up at the person with the funny face* Energon?

Ratchet: *soothing sounds, will head for the mess*

Ironhide: *unlocks the room, and then goes inside to grab a cube of fuel and a container that can hold it* ...Don't you have to put something in it for them?

Ratchet: *musing out loud* Calcien, and maybe carbon....

Ironhide: We've got carbon, if Bumblebee hasn't eaten it all. *goes to grab a bag of the young scout's beloved briquettes*

sparklet: *trying to taste Ratchet, but not fussing as most newsparks would*

Ratchet: Where would we find calcien though? *going to puzzle over this as she scans the sparklet to determine how healthy he is*

Ironhide: No idea. I haven't had any of the stuff since we left Cybertron. *sneaks another shamed look at that strapping, healthy newspark*

Ratchet: *absent 'hrm' as she moves to sit down so she can properly feed the newborn* *pings Wheeljack as she does*

Wheeljack: *comes in a few moments later, her face black with soot* Here's the funnel and the calcien you... Holy #$#@$$##@, is that a hatchling??

Ratchet: This is a sparklet, Wheeljack....

Wheeljack: *optics go nearly white with shock* But I thought Optimus 'n Elita didn't bond yet.

Ratchet: They haven't. This isn't their sparklet....

Wheeljack: *as she absently lets Ironhide take the funnel and try it on the bottle* Then whose is it?

Ironhide: *pleading look for his friend*

Ratchet: Blackout's.... *lying now* I'm not sure who the other batch initiator is though.

Wheeljack: Huh. *hands over the calcien* I gotta get back before that slaggin' catalytic converter blows up again.

Ratchet: *small nod* Try not to blow too many parts off this time?

Wheeljack: Meh. It's just a little poof. *hurries out*

Ironhide: *sad sigh. Doesn't even feel like placing bets on the Richter value of the coming explosion*

Ratchet: *will reach for the bottle of fuel*

Ironhide: *hands it over* *quietly* Do you need me to hold him while you mix it?

sparklet: *looks toward that rumbly voice as he sucks on a corner of his wrappings*

Ratchet: That might be best....

Ironhide: *winces as he holds out his arms*

Ratchet: *will gently transfer the sparklet over to Ironhide and then set to mixing the carbon and calcien into the energon*

sparklet: *stares up at Ironhide, liking the sound of him*

Ironhide: *stares at the sparklet, feeling sick*

Perceptor: *just quietly watches all goings on from his perch on Ratchet's shoulder*

Ratchet: *checking to see if she's got the consistency right for the sparklet fuel*

Perceptor: *looks down at it and reports the exact proportions of the mixture* //He acts as if regarding the newspark pains him.//

Ratchet: *soft 'hrmmm' as she works on getting the proportions corrected* //It may be that he feels that he's betrayed Chromia's memory.... I'm not sure though....//

Perceptor: *blinks, and then turns his head* //Blackout truly is the other batch initiator of this sparklet?//

Ratchet: //It's quite likely.... Why else would she have been the one to bring him here?//

Perceptor: //My word. Then her spark is the one which repaired Ironhide's...//

sparklet: *frown* Energon?

Ironhide: *soft and gruff* Soon.

Ratchet: //It seems unlikely, but I'm almost certain that that's what happened... The question is, how....//

Perceptor: *softly, as he watches father and son interact* //My word.//

Ratchet: *moves to offer the properly-mixed fuel to Ironhide*

Ironhide: *blinks at her* What?

Ratchet: The fuel's mixed.... *will show the old soldier how to feed the sparklet*

Ironhide: *uneasily* I thought you were going to feed him.

sparklet: *trying to get hold of that spout that just poked him in the mouth*

Ratchet: He looks happy.... *chuckles as she adjusts the angle of the spout so the sparklet has an easier time of getting fuel*

sparklet: *drinks with easy contentment, no frantic gulping. Movement at the end of his wrappings show that he is curling his toes*

Ironhide: You're not going to take him?

Ratchet: Unless I'm ordered to, no.

Ironhide: *once more hangs his head in shame even as he holds the bottle steady for his son*

sparklet: *reaches up a curious little hand as he eats to touch the face of the bot that sounds nice*

Ironhide: *startles slightly and looks up, once more finds himself staring into those intent young optics*

Ratchet: *soft chuckle* *gently teasing Ironhide* I never thought anyone you'd have a hand in creating would be so calm...

Ironhide: *winces* *quietly* Don't rub acid in it, Ratchet. Please.

Ratchet: ... *raised brow ridge*

Ironhide: *with low misery in his voice* Chromia hoped all the vorns we were together that her spark would bud. And now... now this bond wasn't even settled and I've given... another femme a sparklet.

Ratchet: ... *isn't sure what to say now*

sparklet: *finishes his meal, then wriggles and stretches. And burps so loudly that it echoes in his sturdy frame*

Ironhide: *just nearly dropped him* 0_0

Ratchet: *startles and moves to try and catch the sparklet on reflex*

Perceptor: *quietly, in the startled silence that follows* My word! That is indeed your creation, Ironhide.

Ratchet: Nooo kidding.... *so amused, but still a bit 'eek'*

sparklet: *looks at all those surprised big faces, and then starts to laugh*

Ironhide: *wibble wibble*

Ratchet: *gentle patpat for Ironhide*

Ironhide: *quietly* At least... I saw her optics behind her visor as she handed him to me.

Perceptor: *looks up quizzically from the happy sparklet*

Ratchet: *puzzled look for Ironhide*

Ironhide: Blackout's optics are blue now.

Ratchet: .... 0_0 *blink blink blink, looks to Perceptor*

Perceptor: *blink blinks, goes blank for a moment as he accesses memory files* My word, they are!

Ratchet: .... So what does this mean?

Ironhide: *quiet shrug. Without looking up* I don't know. They were still red the last time I saw her.

Ratchet: .... *going to puzzle over this later....* *is too brain-broken to think of anything else to ask Ironhide*

Ironhide: *tries to give the sparklet to her*

sparklet: *looks up from studying his blanket, little brow ridges raising*

Ratchet: *hesitant now* *quietly* He's healthy, Ironhide.... And unless I'm given orders to take him.....

Ironhide: You're the medic. You know the most about hatchlings... and sparklets. I... *bows his head, shoulders slumping* *quietly* Looking at him hurts.

Ratchet: *quietly* Sparklets and hatchlings thrive when they're around their batch initiators.....

Ironhide: *dully* Is he even old enough to know the difference?

sparklet: *huge and familiar yawn, and then scratches his chin and grumbles softly*

Ratchet: *quietly* I'm not sure...

sparklet: *and then he turns his face toward the good sounding bot, nestles close, and goes to sleep*

Perceptor: ...But I think that may be an affirmative.

Ironhide: *cries*

Ratchet: *soothing sounds, will gently rub Ironhide's shoulder*

Ironhide: *cursing himself out under his breath. Ratchet will hear 'traitor', and 'scum'*

Ratchet: *softly and firmly* Like slag, you are.

Ironhide: *looks up, some of his customary fierceness showing* I betrayed Chromia, and I've bound myself to someone who was our enemy at the time.

Elita: *quietly, from the doorway* You haven't betrayed Chromia, Ironhide....

Ironhide: *startles and turns to look toward the golden femme, his optics dark and haunted as he holds his sleeping sparklet*

Elita: *moves to approach* *softly* She would have wanted you to continue on...

Ironhide: *looks down* This sparklet should've been hers.

sparklet: *wriggles a bit, and then commences mini Ironhide snoring*

Elita: *softly* She used to laugh about your snoring....

Ironhide: *gruffly* I know.

Elita: *quietly* I don't think Blackout will attack any time soon....

Ironhide: She won't attack at all. *quiet and gruff, but certain*

Elita: *quietly* You're sure about that?

Ironhide: *nods*

Perceptor: *softly* Her optics are quite blue, Miss Elita.

Elita: ... *blink blink blink, looks to the scientist*

Perceptor: *nods, his customary silence resumed*

Ironhide: *grunts, and nods too*

Elita: *so surprised*

Ratchet: *softly* The little one may be an inspiration to the rest of the team.... A sparklet with coding from an Autobot and a Decepticon....

Ironhide: *looks up with a puzzled scowl* What are you nattering about, Ratchet?

Ratchet: *quietly* There may be hope that someday, there could be peace between the factions....

Ironhide: *blinks* But... *offers the sparklet to Elita, though not now with the air of trying to flee the youngster's presence*

Elita: *a bit unsure, but she'll move to hold the sparklet*

sparklet: *soft grumble and wriggle, then snores again. Is content with the world*

Ironhide: *gruffly* I thought they'd see it as betrayal. I know Optimus did. I saw it in his face.

Elita: *slight frown, is asking Optimus about this over comms*

Ratchet: *quietly and firmly* That's not true, Ironhide....

Optimus: *quietly* //I didn't know what to think, Elita. But I didn't want to judge wrongly. That's why I asked you to go speak with him.//

Ironhide: It was the same look he had the day Megatron turned on him.

Elita: //Come here and talk to him. He's convinced you think he's betrayed us.//

Optimus: *sighs over the line* //I can't. I have to deal with this. Elita, they've known where Sentinel's ship is for years!//

Elita: //At least talk to him!//

Optimus: //I am.// *voice holds the same gentleness that it now holds for his faithful right hand*

Ironhide: *shoulders shaking slightly as he communicates with his commander*

Elita: *moves to give Ironhide his sparklet back*

Ironhide: *takes the little one and looks down at him without really seeing him*

sparklet: *eyes open and big frown on little face* Buh? Ay! *pat pats Ironhide's face*

Ironhide: *snerks a bit, then hides his face on the bitty and breaks down entirely*

Optimus: *softly, to Ratchet and Elita* //I think he is is going to be alright now. With time.//

Elita: *quietly* //I think so, too....//

Ratchet: *moving to offer wordless support to Ironhide*

Ironhide: *grieving still, but then the tears turn to startled laughter as the newspark in his arms gives him an authoritative swat and a tiny version of his own growl* You little...

sparklet: *hopeful check to see if the sad is gone*

Ratchet: *soft snerk* As I said before, he is most definitely your creation....

Ironhide: Yeah... *sighs and wipes at his optics, then looks at the sparklet again* ...His name is Chrome.

Ratchet: That's a good name... *small smile*

Ironhide: *glances at Elita to see what she thinks*

Elita: *soft chuckle as she reaches to gently smooth the sparklet's head* It is.

Ironhide: ...He should have been hers.

Elita: *quietly* Then let him carry the name in her memory....

Ironhide: *nods and sighs, then turns his mouth down at the corners* I don't know what his mother was thinking, dumping him on an old soldier.

Ratchet: *calmly* What do you think Blackout is, Ironhide?

Ironhide: ... *scowls at her for being right*

Elita: *quietly* Why don't you and Chrome go get some rest?

Ironhide: *looks down at his son and gets scowled at cheerfully in return* ...I think I'm going to need to hoard all the rest I can get.

Ratchet: *cheeky grin* Yes, yes you are. *moves to carefully shove Ironhide out the door*

Ironhide: *growls and goes. Can be heard talking to the sparklet as he walks away down the hall*

Ratchet: *chuckles and goes to see what Optimus is doing*

Elita: *amused headshake as she moves to follow*

((written with random_xtras))


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