Nexus. Lost Highway Springworks Building. Assistance

Sep 13, 2011 19:29

Mira: *trying to talk* Bbbb!

Chromia: *weary chuckle, and then turns her head slightly to try and see the face of the mech who is laying behind her and holding her in his arms as she holds little Mira*

Ironhide: *quiet rumbles for Chromia and Mira*

Lumen: *peeks out of the nest of blankets and puppies*

Mira: *gonna try again!* Bbbb!

Chromia: *quietly* Is that so? *then looks at her inner chronometer* ...Why is everyone in bed?

Ironhide: *softly* I did not want to leave everyone unprotected....

Chromia: *moves slightly and winces at the stiffness and aching* Hrrm...

Mira: Bbb! *clicks at Mama!*

Ironhide: *soothing rumbles* There was a medic that stopped by earlier....

Lumen: *more peek* She talked funny.... Lotta beeps and deedles...

Chromia: *watches Eve poke a puppy back into Lumen's nest* Beeps and deedles?

Ironhide: *nods* She said she was part... *hesitates over the strange term* Minicon....

Chromia: *brows quirk together* Same femme that helped in that other place?

Ironhide: *headshake* No... The medic that stopped here earlier was orange... and of very strange construction....

Chromia: Huh. *intakes deeply and lets it out again with a soft sound, her optics switching off wearily*

Eve: *sympathy sound, and then sits up and looks toward the door that's standing open to let in the warmth and light*

Ironhide: *looks and scans, brow ridges climbing when he senses the strange being*

Ee-chirr: *earfins up, soft chirr*

Chromia: *tries to sit up as she catches that strange sound, her grip on Mira shifting to one arm as she reaches for her gun*

Eve: *warning look for the stranger. This is my pack's home!*

Ironhide: *frowning and scanning the strange being*

Ee-chirr: *hands up to show she's not armed* I mean no harm.

Chromia: *rattles slightly and curls around Mira as she's hit by a rush of tiredness that's nearly painful* Hrrrm...

Ironhide: *rumbles quietly, still wary of the being*

Ee-chirr: You are friends with Hormah?

Chromia: *as her world spins from her exertion* 'Hide... grab... sparklet...

Ironhide: *moving to grab Mira, will also try and help Chromia lay down*

Ee-chirr: *hurries in, will help get Chromia laying down, and gently fuss over the ailing femme*

Chromia: *shaking and trying so hard not to show her uneasiness at how her body is behaving* *then...* DX Gonna purge!

Ironhide: *quickly transfers Mira to Lumen, will move to lift Chromia and carry her over to one of the bins he discovered earlier*

Ee-chirr: *calling for help on her communicator, and trying to help with the baby*

Mira: *fuss* Mama!

Lumen: *blink blink blink at bitty sister*

Chromia: *angry and embarrassed as she loses the entire tank of energy that Hormah gave her as she was sleeping*

Ironhide: *gently smoothing her helm and worrying, though his attention goes to Mira*

Chromia: *few dry retches, and then just droops* Sorry...

Ironhide: *soothing rumbles, will carry her back to the mattress and get her situated so she's comfortable*

Mrrrna: *from the door* May I come in? *natural language sounds softly under the Nexus translation*

Lumen: *buries sister and self in the blanket and puppy pile*

Ironhide: *attention going to the door, scans the organic-looking being, very soft rumble*

Ee-chirr: *soothingly* Mrrrna is part of my clan....

Mrrrna: *softly, as she nods* She is snugglemate to my brother.

Ironhide: *still a bit uncertain, but right now, he's more worried about Chromia*

Mrrrna: We're your neighbours, friend. Our clan lives up the baked path a ways. And we would like to help you as we were helped when we were new here and lost.

Ironhide: *quiet rumble* *softly* Chromia is ill.... *worried about the femme, and it shows in his tone and posture*

Mrrrna: Do you need more blankets? What sort of bed have you got? *looks over toward that corner, and then perks her ears* The little puppy is lost.

brindle pup: *grumble squeak crawly crawl*

Ee-chirr: *going to gently lift the brindle pup and bring it back to the blanket nest*

Ironhide: *torn between fussing over Chromia and making sure the brindle pup is alright*

Eve: *snuff puppy, study Ee-chirr*

brindle pup: *grumble squeak!*

Ee-chirr: *soft, gentle trill, carefully tucking the brindle pup in with Lumen, Mira, and the rest of the puppies*

Chromia: *small sound, and then turns her optics on and peers around blearily*

Ironhide: *attention going to comforting Chromia*

Chromia: Think... *droops a bit wearily* Think I'm hungry.

Ironhide: *will reach into one of the nearby boxes that the... younger.... Sunstreaker and Showtime left and offer Chromia one of the bottles of low grade that was inside*

Mrrrna: *softly* No. You should give her something with the chalky material in it. Ee-chirr, what's that stuff called again? *turns and looks at her friend*

Ee-chirr: The white stuff? Calcien.

Mrrrna: Yes. Calcien. *looks up at Ironhide* You should give your femme calcien, or a cookie.

Ironhide: *soft rumble, will get one of the cinna cookies and try and interest Chromia in it*

Chromia: *inhales that beautiful scent and relaxes* Where's my sparklet?

Lumen: *pokes his head out of the blanket and puppy nest, will move to tuck Mira in with Chromia*

Mira: Mama!

Chromia: *startles* What? *looks up* Ironhide, what does that mean?

Ironhide: *hesitantly* I'm... not sure...

Ee-chirr: *slight smile* The little one sees you as one of her primary caregivers....

Mrrrna: *nods, eyes twinkling* A baby calls their parents Mama and Papa. *translator offers many different words for the two terms she uses*

Lumen: *quietly, after thinking this through a bit* Parents are like mentors?

Mrrrna: They can be, yes. They can also be the mech and femme that you're created from.

Chromia: *cuddling baby and nibbling the cookie*

Lumen: ...Creators... *small nod, though he's a bit subdued now*

Mrrrna: *goes over to the youngster to touch him gently, her soft purr starting up in hope of comforting him* *softly* Our families were broken too when we were exiled.

Lumen: *soft click*

Mira: *can smell noms, Mama! Hear her clicking away as she snuggles?*

Chromia: *chews up some of her cookie, and then takes it from her mouth to offer it to her sparklet*

Mira: *nom!*

Chromia: *very very soft chuckle* 'Hide... look at her.

Ironhide: *very soft chuckle as he watches Mira. Is still worried about you, Chromia*

Chromia: *finishes the cookie, sharing it with her little daughter. And then she sighs and holds Mira close as she settles down to sleep quietly and peacefully*

Mrrrna: ...You're full of sand! *studying Ironhide with her ears back*

Ee-chirr: *frowwwwn, will listen and then nod* Mrrrna's right...

Ironhide: *absently, as he tucks Chromia and Mira in* I'll be alright.

Ee-chirr: *flicks an earfin as she thinks this over, before glancing to Mrrrna*

Mrrrna: *ears back* You're going to let Ee-chirr watch your snugglebuddy, and you're coming out and having a bath right now.

Ironhide: *frowns at Mrrrna and shakes his head* I will be alright.

Ee-chirr: *checking to see if she can hear the grinding sound coming from Lumen, before she's nodding to herself and turning her attention back to Ironhide* Don't argue.

Mrrrna: You'll be alright after I wash that out of you. *stern clan matron is stern*

Ironhide: *putting his head down stubbornly* Chromia needs tending to.

Mrrrna: Ee-chirr is here. Now stop being stupid, you rusted out bucket of bolts.

Lumen: *quietly, as he moves to hide in the blanket nest* Mentor isn't rusted out...

Ee-chirr: *considering calling Hormah for help, since she's pretty sure Mrrrna's not going to win the argument with the black man*

Mrrrna: *ears flat back now* If that sand wears your wires Chromia won't have you anymore.

Ironhide: *soft, displeased rumbles*

Ee-chirr: *calling Hormah now, and explaining about the stubborn man and his family*

Hormah: //I was jes' after checkin' on t'at slagger, 'n now I's tendin' somebody else. He already wasn' list'nin' t' I.//

Ee-chirr: //So he won't be hurt if Mrrrna hits him with something?//

Hormah: //Don't be scarin' t' babbies.//

Ee-chirr: //Understood...// *and now she'll wonder to herself if that trick she heard the little, tiny woman in the Black Dog mention would work on the black man*

Hormah: *signs off, and then grouses at Ironhide about needing that bath again, and tells him he should listen to the two femmes, because they know Cybertronian things*

Ironhide: *cringing slightly at the grousing, but then makes a startled sound and is abruptly cut off as Ee-chirr finds the two wires that, when crossed, knock a Transformer out* *goes limp*

Lumen: *startled squeak as he watches*

Mrrrna: *gently* He's alright, little one. Only sleeping. And we can wash him now. *glint in eye*

Lumen: *uncertain clicks, will hide in the blanket and puppy nest again, kthx*

Ee-chirr: Huh, so it does work on big ones too... *pleased grin* I'll go get cleaning supplies.

Mrrrna: Here, use your PINpoint to bring him out front. I saw a hose there.

Ee-chirr: *will do that then, and call for assistance from some of the other clan members*

Fffsa: *uses her cellphone* //I just put the babies in the tub and told the girls to help Luka watch them. The men wonder if you need them too.//

Ee-chirr: //We might.... The man that has sand in his joints is almost as big as Skyfire....//

Fffsa: //So Wrrml should bring his new pressure washer?//

Ee-chirr: //That might do more damage....//

Fffsa: //Alright. What about the little gun shaped thing for the garden hose?//

Ee-chirr: //Bring that, and some buckets and the cleaning cloths.//

Fffsa: //No brushes?//

Ee-chirr: //Brushes, the hose thingie, buckets, cleaning cloths, and some of the cleaning stuff that Skyfire likes to use.//

Fffsa: //Alright. We're on our way, just have to strip down. I'll see you there.//

Ee-chirr: //I'll get started with the hose that's here.//

Fffsa: //Don't forget to undress!// *chuckles and hangs up*

Mrrrna: *has turned the hose on Lumen after the little guy came out to check on Ironhide. Has her thumb slightly in front of the water*

Lumen: *squirrrrrming and clickstorming*

Ee-chirr: *soothing clicks, will help hold the youngster still long enough to get him hosed down*

Mrrrna: *is a good, quick child cleaner. Probably looks startling to the little bot as she stands there in nothing but her boxers*

Lumen: *wiggling, even as Ee-chirr makes absolutely sure there's no sand in his joints*

Wrrml and Starchart: *trotting along beside the highway at the head of the group who's coming*

Wrrml: Hey! How's it going?

Lumen: *startles, and gets gently reassured by Ee-chirr*

Ee-chirr: The big black man is the one with sand in his joints, Wrrml....

Wrrml: Alright. Mrrph! *just got sprayed in the face by sister for startling the child*

Starchart: *ducks and grins, exposing Beacon to the spray*

Beacon: *yelp! Hissss!*

Lumen: *wide-opticed, gonna hide behind Ee-chirr now!*

Mrrrna: Oy. *turns the water onto Ironhide*

Ironhide: *doesn't even flinch as the water hits his armor. Ee-chirr did a good job twisting the wires*

Starchart: *leads the others over and soon the old black man is being scrubbed carefully and lovingly. He's also had his plating removed, and said plating is being examined by Wrrml and his brothers*

Mrrk: *distracted from metal by Ee-chirr coming close* *nuzzle*

Ee-chirr: *gentle nuzzle and a soft, pleased sound*

Lumen: *has scooted over to make sure the strange organic creatures aren't hurting Mentor*

Ironhide: *looks even stranger without his armor, and there's a steady stream of dirt and sand coming out of his joints, though by now, it's mostly dirt*

Beacon: ...How'd he manage to get that much dirt in there? *is working on thoroughly cleaning one of Ironhide's ankles*

Mrrrna: He probably hasn't had time to take a bath in awhile. *pulls trigger on hose and directs the water in the right way to get more gunk out*

Beacon: ...Poor guy.... *will also work on tightening a few loose screws while he's cleaning*

Moonglide: *has gone inside the building to keep the blue woman and the little green baby company*

Wrrml: He needs repairs. Do you know how to fix this, Ee-chirr?

Ee-chirr: Lemme see... *moving to see what needs repaired*

Wrrml: *shows her the worn components inside Ironhide*

Ee-chirr: Hrm... It might be best if we replace those.... *indicates something else that she notices in need of repair* That definitely needs replaced....

Wrrml: *deep frown* And look at this. ...Do you have any wishes left of that little jar we bought that time?

Ee-chirr: *looks over her shoulder* Someone go get the little jar that we bought that has wishes in it.

Fffsa: *glances up* There's only one left.

Ee-chirr: That's enough to help him. *yes, this means she's giving up the wish she was saving to get Mrrk something nice, but she doesn't mind if it means helping someone who needs it more*

Fffsa: Alright. *sends Trrl's wife, who'd been working beside her, then resumes using a bottle brush to clean gently between components*

Ee-chirr: *sets to work repairing what she can without replacement parts*

Trrl's oldest daughter: *running up a short time later with the jar in her arms* Mama had to stay and take care of baby brother. He fell out of the tub and bumped his head. Luka couldn't see because bigger baby brother was sitting on his head.

Trrl, Mrrk, and Starchart: 0_0 ...

Wrrml: *shakes his head and continues working*

Ee-chirr: *worried trill, but continues working for a few moments more before leaning back to work out a few kinks*

Fffsa: Silly little wanna be fishies.

Ee-chirr: Bring the jar over here... The sooner we get this man repaired, the better.

daughter: *scoots over* *over her shoulder to Mrrrna* Tchee says to tell you he's sorry for not catching baby brother, but he was holding his baby brother.

Mrrrna: I'm not worried, Nrra. *straightens and looks toward Ee-chirr, as do Fffsa and Trra*

Ee-chirr: *getting the last wish out of the jar* I wish for the man that we have been working on to be how he's supposed to be.

Mrrk: *can't resist trying to catch the cobalt blue sparkles with one hand*

Trrl: *tail twitch at brotherderp*

Ee-chirr: *rolls her eyes a bit at Mrrk's silliness*

Beacon: *chattering and trying to catch sparkles too!*

Starchart: o.O? *at brother*

Mrrrna: *laughing*

sparkles: *die away, leaving Ironhide fully plated and clean*

Ironhide: *optics on and then he's making a startled sound and moving to get up*

Metal Workers: *step back, giving him space*

Wrrml: *and then he's flat of his face with a big dog on him* *yeowwwl!*

daughter: *gasps and shrinks back, her eyes wide*

Ironhide: *scanning quickly, before moving to check on Chromia and make sure she's alright. Will also whistle for Eve*

Eve: *lets the big stranger who was messing with her master go and goes to master, wagging tail*

Starchart: *helping his grandson up and checking him for injury*

Fffsa: *over to check on snugglemate too*

Chromia: *sleeping much more peacefully than usual as she cuddles Mira and a couple puppies that somehow wound up in the bed*

Moonglide: *softly* The little one fell asleep while you were getting washed...

Ironhide: *very slight nod as he carefully pets Eve before moving to sit down next to the nest. It hasn't quite registered in his processor that some of the parts of him that were bothering him off and on are no longer doing so, but he'll get to that realization eventually*

Eve: *sees puppies in the wrong bed. Waits for Master to finish petting her, and then goes over to try and get those bad babies out of there*

brindle puppy: *squeaking in his sleep*

Ironhide: *soft clicks, will gently fuss over Chromia and Mira a bit more*

Lumen: *scooting back into the building, will help Eve relocate the puppies back to the blanket nest*

Starchart: *comes in and stops by the big black man* *in perfect Cybertronian* [Excuse me, friend.]

Ironhide: *looks up from fussing over Chromia*

Starchart: [I'm curious. Why did your animal knock down my youngster?]

Ironhide: *softly, so as not to disturb Chromia and Mira* [She is very protective of our tribe, though she is still young...]

Starchart: *ears flick* [She thought that Wrrml was harming you?]

Ironhide: [It is likely....]

Starchart: [I see.] *looks at the woman and baby in the bed and perks his ears* [Why, she looks like the same kind of Cybertronian as my mother.]

Ironhide: *slightly puzzled expression*

Starchart: *looks up at him again* [What is it?]

Ironhide: *quietly* [I am still learning about the differences in terminology and realities...]

Starchart: [Ohhh. My mother was of that kind. Her name was Moonracer. But I was given this body after my clan came to live in the Nexus.]

Ironhide: [Hmm...] *small nod, this kind of makes sense....*

Starchart: *quietly* [...You call your people a tribe?]

Ironhide: *quieter* [Lumen, Mira, and I were amongst the very last true tribe on Cybertron.... Though I have learned that we cannot return to our home....and that it is likely that the tribe was wiped out by those who follow Megatron.] *attention going to Lumen when the youngster makes a soft sound*

Starchart: *ears back* [I never realized that there might be tribes on Cybertron. The one I was told of was all shining cities that fell because of fighting with Megatron.]

Ironhide: *slight headtilt* [The last I knew, the cities were still standing...]

Starchart: *softly* [My mother told us that the Cybertron she knew had died.]

Ironhide: [....] *shock and disbelief is clear even on his baytech face*

Starchart: *gaze lowered as his tail curls* [Hopefully, yours will fare better.]

Ironhide: *soft rumble*

Starchart: *then looks up* [My clan would be honored to ally ourselves with your tribe.]

Ironhide: *nod* [It would be an honor for the tribe to be allied with your clan, friend.]

Starchart: *whiskers twitch in a smile* [I call you brother. Your fights are my fights, your children are my children, and I will warm your back when you need it.]

Ironhide: *seriously* [My strength is yours, my honor is your honor, your offspring are my offspring. From now, till All are One.]

Starchart: *reaches for his new brother's hand*

Ironhide: *careful as he reaches for his new brother's hand*

Starchart: *gives the bigger hand a strong squeeze, and then rubs his cheek on it and purrs* *mine*

Ironhide: *soft rumbles, and a slight quirk of a grin*

Starchart: *then looks over his shoulder and chirps softly, calling to his sister, brother, and children*

Ee-chirr: *peeks in to see why Starchart's calling*

Beacon: *also peeking in and trilling curiously*

Moonglide: *soft, happy song as she gently fusses over the arrangement of blankets and puppies around Lumen*

Wrrml: *looking in, his back to the door frame as he cuddles Fffsa*

Mrrk: *chirp?*

Trrl: Yes, oldfather?

Fffsa and Trra: *ears perked*

Starchart: *introduces every one by name, including the shy young girl who's peeking around her aunt*

Ironhide: *keeping track quite easily, and then he's introducing Lumen, Mira, and Chromia, though the femmes are still asleep*

Metal Workers: *friendly and familial greetings* *Mrrk's is a little goofy. Someone's been drinking tea today*

Ee-chirr: *snuggles against Mrrk, though she's also helping keep him upright*

Starchart: *ears perk at the pair* ...Was there brewing happening this morning?

Ee-chirr: *nods, and tries not to look too amused*

Starchart: *shakes head and turns back to Ironhide* Mrrk likes to celebrate every day, if he can.

Ironhide: *soft chuckle* The world has need of those who behave similarly....

Mrrk: Myeeeup. *is amused by how the tea snuck up on him, and is also thinking that he better not make that mixture again*

Starchart: I'm only grateful that everyday celebration is possible for us now.

Ironhide: *understands all too well what Starchart means* *slight nod*

Starchart: *then looks over to where his sister is tending to the puppies and the little boy* You need another bed, Brother. We'll bring you one.

Ironhide: *soft rumble* I usually recharge close to Chromia and Mira....

Starchart: *gestures toward Lumen's nest*

Ironhide: *more soft rumbles as he considers* Perhaps another mattress...

Starchart: *turns and looks to Wrrml*

Wrrml: *nuzzles Fffsa, then steps away from her and PINpoints off*

Eve: *startles and growls*

Ironhide: *reaches to gently pet Eve and reassure her*

Eve: *wags and gives Master a perplexed look*

Ironhide: *soothing rumbles*

Wrrml: *back, a huge basket on his back and a bouncy, chattering Nyaan at his side with a rolled up sleeping pad*

Nyaan: *excited about something and definitely talking about it!*

Ironhide: *slight headtilt as he puzzles over what has the youngster so excited*

Starchart: *blink blink* Nyaan? What is it?

Nyaan: *excitedly* I saw a very cuddly fabric doll, and I think I can afford her!

Starchart: Is it like the doll that Nrra and Myah have?

Nyaan: *headshake* It is like the pillows in Skyfire and Echeh's nest.

Starchart: Ahh, I see.

Nyaan: *eyes shining* It's a little Mrrpt-Nyaah!

Starchart: *moves aside for Wrrml, not taking his eyes from his granddaughter. Ears go straight at her words* Really?

Nyaan: *nod nod, excited warbling*

Starchart: *smiles* I'll look at it when we go back home. *looks to Ironhide* This is Nyaan, our youngest Hunter.

Wrrml: *carefully transferring Lumen, his puppies, and his nest to the padded basket*

Ironhide: *gently* Greetings, young one....

Lumen: *sleepy little clicks as he gets the blanket nest re-situated*

Nyaan: *distracted by the clicks, absent greeting*

Nrra: *slips past aunts and uncles and father to go look in the basket, and then she's adding herself*

Wrrml: *amused sound at that*

Lumen: *soft, contented sigh as he conks out. Has lots of warm in his nest now*

Beacon: *soft little chuckle, nudges Starchart*

Starchart: *smiling. Looks at Nyaan to see if she's going to join the snuggle pile too*

Ironhide: *surprised by how readily the clan members are accepting his tribemates*

Nyaan: *just joined the snuggle pile, purrrrrr*

Starchart: It's official, then. *chuckle* We're two clans in the same tribe.

Ironhide: *nod* *will move to carefully situate himself so Chromia and Mira can hear his spark*

Mira: *soooo not awake* Papa... *happy little purrs*

Fffsa: *quietly* Would you like our cellphone number, Uncle?

Ironhide: *puzzledly* Cellphone?

Fffsa: It's how you can call us and talk to us when we aren't here.

Ironhide: Ah... *nod*

Fffsa: *recites the number*

Ironhide: *adds it to his list of comm frequencies* *then databursts the number with his own comm frequency*

Fffsa: *takes the phone out of its little pocket and touches the place that activates it before putting it to her ear* It's working, Uncle.

Ironhide: *pleased rumble*

Fffsa: *smiles and puts the phone back to sleep before slipping it back into the pocket*

Starchart: Would you like anyone to stay?

Ironhide: Someone should stay with the younglings....

Starchart: *glances toward the basket nest puzzledly* You're here.

Ironhide: But they will need someone with them when they return to your dwelling....

Starchart: *shakes his head* Oh no. They know this area. And Luka protects them when they're in this neighbourhood.

Ironhide: ...Luka?

Beacon: He's the local pain in the tail.... Ooof! *just got elbowed by Moonglide*

Moonglide: He's a Fae fish that's chosen to protect this area, and he's fond of our clan.

Starchart: *nods* Yes. Right now he's at home in his armchair, playing with the babies.

Ironhide: ... *puzzled* Armchair?

Starchart: Well, it's a bath tub. But it's a comfortable place for him to sit in the main room, and our friend Al calls it the armchair.

Ironhide: *so confused now*

Starchart: *sees this and looks to Fffsa*

Fffsa: *iPhone out, picture found, and phone turned to show!*

Ironhide: *soft 'hrrrm' as he studies the image before he's nodding his understanding*

Fffsa: *and then shows him one of Hchee looking into the cistern, and being sprayed*

Ironhide: *snerk*

Fffsa: ^_^ *once more puts the phone to sleep and into bed*

Starchart: *slight headtilt as he gets a little ping over the inner comm that he still isn't sure how to use* We should let you rest now, Brother. Don't worry about the children.

Ironhide: *small nod* Safe journey.

Starchart: *comes over and once more does the cheek rub and the purr, as does Fffsa. Then gently herds his daughter in law out of the garage* *stops and hefts Mrrk over his shoulders on the way out*

Mrrk: *hand over face and sputter of amusement*

Ee-chirr: *laughs as she and the rest of the family leave the building*

laughter: *seems to linger behind them as they walk away, as though in blessing*

Chromia: *sighs and cuddles close to Ironhide, Mira still held close*

Ironhide: *soft, soothing rumbles as he holds Chromia and Mira, before he's slipping into a quiet, peaceful recharge, soothed by the purring from the basket, and the comfort of sand free innards*

((Written with random_xtras))


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