Nexus, Rhinox's, Surprise Surprise!

Jun 29, 2011 19:22

divaShot's room: *quiet, empty but for that Scattershot himself where Rhinox left him on his bed after the round of congratulatory drinks caught up with him*

divaShot: *very soft sound as he begins to reboot*

room: *silent*

headMal: *silent*

divaShot: *not unshuttering his optics just yet, since his processor has just started to ACHE in a way that processors just shouldn't ache*

headMal: *still silent, and nobody's calling through his door that it's time to come to work, either*

divaShot: *wondering to himself if he's managed to do what his mentor always said he'd end up doing and blow himself to the Matrix* *cautiously unshutters one optic*

Vi: *right there*

divaShot: *startled flail and yelp. Ends up taking half the covers on his bed with him when he falls down to the cushions*

Spazz: *muffled through the door* What the heck? *light tap* Scattershot, are you alright?

divaShot: *as he moves to untangle himself from his blankets and sheets* I think so.....

Vi: *gets out of his way, will work on getting the door open so Spazz can see what's going on*

Spazz: ... Vi, we talked about this. That's Scattershot's personal space. You don't go in there. *stern look for younger sister*

Vi: Well, Mal's not around right now... *impression of a sulk*

divaShot: *small frown for Vi, even as he moves to pick out an outfit for the day*

Spazz: That doesn't make you the Mal replacement... gah my eyes! Scattershot, I did NOT wanna see your fraggin' bloomers.

divaShot: XP *realizes he somehow wound up sleeping in one of his dresses, slight sulk. Will get a different one from his closet*

Spazz: *drags Vi out and punts her. Sisterly 'discussion' follows*

Rhinox: *from down the hall comes a grumble* Hey! I'm trying to sleep in here.

divaShot: *soft sigh as he changes dresses* *once he's dressed, he's going to pick out accessories and musing about whether he should do a headbow or a bonnet today... and wondering at the silence in his head*

Spazz: *wrangling ends with a screech of Vi-ish fright. Calls down the hall* You're off today, Scattershot.

divaShot: ... *puzzled as he peeks out into the hall* What do you mean?

Spazz: Nem said to let you get over your hangover. You have today off. *scoops up an escaping Dinobaby and razzes his belly*

divaShot: Oh.... *slight frown* Where's Mal?

Spazz: *surprised look over her shoulder from where she'd turned to go to the living room* Huh?

divaShot: *worried now* Where is Mal? She's not snarking at me in my head, and Vi said she's not here....

Spazz: What...? *turns and goes after her small round sister* Hey, Vi?

Dinobaby: Stinky Vi!

Vi: *cautious peek from where she's hiding* What?

Spazz: Where's Mal? *frowns at her as Dinobaby wriggles and gnaws on Small Cheetor's foot*

Vi: *slight dip of a shrug* She didn't tell me... Just took a swing at me and told me to $%$# off....

Spazz: *scowls and tries comming sister* //Mal? Malware, where'd you go??// *deeper scowl*

divaShot: *worry, fret*

Spazz: *slowly* She's not just not answering... she's not there.

divaShot: ... *hustling for the door without shoes on*

Spazz: *reaches to catch him as he goes past her* Hey, slow down. *absently drops a very wriggly Dinobaby as Lumen comes scooting out into the hall*

divaShot: But something could have happened to her! *worry worry fret, wrings hands*

Lumen: *happy yips and goes charging at Dinobaby, intending to play*

Spazz: And what are you going to do about it, dumbaft? You know diddly about the Nexus. *moves feet out of bittyrumble range*

divaShot: *slight wibble* I don't know... But I have to do something....

Spazz: Dude, she's a Sewercon, even if she's never seen the sewers. And she's a lot meaner than I ever was.

Vi: Like me! >D

Spazz: No, you're just a #$#@#@.

Vi: *string of obscenities and rude gestures*

divaShot: *quietly* And I'm a DivaCon.... She's mine, and I protect what's mine.

Spazz: Who says she's in trouble?

divaShot: *worry clear on his face, isn't reassured*

Spazz: If she left it was for a reason. Though I don't know why her virals've shut up.

divaShot: *trying so hard not to wibble*

Spazz: *looks at his optics and winces* How are you even walking around?

divaShot: Stubbornness. *being totally serious*

Spazz: Back to bed. And not in your dress.

divaShot: But...

Spazz: *warning look*

divaShot: *okay, wibbling now.... but will go back to his room and change out of his dress and accessories*

Spazz: *sighs, and then goes back into her and Rhinox's bedroom, only to collapse and alarm her husband greatly till he discovers the brand new spark pulsing in her chest*

Vi: *arguing with Eclipse and Mutt just down the hall now*

Kriti: *hurrying to see what's going on, as are Showtime and Desinex*

WakeJumper: *quiet knock on the door* Rhinox?

Rhinox: *looks up, his optics wide with shock as he cradles his little wife close* She's... alive.

WakeJumper: *blink* .... Holy... *hurrying over to see if he can help get Spazz comfortable*

Rhinox: *waves him back* Don't crowd her, it's just come fully online. She's rebooting.

WakeJumper: *backs off* Do you know how this happened?

Rhinox: No. But I suspect it's got something to do with a visit she took back to the planet where she left her original spark.

WakeJumper: *slight frown as he thinks about this* Hm...

Spazz: *quietly, as her optics light* Pit... Pitstop... crazy fraggin' old slagger. *and then accidentally spazzes everyone in the vicinity*

Rhinox: >_o

WakeJumper: *startled yelp*

Kriti: *GONE*

Showtime: *DITTO*

Desinex: *LIKEWISE*

Dinobaby: *laying protectively over Small Cheetor and Lumen! Growly!*

Rhinox: *gets shakily to his feet and goes to pick up the crying Lucky and cuddle him close with Spazz*

Spazz: *wince wince* Sorry...

WakeJumper: Wasn't expecting that.... *gently, to Spazz* Get some rest....

Spazz: *mild stink eye as she hugs her son and rests against her husband*

WakeJumper: *going to check on his own mate*

Rhinox: *rumbles to Spazz gently and moves to tuck her into their hammock, is startled when she clings to him* //Showtime or Vi, could you tell Nemesis I won't be at work today?//

Showtime: //Y-yeah... What was that, just now?// *sounds a bit spooked*

Rhinox: //That was Spazz's gift coming back online along with her spark.//

Showtime: //... I'll go let Nem know...// *closes her end with a soft click*

Rhinox: //Thank you.// *rumble of a sigh as he cuddles his wife and their baby*

Spazz: *has conked out so that her processor can fully catch up with this new way of functioning*

The next night

Spazz: *cuddled against Rhinox as they sit on the green couch and watch the bitties play on the floor in front of the TV*

Rhinox: *contented rumbles as he watches the bittybots and wonders at the change in his wife's concept of personal space*

divaShot: *is that soft thud as he falls off his bed.... again*

Lumen: *yaaawns and snuggles Dinobaby, Lucky, and tKriti*

Spazz: *turns her head toward that faint sound from the hall* //Scattershot?//

divaShot: //Ow....//

Rhinox: //You okay?//

divaShot: //Head hurts...//

Rhinox: *transmits instructions for a manual pain override*

divaShot: *eventually makes his way out of his room... clad in a fluffy pink bathrobe and fuzzy slippers*

Spazz: *looks up as he makes his way into the living room, a previously unseen depth of compassion and amusement in her optics*

Rhinox: *glances at him* Don't step on the bitties.

divaShot: *carefully making a wide circle around the bitties, looking just a bit miserable*

Spazz: You better have some fuel. There are cookies in the jar.

divaShot: *small nod, will go get a few... and share them with everyone, since that's just good manners*

Spazz: *takes the one he holds toward Rhinox and has a big bite* Thanks.

divaShot: *small nod, noting the change in behavior. Will double take later on, when his head isn't aching and he's feeling better*

Lumen: *poking bits of cookie at Lucky and Dinobaby's mouths*

Lucky and Dinobaby: *om nom!*

tKriti: *gnawing on a corner of the cookie divaShot gives her. Will be pleasantly buzzed by the time she finishes*

divaShot: *moving to sit down on the other couch, is quietly worrying the hem on one sleeve of his robe*

Spazz: *snuggles against husband with no blanket between them, then smiles slightly and feeds him some of the cookie*

Rhinox: *quirks a brow ridge at her and grins*

divaShot: *worried about Mal now that he's starting to be able to think straight again*

Dinobaby: *turns his head as he hears the front door open. Growly!*

Kouji: *yip yip yip!*

Lumen: *ears up, bark!*

stranger: *enters. A little white and red femme the same size as tiny Desinex, only of bayformer make* Hey, you guys. Stick a sock in it.

Spazz: ...Mal?

divaShot: *on his feet*

Lumen: *headtilt, soft bitty growl*

Kouji: *confused, goes to hide behind Mama*

tKriti: *raised brow ridge, is still gnawing on her cookie*

Dinobaby: *growling too as he stares at the newcomer*

Mal: *shrugs as she catches Rhinox, Spazz's, and Kriti's looks* I got sick of being some dumb little doll.

divaShot: *moves to pick her up and hug her*

Mal: Ack! Hey... *totally Malish wiggling*

divaShot: *fussing as only he can*

Mal: Cut it out. Hey! Grrr... *doubletake* ...Spazz, are you feeling alright?

Vi: You missed the excitement, dumbaft.... Spazz One has a spark again.

Mal: ... Bull.

tKriti: *finishes her current bite* For once, the flying derp's not bs-ing.

Vi: *cusses Kriti over comms, has been punted for cussing around the kids once already today*

Mal: *turns her head to look at Rhinox, her optic band brightening as she sees him nodding* How the frag did that happen?

Spazz: *quietly* Remember Pitstop? From that planet where we picked up that Diehard and his family? He managed to get a little bit of my spark code that was free from the defect, and then when I visited a little while ago he put it in my spark compartment. It grew.

Mal: :o

divaShot: *fussing a bit more over you now, Mal*

Mal: Scattershot, quit it. This... whoa. You're not a virus anymore.

Spazz: *shakes her head* *quietly* Nope.

tKriti: So what about you, Mal?

Mal: ...What about me? *looks down at the little blue femme*

tKriti: What's with the shell change besides what you said earlier? *absently scritching Kouji's ears*

Mal: ...I wanted fingers, and sensors. And a mouth. *thrrpts much better now!*

Spazz: *snerk*

divaShot: *will offer Mal a cookie then*

Mal: *shakes head* I didn't get that mod. It's still electricity for me.

divaShot: Ah... Okay... *a bit saddened by that, but there's no helping it, he supposes*

Mal: But look at this! *suddenly a big white and red patch on the front of his robe*

Spazz: *more snerk* Yeah, a good bay shell is a hoot.

divaShot: *blink blink blink, small grin*

Mal: *reforms, seated on divaShot's shoulder as she grins*

Spazz: *quietly* That's your legacy, kid. Though the doll was cute.

Mal: It still is. I mailed it back here. But it wasn't meant to be alive. ...Well, sentient.

tKriti: *to divaShot* You'd better not try and argue about whose mate is cuter with Tarantulus.

divaShot: *thrrpt*

Mal: *slight start* Mate...?

Spazz: *frowns at her as Rhinox looks up*

tKriti: You had a whole barfull of witnesses to your word-bond.

Mal: ...So that's for real.

Spazz: Duh. *smirk, though her brow plates are raised quizzically*

tKriti: *snerk* You didn't know?

Mal: I wasn't sure that's what it really meant. I mean... I'm just a virus infested drone, and not Cybertronian or anything.

divaShot: *quietly* You're still a person.

Mal: *looks at him* Yeah, but there's other kinds of claims, too. Like when I ganked you.

divaShot: You claimed me in front of witnesses, Mal... And I claimed you as well.

Mal: *wryly* There were witnesses when I claimed you as George, too.

divaShot: I didn't reciprocate that time.

Mal: *snerk* No, you screamed like a little girl.

divaShot: Well, I wasn't sure what was going to happen...

Mal: Yeah, whatever. *absently pats him on the head, and then looks down* ...That's not a dress.

divaShot: I just got up....

tKriti: After he spent most of yesterday sleeping off his hangover... *snerk*

Mal: *poke poke* Seriously, what is this thing?

divaShot: A bathrobe...

Mal: ...Bath... robe?

divaShot: That's what the human I bought this from called it...

Mal: <._<. .>_.> *jumps down, takes the robe with her, and runs off down the hall*

divaShot: *squeak, chase!*

Spazz: He looks just like the big Scattershots, except BM tech. I wonder why he covers himself up?

Rhinox: *shrugs and swings a leg with a Dinobaby on it*

tKriti: *shrugs and goes back to gnawing on her cookie*

Lumen: *yawwwwn, curls up and snuggles Lucky*

Lucky: *snuggaLu, soft clicks and bitty purrs as his big optics blink off in sleep*

tKriti: *gnaw gnaw gnaw, slight pause and gives herself a bit of a shake as the energon begins to affect her, before she's working on finishing the cookie*

Spazz: *snuggles her husband and listens to his spark as she watches Dinobaby play and the sparklets nap, not twitching as divaShot's shriek at being ambushed echoes down the hall. All is right with her family for the moment, and she is content*

((co-written with random_xtras))
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