Ratchet: *quick check on Ironhide, Old Lumen, and Chromia, and then he's headed down into the cellar to check on his measles patients*
Perceptor: *Dreaming and very restless*
Ratchet: *steps over the pipping and nipping ferret and puts a hand on the slight man's chest* Easy, Perceptor.
Perceptor: *Soft sound, mumbles something about fruit in the dialect he grew up using*
Ratchet: *sighs and puts his hand to Perceptor's forehead*
Perceptor: *Still a bit feverish, but not as bad as he has been. His fever seems to be on the verge of breaking*
Ratchet: *smiles at that, and then reaches toward Kia and starts with fright when he finds her still and clammy skinned. But then he sighs as he realizes that her chest is moving in the steady rhythm of sleep* *turns away to mix two doses of the fever medicine*
Moonbeam: *attacks the boots! Big bad boots!*
Ratchet: Ack! Moonbeam...
Perceptor: *another soft sound, shifts position*
Moonbeam: *cries out with pain as small toes get pinched under the big bad boot!*
Ratchet: *watches him zip away and sighs, his face showing how sorry he is to have hurt the fuzzy little protector*
Perceptor: H-hello?
Ratchet: *turns back to the bed, his brows lifting slightly* Perceptor. How do you feel? *walks over and slips a hand under the Alchemist's head to offer him the cup of sweet but odd tasting medicine*
Perceptor: *Slight start, deep breaths as he tries to remember where he is* Ratchet... Dizzy... *would be blinking owlishly if not for the cloth over his eyes* Where am I?
Ratchet: *gently, as he tips the cup up for Perceptor to drink* You're at home in your bed, next to the lady that a certain set of twins decided to marry you to by proxy on the day that Tracks and Flashpoint's daughter was born.
Perceptor: *Small frown as he sips at the contents of the cup, is trying to make sense of what Ratchet is saying* *pulls a slight face at the flavor of the medicine*
Ratchet: Easy. It's not that bad. And you've only got a bit more to finish.
Perceptor: *sputters and coughs a bit as some of the medicine goes down the wrong way when he finally realizes that he and Kia are married now*
Ratchet: *sets the cup aside and sits him up to help his airways clear* Easy...
Perceptor: *just a bit shaky once he's gotten his airways clear* That... was unpleasant...
Ratchet: Here. Have some more. *leans him back and puts the cup to his mouth again*
Perceptor: *will try and be a bit more careful this time, manages to finish what's left in the cup*
Ratchet: Good. *lays him back and then leans over to gently shake Kia*
Kia: *soft gasp of startlement at his touch*
Perceptor: *Quiet, soothing sounds, even though he's fighting sleep again*
Ratchet: *gently gets Kia turned over and sat up, and then he's smiling as she quietly drinks her medicine*
Perceptor: *Trying hard not to nod off, but at this point, even sitting up is harder than he remembers it being*
Ratchet: *moves aside as he sits up* Easy, Perceptor. Don't strain yourself. *lays Kia back and puts his hand on Perceptor's forehead again*
Perceptor: *still slightly feverish, is starting to sweat a bit more. He's also a bit wobbly*
Ratchet: *firmly lays him down again and pulls the blankets up around his and Kia's shoulders* You better not work yourself into a relapse.
Perceptor: *quiet sigh as he slips back to sleep*
Ratchet: *smiles, and then looks up as Bumblebee slips down the ladder* I stepped on Moonbeam again. He's going to hate me for life.
Bumblebee: *soft chuckle* Nah. He's really confused when his enemies don't fight back. Beside, you gave him an egg.
Ratchet: ... How did you know that?
Bumblebee: Because it's under Anna's broody hen with the chicken eggs.
Ratchet: o.0 *facepalm and chuckle* Thanks for taking a watch, Bumblebee.
Bumblebee: No problem. *watches him go up, and then sidles over to sit by the book case and read*
Ratchet: *up from the cellar and out of the stable, then takes the path to where Showtime and Sunstreaker's hut stands in its sadly dilapidated state. Passes it and stops to look at the pair of massive boots that are now standing up proudly due to their new internal framework. One of them is also sporting a well fitting door, and a window on what is now the second floor*
Sunstreaker: *standing and staring as the workers work* ...Show's never going to go for this. She's going to wake up from her nap and yell at me for even letting you put these things in our yard.
Magnus: *From where he's helping get the roof lashed into place* You never know... Besides, these things're fur-lined...
Sunstreaker: They're still boots. We don't have that slaggin' many kids.
Trailbreaker: *from inside* Yet.
village carpenter: *snerk*
Magnus: *Snerk*
Sunstreaker: *goes to gesture at the jokers and manages to punch Quickstrike right in the nose*
Quickstrike: *Yelp!*
Showtime: *Groggy as she comes to the door of the hut, wrapped in not only her husband's cloak, but also her own winter cloak* Sunny?
Quickstrike: *Putting up a fuss to put most infants to shame*
Sunstreaker: WILL YOU SHUT THE SLAG UP??? SHOW'S SLEEP... *turns head, sees wife* Slag.
Showtime: *Slight wince* Sunny?
Sunstreaker: *lands a kick on the dancing Seeker's aft now that he's stopped trying and then scoots over to put his arms around his wife* I can explain the boots...
Showtime: *groggy blink blink* Boots?
Ratchet: *points as he comes up* Those boots.
Showtime: *blink blink, looks* Oh... Huh...
Sideswipe: *going after Quickstrike with the wooden mallet he was supposed to be driving pegs with, but has been instead using to chase rats* I KEEEL yoooouuuuu! :D :D
Sunstreaker: ... I think married life agrees with him.
Quickstrike: *RUNNING*
Showtime: ... *Soft sigh*
Ratchet: *gently* Do you want to look inside the boots?
Showtime: *Quiet as she nods* *just a bit out of it due to interrupted nap*
Sunstreaker: Don't bother her with the stupid boots. Nobody sane wants to live in boots.
Sideswipe: *in the distance* KEEEEEL youuuuuu!
Dion: *coming out of the boot with the door* Hey Ratchet? Do you think six furs are enough for a good bed, or should we get more?
Showtime: *attention going to Dion* *Blink blink*
Ratchet: Which species?
Dion: Bear, mostly... A couple from those giant wolves too, if Kriti's telling the truth about 'em...
Ratchet: Bear's a little heavy for sleeping under. How many of the wolf have you got?
Dion: Two on it right now, but Kriti said we could have the other five she got.... and I think Whiplash was thinking that we'd use the bear ones as the bottom layers, and the wolf ones on top...
Ratchet: *points out* The floor's bearskin in there, Dion. Over three foot of wood. I don't think you need too much more insulation.
Dion: Okay... *Will go talk to Whiplash about the skins then*
Showtime: Bearskin floor?
Ratchet: *nods* The boots are fully lined.
Showtime: ... *Surprised*
Ratchet: And the fur's longer than usual. I think it got expanded with the rest of the boots. *up the outside steps and to the door*
Showtime: ... Expanded? *puzzled expression, moves to follow Ratchet*
Ratchet: Have you ever seen a giant with feet this big?
Showtime: ... Good point...
Ratchet: Titans, maybe, but I've never seen those wear shoes. *stands on the landing and holds the door open for her*
Showtime: *another nod, will head inside*
main room: *round, freshly laid board floor with a little hole in it that leads to a ladder*
Ratchet: I'm thinking that's your and Sunstreaker's chamber down there. *nods to the ladder as he shuts the door and catches Sunstreaker in it*
Showtime: ... Huh... *Attention going to Sunstreaker, will fuss over husband now*
Sunstreaker: I'm okay. I'm standing inside a freaking gigantic boot, but I'm okay! *tilts head at a screech in the distance* ...Quick probably isn't, though.
Showtime: *Small frown, but then she's looking around* ... The wind doesn't come in as easily as it does in the hut...
Sunstreaker: *pause* I only feel a little draft.
Ratchet: That's the ventilation.
Showtime: *small nod, watches as Dion climbs up the ladder lugging a bear skin, raised brow*
Ratchet: *looks at Dion* Where's Whiplash?
Dion: Getting the rest of the skins situated.
Ratchet: Alright. Showtime, we'll wait till he's done before I bring you down. *doesn't want that belly jostled*
Showtime: *small nod*
Ratchet: *quietly, as he looks around and then goes over to the small, glazed window* I'm thinking this could be your living room.
Showtime: *Considering look* Yeah...
Ratchet: *winces as Sunstreaker strays too close to the ladder hole* Trapdoor?
Showtime: *Wince, nods* Yeah... that'd be a good idea...
Whiplash: *Cussing at Sunstreaker now*
Sunstreaker: *from below* What? You'd rather I got hurt? Like your stupid brother?
Whiplash: Did you have to land on me?!
Sunstreaker: Like I said.
Whiplash: Well, get off so I can get this skin up to Dion so he can put it where it needs to go.
Ratchet: *counting down to Whiplash realizing what Sunstreaker said about Quickstrike* Wait for it...
Whiplash: ....Wait... What'd you do to Quickstrike?!
Showtime: *Facepalm*
Ratchet: *reaches down the hole* Give me the skin, Whiplash.
Whiplash: *Grumps a bit and passes the skin up to Ratchet*
Ratchet: *looks at the bear skin thoughtfully once he's got it through the hole, then looks at that brand new wooden floor before glancing quizzically to Showtime*
Showtime: *Small nod, looks like she's more interested in getting down to the sleeping area and finishing her nap*
Whiplash: *Will round on Sunstreaker* What the pit did you do to Quickstrike?
Sunstreaker: I wasn't the idiot who gave Swiper a blunt instrument!
Whiplash: *Cuss! Will scamper up the ladder and head out the door to save his brother from the derp that is Sideswipe*
Ratchet: *watches him go, and then spreads out the bearskin to cover the bare boards* I take it this happens pretty often?
Showtime: *Small nod* It'd be too quiet if it didn't...
Ratchet: *gives her a slight, bemused grin, then smooths out a lump on the rug with his foot and offers her his arm* Need a hand getting down the ladder?
Sunstreaker: Doc, she's an elf.
Showtime: I might... My balance is a bit off....
Sunstreaker: ...Really? *down at the base of the ladder worrying now*
Ratchet: How about I help at this end, and you help down there, Sunstreaker.
Sunstreaker: *incoherent fretting sound of agreement*
Showtime: It's not bad off-balance... But you might want to be ready to catch me, Sunny.... *Will gladly accept the help*
Ratchet and Sunstreaker: *carefully and gently guard the very heavy with baby woman as she makes her way down the ladder, which has comfortable rounded side rails and nice wide flat steps*
Showtime: *makes it down safely, will lean on her husband and blink owlishly* Bed?
Sunstreaker: *gentle nuzzle and half guides, half carries her across the nice sized and very cosy room to the toe of the boot. Then stops* Uh... Here. Let me get our boots off. Good thing they were clean.
Showtime: *Soft 'heh', nod*
Sunstreaker: *gently sets her down in the nest of carpet and skins, then unlaces her soft skin boots and pulls them off her slightly swollen feet before yanking his own boots off. Checks for dirt on the carpet on his way back to the ladder*
Showtime: *laying down when he returns, has managed to get some of the skins wrapped around her and is dozing*
Sunstreaker: *soft 'd'awwww' as he hunkers down to look at her*
Showtime: *looks relaxed wrapped up in parts of the wolf skins, has at least been nice enough to leave enough room for Sunstreaker if he wants to crawl under the blankets with her*
Sunstreaker: *doesn't realize she'll want him to nap with her, because the box bed back in the hut had been starting to get so cramped that Showtime had taken to kicking him out of bed in her sleep. Instead he gently smooths her hair*
Showtime: *soft sound, reaches for him*
Sunstreaker: *surprised. But he notices that she's been able to take a few layers of clothes off in here, despite the lack of fire, and so strips down to his under tunic and leggings before sliding under the wolf skins beside her. Softly* Shhhh, Show. I'm here.
Showtime: *Snuggles as close as she can, soft, contented sigh*
Sunstreaker: *smiles as he rolls up his cloak for a pillow, and then tucks his arm under Showtime's head and snuggles down to hold her as she sleeps and let his sons and daughter kick him in the gut*
Ratchet: *slips down a few moments later with a copper lamp, which he hangs from a hook on the ceiling* *quietly* Magnus, do you have a light? I forget to bring one.
Magnus: *softly* Gimme a sec... *Will climb down a few moments later, and offer Ratchet one of his last few camping matches*
Ratchet: *thanks him and breaks the tiny, cheap crystal cylinder, then blows gently on the flame and sets it to the wick of the lamp* There we go. *smiles at the little dancing flame at the tip of the lamp's spout* Now Sunstreaker can see where he's going.
Sunstreaker: *softly* Thrrpt.
Magnus: *Soft chuckle* *To Sunstreaker* We've got the rest of the rooms finished, and the other downstairs room's got a window...
Sunstreaker: *surprised and impressed* Another one with real glass?
Magnus: *nod*
Sunstreaker: Wow... It might look stupid, but I never thought I'd live in a place this fancy.
Magnus: *more chuckle* Well, at the very least, the rats won't get in.
Sunstreaker: *sighs* Yeah. *sudden alarm* We forgot Boots!
Magnus: Dion went to get your cat.
Sunstreaker: *relieved* He was probably crying. He's just a baby.
Ratchet: *chuckles at the conversation and heads back upstairs, intending to go check on Shadowwraith and then spend a little time with Chromia*
Dion: *Scoots past him with a little lump in his tunic*
Boots: *bitty mews. Isn't too sure what's going on, except that someone strange just took him away from his home again and it makes him sad!*
Dion: *Soothing sounds, will carefully climb down the ladder* Easy, little guy....
Sunstreaker: *looks up as he hears the baby kitten crying, and then makes the soft whistle with which he calls the little orange and white creature. Trying to be reassuring, he doesn't realize that Boots will try to come to him*
Boots: *claws on Dion chest!*
Dion: *Wince, will remove the kitten from his tunic*
Sunstreaker: ...Oops.
Boots: *sees his peoples! Is happy again, little paws waving as he hangs in Dion's grasp*
Magnus: *Snerk* Dork... *now who is he talking about?*
Sunstreaker: Yeah, stop talking about yourself. Just set him down, Dion.
Dion: *Will do so, and then head back up the ladder*
Magnus: *another snerk, will move to follow after Dion*
Sunstreaker: Thanks, guys. *sounds a bit crestfallen, but very grateful*
Showtime: *Snuggles as Miracle kicks her daddy!*
Sunstreaker: *winces, and then grabs Boots and sticks him on Showtime's belly so that the kitten can purr for the unborns*
Showtime: *Quiet murmur in her native tongue*
Sunstreaker: *kisses her on the forehead and then closes his eyes and just settles down to be contentedly lazy, still marveling at the novelty of being warm and not having to fight evil small furry things for his bed*
((co-written with