mbv, The /Ark/ Base and Virginia Tech, New Beginnings Part 2

Feb 27, 2011 22:24

Continued from here


Umeko: *listening seriously and intently as Patrick talks about his favorite novel*

Sean: *passed out asleep in the back with his face hidden in Umeko's coat*

Will: *making faces at the cows in the fields, is still a bit hyper and twitchy*

Patrick: *starting to wax eloquent about 'The Myst Reader' as he pulls up to the gate*

Umeko: *still listening intently, but can't hold in her surprise. It shows on her face*

Patrick: *slows to a stop to show the guard his ID* *to Umeko as he notices her expression in the rear view mirror* Is something wrong?

Umeko: No, sir. Only... *hesitates, unsure if what she was going to say is rude*

Patrick: Only... *curious as to what has Umeko so surprised*

Umeko: *slowly* Nothing is wrong. I'm only surprised that you like a book about a place in a game. I thought that your favorite book would be one of the classics.

Patrick: *Soft chuckle* I do like the classics, but I like the 'Myst' series because it shows a side of humanity that a lot of writers choose to sugar coat, and the characters are very well-written.

Umeko: *brows go up* Ahhhhh.

Patrick: *as the gate gets opened and he pulls the truck forward* What is your favorite book, Umeko?

Umeko: *blush* Oh, I like silly girl stories.

Will: *gives her a look*

Patrick: Such as?

Umeko: Ahhh. *ducking her head as she notices Will's look* Well... I like 'Bunny!'. But that isn't a novel. Do you think that cell phone novels count? *sideways glance*

Patrick: If they don't, then Sabrina's going to be disappointed... *soft chuckle as he thinks of the most bookish of his daughters*

Umeko: *surprised* Sabrina reads them? Ah, well, then my favorite novel is 'Ghost Boy', by Justice.

Patrick: *Surprised by this, but will nod, a small smile tugging at the corners of his mouth*

Umeko: *softly* Sean-kun and Willie-kun know Justice. They told me.

Patrick: *nods* I know him as well...

Umeko: *slightly amazed* You do?

Patrick: *another nod* He's family...

Umeko: *jaw drops* You're telling me a joke...

Sean: *moves and clicks in his sleep*

Umeko: *turns her head to look down at him curiosly*

Will: *attention going to Sean, bites his lower lip*

Beau: *turning around in his seat once Patrick parks the truck, will reach to gently shake Sean's knee*

Sean: *clicks more, and then sits up and rubs his eyes before startling and looking sideways at Umeko* :o

Patrick: *To Beau* There should be some of those forms in the glove compartment...

Beau: Yessir... *will turn back around and search the glove compartment till he finds one of the Non-Disclosure Agreements, and a pen. Both of these will get offered to Umeko*

Umeko: *gives the paper a nonplussed look, then looks at Beau* I don't understand.

Beau: 'S a Non-Disclosure Agreement...

Patrick: *gently* If we didn't have to have a paper record stating that you can be trusted, we wouldn't bother... Felicity, Sean, and Will have vouched for you, which is more than good enough for me...

Umeko: *slightly frightened* Is something the matter, that I need to sign the paper? *takes it slowly, her eyes already reading*

Patrick: Nothing wrong, just people we're trying to keep safe.

Umeko: *concern now* Keep safe? *looks up at him from the paper*

Patrick: *Tips his head towards Sean and Will* Along with the rest of the children here, and some of the adults...

Umeko: *signs without reading anymore*

Will: *Waiting till she's done signing to start clicking rapidly*

Umeko: *nearly drops the paper as her wide eyes go to him* Oh... How are you doing that? *glances back to Sean, who is grinning*

Will: *too excited to pause to explain!*

Beau: 'E ain't exactleh 'uman, Umeko... *Would muss up his nephew's hair, if he could reach*

Umeko: *arms slip automatically around Will as she looks to Beau* ...What do you mean?

Beau: *As Will snuggles and clicks* Will's 'n Autobot... *glances at Patrick* 'N so's 'e.

Umeko: But what does that mean? *cuddling her young friend and smoothing his hair*

Beau: *Reassuringly as he moves to get out so he can get the seat moved forward* Wh'n we git outta th' rattletrap, *ignores the Look he gets from Patrick* y'u'll get t' see wh't Ah mean...

Umeko: *watches Sean scoot out and wrap himself in his arms against the cold, then lets go of Will so that she can unstrap and follow*

Will: *scooting out on Patrick's side once the older man is out of the truck* *Clickstorm, streeeetch, scoot around to pounce-tackle Sean*

Sean: *laughs and clicks as he tussles with his creche brother*

Will: *going to transform and continue tussling with Sean for a bit*

Umeko: *gasps and drops 'Bunny!' as her hands fly to her mouth*

Beau: *soothingly* Easeh... 'T's jes' Will...

Umeko: *watching the two boys for a moment without seeming to have heard Beau, but then she's stepping forward and reaching for Will* Willie-kun?

WakeJumper: *looks up from tussling with Sean, small, sheepish smile*

Umeko: *cups his face in her hands* *softly* You're metal...

WakeJumper: *Small nod. Doesn't feel the least bit cold or anything else that might suggest that he's anything but alive*

Umeko: *looks at Sean as she pulls WakeJumper close in the usual absent hug* Patrick-sama said that you also need protecting?

Sean: *ducks behind Patrick* Yeah...

Patrick: *Gentle hand on Sean's shoulder* *just asked Bert if the creche was having naptime or not*

Bert: *reports everyone down in the creche room, watching a movie*

Patrick: //Sarah's friend, Umeko, is here. She's signed the NDA paperwork.//

Bert: //Wow. Never heard Sarah click like that before. Get her down here before the poor kid busts something. Uh... and Felicity's incoming.//

Sean: *clicking and trying to herd everyone into the nice warm barn*

Patrick: *Soft chuckle as he's herded* //We're on our way down...//

WakeJumper: *being very gentle as he leads Umeko to the barn*

Beau: *stretching a bit and moving at a leisurely pace*

Umeko: *looking back and forth between the boys, her eyes wide and her expression full of wonder and confusion that does nothing to take away her affection for the two*

Patrick: *Will explain a bit about Cybertronians, making sure to include the fact that WakeJumper and Sean are both children still*

Umeko: *blinks at him* But why are you here, sir?

Patrick: *Quietly* We were forced to flee our home.

Umeko: *hands to her mouth again* *softly* Why?

Patrick: *quietly* War... The Autobots are a peace-loving people... Unfortunately, not all Cybertronians share that trait...

Umeko: *tears in her eyes now*

Felicity: *Is going to pick you up and cuddle you now, Umeko!*

Umeko: *squeal of surprise, and then squirms and tries to put her arms around her friend* Oh, Felicity-san!

Felicity: Umeko! *happy Aerialbot-in-alt-mode, snuggle snuggle* ^^

Patrick: *Chuckles, mood lightening at the antics of the happy-go-lucky flyer*

Beau: *soft snerk, will hold the lift door open for everyone*

Umeko: *and then lifts her head and looks from Patrick to Felicity* You're Cybertronian too?

Felicity: *Blink blink* Yeah... *nod* So're my sisters, and my husband.

Umeko: *mouth open slightly as she shakes her head slowly* I... don't know what to say.

Felicity: *Gentle snuggle, will click softly as she moves to bring Umeko to the lift* Sarah's excited about you visiting...

Umeko: *leans against her friend, but then gasps* Oh! Where's 'Bunny!'? I dropped it...

Patrick: *will offer the manga* I caught it before it hit the ground.

Umeko: Thank you. *quick bit of a bow that happens when she's distracted*

Sean: *can't help laughing. That looked funny happening while she's being carried*

WakeJumper: *Clickstorm! Squeaks when Beau nabs him around the waist again*

Patrick: *Will close the lift doors once everyone's inside, and push the button for the lowest level of the Ark base* *to Umeko* If you hear a guy or lady trying to make witty comments over the PA system, just ignore them... I think Blaster and Teletraan are bored....

Tea: Not anymore.

Blaster: *cackling in the background*

Patrick: ...I'm almost afraid to ask what you two did this time.

Blaster: *more cackling*

Tea: You can't. You're ignoring us. *cackles too*

Patrick: *uses the old, polite-but-snarky dialect of Cybertronian* [You're both slaggers.]

Blaster: *statics out due to laughing so hard*

Tea: *shuts off the speaker so that the combined laughter cuts off abruptly*

Umeko: *looking at Felicity* o.0?

Felicity: Uncle Blaster and Aunt Teletraan must've done something they know will make Dad yell... *Small, puzzled frown* *blink blink*

Beau: *Facepalming* Great. Th' furreh trio's ramblin' on 'bout 'round noms'... again....

WakeJumper: *Giggling and clicking*

Sean: *tilts head and tunes into the common channel, then starts chuckling* Wow, they're really excited.

Umeko: Who are the furry trio?

Felicity: Rewind, her husband, Rumble, and Rumble's twin brother, Frenzy... They turn into ferrets. It's so cute! ^^

Umeko: But ferrets are just tiny little animals, aren't they? *looks toward the door as the elevator stops and the door opens*

Usagi: *comes in, bows to Patrick, and then faces the front*

Patrick: *small smile* *To Usagi* {Good afternoon, Bunny.}

Usagi: *peeks up at him and bites her lip* Herro, Mr. Oberson.

Patrick: *moves to crouch so he's closer to Usagi's level* {How are the sushi cats?}

Usagi: *big eyes starting to sparkle as she gets to show her new skills* Kit-tens are... *bites lip again* Sleep.

Patrick: *more smile, nod* Alright... How is Kriti?

Usagi: She forget her dor... *frown* dor... doll *triumph!* I bring it to school.

Umeko: *watching the tiny girl with interest*

Patrick: *Small nod* We'll go with you.

Usagi: *eyes to the right as she works over the words, and then peeks up at Sean as he clicks and goes to one knee to be at her level too*

Umeko: *startles slightly and then laughs as the elevator chimes upon reaching the bottom level*

Patrick: *Will stand up to hold the doors open for everyone, chuckling softly as WakeJumper scoots to the med ward*

Umeko: *wriggles and chuckles* Felicity-chan, I can walk.

Felicity: Oh! *Sheepish smile as she gently sets Umeko on her feet*

Usagi: *looks up as the strange big girl talks, and then is shy and hides in her hands as Umeko looks at her*

Sean: *busy herding everyone into the hall*

Beau: Ah'm gonna go check in wit' Sis 'n see 'ow Raoul's feelin'... *Nods to Umeko and moves to follow after WakeJumper*

Umeko: *watches him go and then looks at Felicity* His sister is sick?

Felicity: *headshake* No, she's just keeping Raoul company, since he's feeling pretty cruddy right now...

Umeko: *as she's herded in the opposite direction that Beau and WakeJumper went* Raoul is their friend?

Patrick: Raoul is Major Trach's and her husband's son, and WakeJumper's brother.

Umeko: Ohhhhhh! *concern* What does 'cruddy' mean?

Felicity: *slight headtilt as she tries to think of how to explain what she means* Well, it's when someone is sick, and not feeling like doing much of anything....

Umeko: Oh. I didn't know. I should have brought something. *her affection for WakeJumper is there in her face as she frets silently about being a poor friend*

Patrick: *Gently* Being his friend, and a constant in his life, is something that he's glad to have...

Felicity: *nod nod* He mopes a little bit on the weekends 'cause he misses you...

Umeko: Aww. He's so cute. But I should have brought a card at least for his brother, or I should help his mother... *wonders why Sean is laughing so hard*

Sean: Raoul has his mama, his mama's aunty, and his mama's grandma. He's got enough fussing. It's okay.

Patrick: *nods, chuckling* Not only his mother, his mother's aunt, and his great grandmother, he's got his brothers, his uncle, his great grandmother's boyfriend, and his father, unless Tracks is at work today...

Sean: He's not. I can hear him snarking at Uncle Raj. *still grinning*

Patrick: *snerk* Which means Raoul's also got an uncle and an aunt there to fuss over him as well, knowing Sora...

Umeko: *eyes wide with wonder at the thought of so many family members being there for the sick boy. She hasn't even got that many family members!*

clicking and chatter: *reaches them from the metal mesh door that closes the creche room from the hall*

Patrick: *Soft chuckle when he sees Song hanging on the mesh*

Song: *clicking back at Sarah as her little pink fingers and toes flex. Then turns her head and looks through the door and gives a shout* SUNDOG!

Sean: *transforms and scoots over to open the door and claim his cousin/sister*

Ember: Bubby!!!! *Crawling towards Sundog now, happy clickstorm! whee! Lookit him go!*

Umeko: *soft gasp* Wings...

Patrick: *Quietly* Sundog is a Seeklet... A young Seeker, which is one of the three groups of fliers we have stationed here...

Kriti: *attention going to the door, big grin as she moves to get up and make her way over to Usagi*

Usagi: *has run inside and is heading straight for Kriti. Doesn't even glance Sundog's way as he lifts Ember and Song and hovers four foot above the floor with them*

Destiny: *is that clickstorm cleeeaaaar up near the ceiling... She's got her dolls with her, and is talking to them*

Kriti: *studying Umeko, even as she cuddles Usagi*

Umeko: *looking up toward the clicking and raising her eyebrows as she realizes that there's a big blue plastic barrel with a hole cut in the side up there. And then wonder shows in her eyes as she realizes that there are hidey holes all around this big room, along with climbing places, swings, and soft nests* ...What is this place?

Patrick: One of the most secure places in the entire base... This is the creche room... We don't use it very often, since most of the time, the creche is up in the atrium...

Umeko: A nursery? *then stops as she notices Simon sitting in front of the big TV, Oriana cuddled in his arms and Sven passed out using his leg for a pillow* Simon-san works here?

Usagi: Simon-kun.

Kriti: *nods in agreement with Usagi*

Sarah: *Squeeal! Is trying to wiggle out of Bert's arms so she can pounce-snuggle Umeko*

Felicity: *moving to see if Soli wants picked up*

Soli: *laying on her face in the not-sand box. Wants left alone to eat calcien pellets!*

Felicity: *clicks softly and tries to discourage Soli from filling up on calcien pellets* *will look around to see if Justice is here today or not as well*

Justice: *soft brush of greeting for his sister*

Umeko: *looks down at Usagi as the little girl steps forward to assert herself* But Simon is a man...

Kriti: *headshake, stance becoming a bit more protective* Simon and Greg are young....

Sarah: *Wiggle, fuss, wants to go see her friend!*

Bert: Easy kid. Calm down, then I'll let you go.

Sarah: *Clickstorm, huff!*

Kriti: *Small nod*

Patrick: They're both about fifteen months in age... *quick glance to Kriti, very slight nod when her lips thin slightly*

Umeko: *hands to her mouth* They're... babies?

Endstar: *looks over from where he's sitting on Uncle Wreck-Gar's chest. Does somebody wanna baby?*

Patrick: They're Dinobots... *attention going to Endstar, clicks quietly*

Bert: *finally lets Sarah go, after making sure that she's not going to fall down when he does*

Sarah: *Beeline for Umeko, excited clickstorm*

Umeko: *arms out toward the little girl* Sarah-chan! Are you just a baby too? *voice is gentle and full of affection*

Sarah: *as she moves to snuggle* Am Dinobot like him Simon, him Greg, him Sven, and her Sandra.

Umeko: *gently as she smooths Sarah's hair* I don't know what that means.

Sarah: *looks to Patrick, who nods* *to Umeko* Will show.. *moves to scoot back a few steps as Patrick gently ushers Kriti and Usagi out of the way*

Umeko: *watching, 'Bunny!' held absently in one hand*

Bert: *in the background* What the heck were you feeding him, Wreck-Gar?

Sarah: *once she's in no danger of knocking anyone over, she's moving to transform, stowing her outfit in subspace in the process*

Wreck-Gar: *to Bert* Have you had your V-8 today? *cheery grin*

Umeko: *gasp of surprise* I've seen you on the news!

Bert: Fine, but don't let him sit and drool it like that. It looks like something outta a vampire movie.

Swoop: *Soft chirr, headtilt* Was on news? *didn't know that*

Wreck-Gar: *Soft chuckle, will use one of the wet naps that Autumn gave him to clean up the drooled vegetable juice*

Wheelie: *laughs about something as he naps, is using Naomi's lap as a pillow*

Umeko: *nods* Yes, you and the big dinosaur with the long neck. A man was giving fish to you.

Swoop: Ooooh! *Wiggles her wings a bit* Was him Simon while him in root mode! *nod nod*

Umeko: Ohh. *looks over at Simon, who is still intent on the movie and cuddling the blonde haired baby girl in his arms*

Swoop: *Will transform back to alt-mode, and squeak softly when she realizes she managed to get her clothes on the right way!*

Umeko: *startles slightly at the squeak* What's the matter, Sarah-chan?

Sarah: Got clothes right way on first try! *Big grin*

Umeko: Oh, good job! *wide smile, and then she remembers the book in her hand and offers it* *quietly* Do you like stories?

Sarah: *nod nod, blink blink, squee* Is bunny story! :D

Umeko: Yes. It's a manga with no words, but the story is easy to see, and it's so cute!

Sarah: *Hug* Thank you!

Umeko: ^_^ You're welcome. I'm happy that you like it. *smiles down at her* I have gifts for the others too. Well... for the ones who can eat mochi.

Endstar: *that lady said candy. Here he comes!*

Wreck-Gar: *Surprised sound as he's suddenly left baby-less*

Firebreak: *sticks her head out of a bag hanging on the wall nearby* Candy! Me!!!

Ember: Nom!!!

Hotspot: Nom?

Sandra: *distracted* Noms?

Song: *wriggles in Sundog's arms* Candy, Doggy! She said candy!

Sundog: *landing* Yeah, it's funny looking, but it's good.

Kriti: *soft clicks, tries to keep from showing her sadness at not being able to eat like the rest of the kids*

Felicity: *looks up from trying to distract Soli* Candy? *Blink blink*

Soli: *lifts her head* Weaow?

Felicity: *Will nab baby sister and cuddle her*

Patrick: *Soft chuckle, slight head tilt as he hears someone approaching the creche room*

Umeko: *down on her knees opening her shopping bag and taking out box after box of beautiful little fruit and cake shaped candies. Is a bit startled to see the mannerly way the energetic little ones gather around*

Sundog: Naomi! Desti! Candy!

Destiny: *Peeek, clicks* *Will tuck her dolls into the nest of blankets that lines her current perch, before making her way to the ground*

Dion: *Is that babbling baby voice that's getting closer*

Naomi: *gently patting the youngling who's using her for a pillow* Vheelie? Do you vant some candy?

Wheelie: *Soft sound, yawns and rubs at his optics* Good sweets to eat?

Naomi: *listens to the group near the door, though a book, toy, and climbing shelf separates their pillow nest from the area* Mochi.

Wheelie: *slight headtilt, curious expression is a go*

Naomi: *will gently lift him onto his leg and his peg as she rises to her feet*

Wheelie: *carefully balancing on both limbs, will stretch out a bit*

Dion: *Happily babbling a greeting to Umeko*

Umeko: *looks up and smiles at the cute, pudgy, little dark-haired boy* Hello. You must Dion-kun.

Dion: *Happy babbles!*

WakeJumper: *Still a bit hyper*

Beau: Yep... 'E's 'ad a bath, 'n 's realleh fond'a 'is bunneh towel... *Chuckles as he gets babbled at*

Umeko: *soft laugh* Is he Cybertronian?

Beau: Yep. 'E's 'bout eight months old now...

Umeko: Will he be able to eat mochi? *holds up a tiny sweet shaped like a gift box*

Beau: *nods, a small smile tugging at his mouth as Dion makes with the cute*

Umeko: Awwww. *offers the candy*

Dion: *Happy babbles, will try and kissie you now, Umeko!*

Sarah: *Giggle* Him Dion kissy-monster!

Umeko: *squeals and laughs, one arm going up and around the little guy*

Firebreak: *has three noms. Tries to stick two in bubby mouths*

Hotspot: *will nibble on the offered nom*

Ember: *Love you, Firebreak-sissy!*

Firebreak: :D :D :D *stuffs her own nom in her mouth and looks like a chippermunkie*

Wheelie: *going to lean on you a bit, Naomi. He's still a bit unsteady on his peg, but he's not going to let that stop him!*

Naomi: *strong little arms helping her friend come*

Wheelie: *just acquired a passenger in the form of Wreck-Gar's hand, doesn't look the least bit surprised*

Naomi: *ears back at the hand* You can't have any.

Wreck-Gar: *coming to nab his hand and cheerfully scold it for running away again*

Umeko: *blinks at the hand, but doesn't really react to it as much as she does to Naomi. Naomi startles her*

Beau: *is more surprised by Wheelie and Wreck-Gar*

Wheelie: What's this I hear? Good eats are near? :D

Umeko: *recovers and reaches for a box, but Firebreak's already crawling over toward Wheelie with a mochi held out*

Wheelie: *wobbles and tries to figure out how to kneel* Ah, this is harder than I thought. It's not easy being a one-legged tot.

Beau: *Wondering if he should help the youngling or not*

Felicity: *will bring Soli over to Patrick now*

Naomi: *carefully helps Wheelie, and then startles as she feels her arm manes prickle* *looks around* Justice?

Umeko: *looks up from the candy distribution* Justice? He's here?

Felicity: *nods* Yeah... He visits Soli a lot...

Umeko: *looks at the assembled and happily nomming youngsters, trying to spot the author of her favorite book. But then she startles as someone bellows at the far side of the room and a messy haired Greg comes stomping over*

Sarah: *Scolds Greg for scaring Umeko*

Destiny: *scoot scoot scoot, clickstorm*

Ryan: *walking along beside Greg, a friendly grin on his face. He'd been over talking to the fish in the tank by the far wall*

Greg: *snorts at Sarah* I not scare her dumb Umeko. Her dumb Umeko scare self.

Destiny: *holds her hand out for a treat, wants to feed it to Simon*

Umeko: *has met Greg before when he went with his mother to school. Ignores him as she hands candy to Destiny*

Destiny: *Clicks and scoots over to Simon to feed him noms*

Simon: *surprised and pleased by the candy. Wants to feed it to Oriana or Sven*

Destiny: *Clickstorm, will go get more candy for Sven and Oriana*

Simon: *looking over to the candy crowd now, curiosity on his face*

Nancy: *far far corner* Wait, what? Candy?

Stephan: I'll get us some. What colour do you want?

Destiny: *talking TV with Wreck-Gar while she waits for another chance to get candy*

Loyd: Just one each.

Stephan: Will you stop worrying? Just because I ate all our sandwiches. Sheesh.

Sirus: This isn't a time to hit anything hard.

Stephan: I know how to act around little kids, okay?

Umeko: *looks over there quizzically once she's given candy to everyone else and they've started wandering off*

Patrick: The Technobots... *soft chuckle* They're still pretty new themselves...

Stephan: FINE, go get your own dumb candy!

Umeko: *wince* Brothers?

Patrick: *nods* And they've got a sister as well...

Nancy: *and here she comes to get candy, a sad look on her face as she thinks of one angry brother and two sorry ones*

Destiny: *Will snuggle Nancy*

Harmony: *offers the serious girl a hug too*

Nancy: Thank you. *hugs back* Stephan and Loyd are just restless from being inside so much.

Destiny: *Quiet clicks, getting a look in her eyes that would mean trouble for someone if it was being worn by Sora*

Sven: *Awake now, will grump a bit and sit up*

Simon: *offers brother candy* Her Umeko bring mochi thingies.

Sven: Mochi-thingies? *curious, will nom offered candy*

Simon: *ready to defend Oriana from thrrpted candy if his baby brother doesn't like it*

Oriana: *nomming her foot*

Sven: *chew chew chew! Pleased sounds*

Simon: You, Sven like them beans?

Sven: *nod nod* Taste good.

Simon: ^_^ Me Simon told you not all beans yucky.

Chinook: *yawns and curls up*

Sven: Fine. Only white, icky beans in soup yucky.

Simon: And brown ones with molasses. *grimaces slightly as he remembers that one himself* Poor piggies.

Sven: Ewwww....

Oriana: *soft laugh and kicks her feet* Eewwww!

Sven: *Clickclickclick*

Oriana: *leans over and offers him kissies*

Sven: Pleh! You Oriana no kissie me Sven! *scoots around to hide behind Simon*

Oriana: :\ *slow and thoughtful kicks, then puts her foot back in her mouth*

Simon: Her nom foot again.

Umeko: *looking around* *to Sarah* Have all the children had some candy now?

Sarah: *looks around, before Destiny tugs her sleeve and points up* Ohhh! Him Slipstream not get mochi...

Umeko: *looks up too* He's in one of the barrels?

Destiny: *nodnod*

Sarah: Him Slipstream like to hide up high.... *Sounds a bit sad about that*

Umeko: *looks at her young friend with concern* Is something wrong for Slipstream?

Sarah: Him Slipstream no like anyone but him Thrust...

Umeko: Who's Thrust? *puts away the rest of the candy and then goes over to a long cushion like a log and sits on it, her arm going out to invite Sarah and Destiny to sit by her*

Sarah: *As she moves to sit and snuggle Umeko* Him Thrust him Slipstream mentor...

Destiny: *headshake, will go climb back up to where she left her dolls*

Usagi: *indicates Destiny and looks at Kriti* Destiny go home to children.

Umeko: *listening to both Sarah and Usagi as she digs through her furry purse*

Kriti: *nod* *carefully pronouncing each word so Usagi can understand her* She likes sitting where she and her dolls can see everyone.

Usagi: Like {eagle}. *peeks into the pounch Krit's wearing to check on the sushi cats, who are sleeping*

Kriti: *nod nod* *Will also check on the kittens, clicking softly as she does so*

Umeko: *softly* Kriti-chan?

Kriti: Yes, Umeko-san?

Umeko: *smiles at the address* *then gently* You don't like mochi?

Kriti: *Quietly* {I cannot eat the way everyone else can yet...}

Umeko: *concern* {Are you sick?}

Kriti: *Small headshake, will move to indicate her purse* *Quietly* {I use electricity... Father and Uncle Merlin are working on a new body for me...} *Yes, she overheard Russell and Merlin talking specifications one time...*

Umeko: *still concerned, but won't ask questions and be rude. Instead, she offers a package of tiny squares of coloured paper* {May I give you this instead of mochi?}

Kriti: *Expression brightens*

Umeko: *holds out the little package, her smile growing as she sees the tiny Usagi dance with excitement at sight of the two sided paper*

Kriti: *politely thanks Umeko and reaches for the paper, clicking softly as she moves to gently usher Usagi over to a good spot to sit*

Umeko: *watches them go, smiling. Then looks at Sarah* They're good friends?

Sarah: *nodnod* Her Usagi help her Kriti, and her Kriti help her Usagi, them good friends with pretty dolls...

Umeko: *slight smile as she reaches for 'Bunny!'* Pretty dolls?

Sarah: *nodnod* Pretty folded paper dolls that me Sarah can't make yet, though me try.

Umeko: *glances over and sees the simply pretty origami dolls* Ohhh. I don't know that pattern. They are pretty.

Sarah: *nodnod*

Umeko: Are any of your dolls here today? *glances up at that barrel that holds the little child who didn't come to get candy*

Sarah: *Nod nod nod, will go get the dolls that she brought with her!*

Destiny: *Clickstorming at the barrel and trying to get a response from Slipstream. If he chooses to ignore her, he's going to get mochi dropped on him from above!*

Slipstream: *peeks out at her, his eyes holding a combination of wariness and interest*

Destiny: *Clicks and offers mochi* *Will leeeean and stretch as far as she can to offer it*

Slipstream: *accepts the gift without question, not wanting a repeat of the last scene where he tried to get away from Destiny*

Destiny: *smile* Is nom. *nod nod, turns her attention back to her dolls*

Slipstream: *looks at the little pastel shape, and then ducks back out of sight as Thundersong whizzes past*

Ember: *Clickclickclick, wants to follow Thundersong!*

Sundog: *triggers baby brother's transform, and then throws him up in the air*

Ember: *Squee, zips up towards the ceiling after his creche sibling, before cutting his thrusters and landing in one of the barrels* *Excited clickstorm!*

Thundersong: *hooks her fingers over one of the obstacle panels hanging from the ceiling and starts counting tooth marks*

panel: *has lots of tooth marks!*

Umeko: 0_0 *tries to get Bert's attention after she catches sight of the Seeklet hanging up there*

Sarah: *looks to see who's up near the ceiling this time* Her Thundersong getting good at flying.... *puzzled* Where him Ember hiding?

Beau: *Reaches to gently pat Umeko's shoulder* Th't ain't nothin' t' be worryin' 'bout.

Umeko: But... what if she falls?

Sundog: *drops Hotspot on his way to the trapeze net*

Umeko: *gasp!*

Hotspot: *clickstorm, is trying to follow Sundog-bubby! Will end up clinging to the trapeze net*

Sundog: *hovers above the net and clicks encouragingly to bitty brother*

Hotspot: *Will climb the rest of the way into the net then!* :3

Sundog: Okay, now fly to me! :D

Hotspot: *clickstorm, will try and do so now!*

Beau: Th'y's Seeklets... Flahin's 'n th'y's nature...

Umeko: *slowly, as she watches with wonder* Ohhhh.

Justice: *watching Hotspot through Patrick's eyes, and also letting his alter father see the adult ghosts who are sitting over at the far side of the room. His mother and the Galvatron who used to be her mate are intent on the 'Pocket Frogs' game*

Patrick: *Surprised to see the adult ghosts, despite suspecting that they've been by to visit a few times*

Justice: -They're usually somewhere in the base.- *stirs slightly, feeling content* -Who is Umeko?-

Patrick: -Ah... Umeko is one of Sarah's and Felicity's friends... She goes to the school I work at, and that the rest of the Aerialbots, WakeJumper, and Sundog go to...- *Soft chuckle as he watches his counterpart and Galvatron*

Galvatron: *is frowning very intently as he hops the little frogs around the screen*

Justice: *catches a part of a thought from Patrick* -She's read my story?-

Patrick: -Yes, and it's one of her favorites.-

Justice: *feeling of a smile* -Does she know about me?-

Patrick: -Not quite... She knows you're here, because Felicity said something...-

Justice: *thoughtful feeling* -She really liked the story?-

Patrick: *slight nod* -WakeJumper said she's gotten teased for liking it.-

Justice: *inner frown* -I didn't think it was a story that anyone would like. Except the part before the war, and the ending.-

Patrick: -Different people like different things...- *Thinking about Umeko's reaction to his own favorite story*

Justice: *stirs and accidentally tickles Patrick* -True... I just thought happy stories were more likable.-

Patrick: *Slight squirm at the accidental tickle* -It depends on the person, really...- *And now he'll think about what Sabrina says her favorite series is, which is actually one set during World War 2, and tells about some of the more horrific situations during that war, as well as how the people in those situations overcame said situations and were stronger for it*

Justice: *perks and listens, and then thinks of the shooter game that is Scarlett's favorite 'story' material*

Patrick: *wants to facepalm so badly*

Justice: -...?-

Patrick: -If not for the fact that I have seen how much worse her choice in games could be...- *Thinks of the Aerialbot's favorite game*

Justice: *picks up on that, and then remembers the time Scarlett showed him her 'Lineage II' elf character and her favorite outfit to put it in*

Patrick: -Yes. That.-

Justice: -Felicity likes little books with clear covers that are tied together with ribbons.-

Patrick: *remembers the book he got for the Aerialbot in question, will move to give her the book* *wait for it...*

Felicity: *Blink blink, carefully shifts Soli to the crook of her arm.* *pause* ... *SQUEE!*

Soli: 0_o

Justice: *brb, fell out of Dad's shell!*

Umeko: *startled and looked up from 'reading' 'Bunny!' with Sarah. Now she's laughing*

Felicity: *happy babblings as she shows Soli the zine*

Patrick: *Far too amused, knew Felicity would react that way*

Soli: *thrrpt's book and resumes fist chewing and scowling*

Justice: *laughing at himself as he parks back in Patrick's shell again*

Patrick: *chuckle* -I think she likes it.-

Justice: *more laughter* -Yes. She's going to go show Warren now, isn't she?-

Patrick: -More than likely...- *Fond chuckle*

Felicity: *Here, Patrick, you can has Soli now. Is going to go show Warren her new book!*

Patrick: *More amused* *clicks to Soli*

Soli: Slaggit. :\

Patrick: ... *both brows up* Now where did you pick that up from?

Soli: *just looks at him*

Umeko: Sarah-chan, do you feel a draft? The hair on my arms is standing up. *looks around puzzledly*

Sarah: *headshake* Is not draft, is him Justice or her Justice-Mama or him Justice-papa...

Umeko: *sits up, slowly closing 'Bunny!'* What do you mean?

Sarah: *Simply* Him Justice not online.

Umeko: *slight frown as she tries to understand* ...He couldn't come to the computer?

Sarah: *headshake* Not 'net online... *Trying to put what she means into words* Life online...

Umeko: *blinks* But Sarah-chan, there aren't any such thing as ghosts.

Sarah: *blink blink* *Does not compute* Him Justice here... but not alive.

Umeko: *very confused* But...

Justice: *has heard this and directs Patrick's attention to it* -I think she's thinking of human ghosts.-

Patrick: *small nod, moves to approach* *Quietly* Sarah doesn't mean human ghosts, Umeko...

Umeko: *looks up at him, the confusion still clear in her eyes and face*

Patrick: *gently* Cybertronians have ghosts... We refer to them as free sparks...

Umeko: *shock, and then sadness* Then the story...

Patrick: *Quietly* I think it would be best if Justice explained the situation...

Justice: -She can't hear me, Dad. She doesn't have any circuits.-

Patrick: -No, but I do... And I trust you.-

Justice: *understands what Patrick is saying. Surprise, and then a snuggle*

Patrick: *snuggle*

Umeko: *looking at Patrick, waiting to see what he means*

Sarah: *Quietly* Him Uncle Patrick has Justice-passenger, am guessing...

Patrick: *lets Justice have control of his shell*

Justice: *as Patrick's face takes on an expression that is serious and very young* Yes, I'm here, Sarah. *looks at Umeko shyly* You like my story.

Umeko: *hand over mouth as she nods and tries not to cry* It's real?

Justice: Yes. All except the part about the people being human.

Sarah: *headtilt, clicks softly and snuggles Umeko*

Umeko: Then Patrick-sama is your father... *frown* The brother of your true mother?

Justice: They're both my true parents. *hesitates a bit and looks over toward the frog game* That's how Cybertronian families work.

Beau: *a bit surprised that Justice is using Patrick's shell, but will chime in* 'T's sorta lahk 'ow mah sis' 'usband's also mah Pa, 'n 'ow WakeJumper's mah nephew 'n brotha 't th' same tahm...

Umeko: *brows up* The adults who love you are your parents?

Beau: *nods*

Dion: *Finished his nom, will reach for WakeJumper* Bubby! :D

Justice: Among some of our subgroups all your parent's siblings are also your parents. *looks up at the happy Seekerlings in the rafters*

Umeko: Why are you staying? If your mother has stopped the tyrant... You can... Oh... Do you have somewhere to go when you die?

Sarah: *Quietly* Go to Well, when all are one....

Justice: *gentle kiss for his baby sister's head* Soli needs me here.

Umeko: *understanding* Duty.

Sarah: Him Justice stay for family. *nod nod*

Umeko: *gently offers her young friend 'Bunny!'*

Justice: *watching the two girls curiously*

Sarah: *clicks softly and holds the manga* Umeko sad?

Umeko: A little bit. *smooths Sarah's pretty little hat and then pats her shoulder before getting up to give Justice a gentle hug*

Justice: *startled and shy, loses control of the shell*

Soli: *GLARE*

Patrick: *a bit dizzy now, will reassure Justice and click softly to Soli and Umeko*

Umeko: *realizes that Patrick's returned and shrinks back with embarrassment* Oh, I'm sorry, Patrick-sama.

Patrick: *Gently* It's alright... *will move to sit down... Or try to. He kind of misses the bench, which earns him a bit of fussing from Sarah*

Umeko: *hurries to help him settle on the big bolster*

Sarah: *Fussing over Uncle Patrick now!*

Umeko: *runs to the water cooler and comes back with a mug of water for Patrick*

Soli: NO!

Patrick: I'm alright... *embarrassed, yes. Hurt in any way? No.*

Justice: *gentle apology over his circuits*

Patrick: *Reassuringly* -It's alright, Justice. I've done worse when I've asked past Primes for their advice... Emilia and the others call it 'Matrix-Spelunking...-

Justice: *quietly* -I know. I was there with you last time. But I don't think you made them dizzy.-

Patrick: *Soft chuckle* -No... but I was dizzy and tired after each trip...-

Umeko: *softly, as she offers the water* Patrick-sama?

Patrick: *Gently, as he reaches for the mug* I'm alright, Umeko.

Umeko: And Justice? *concern*

Patrick: He's alright as well.

Umeko: *softly* Oh, I'm glad. *smiling again*

Simon: *wanders over, Oriana sitting on one shoulder and hugging his head* You, Umeko stay and eat dinner?

Bert: *glances over at them from where he's picking up toys with Endstar and the Anderson twins, then pings his mate* //How're things at your end, Autumn?//

Autumn: //Everyone's still asleep, aside from Lyra and the rest of the drones... Oh, and Steeljaw's carrying his and Ravage's kitten around like a mamacat again...// *chuckle*

Bert: *gruff chuckle* //So you're not gonna be back for the supper run?//

Autumn: //I might not... Unless someone brings food out to the house... Are Sora and Raj available?//

Bert: //Alright.// *looks down to check on the twins and Endstar* //Yup. They're on the way.//

Endstar: *nomming a toy and looking around with big eyes as he sings*

Autumn: //Once Sora and Raj get here, I'll meet you in the mess.//

Bert: //Alright.// *sends love over their bond and starts getting everyone herded toward the door* Oh yeah. Hey, Chief!

Patrick: *looks up* Yes, Bert?

Bert: Missy's out. *grin*

Umeko: *wondering what this means*

Patrick: ... o_o

Sarah: *Blink blink* Missy-Sissy born?

Bert: Yup. Missy-Sissy is born. And she says she's Missy, too.

Simon: 0_0

Ryan: *whoops and air guitars, then laughs*

Sven: ...

Sandra: *Hrmphs, but is grinning*

Sarah: *Squee!*

Destiny: *peeeking out of her hidey-hole now, clickstorm*

Umeko: *dances with Sarah, and then laughs at the sound of whooping from the Technobots' corner*

Greg: *looks around at all this reaction and frowns, then finally understands what the adults are saying and scowls* Dumb sister. *goes back to throwing blocks in a bin*

Patrick: *Can't help it, snerks*

Destiny: *tells Slipstream that it's time for noms, will tuck her dolls into her pockets and make her way back down to the floor*

Ember: *is going to peek out of his barrel* Noms?

Bert: *grinning as sparklets share the news over the open channel. Gathers up the twins and lets Endstar onto his back*

Meryl: *Chirp?*

Sundog: *swoops through and snags bittybrothers*

Patrick: *Grinning as he shares the news with Emilia, even as he moves to help herd youngsters through the door and up to the mess*

((co-written with random_xtras))
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