mbv, The Ark, Meetings and Unexpected Happenings...

Aug 13, 2010 22:20

Raoul:  *offers Russell a little flat plastic box about three inches square*

Russell: *Raised brow as he thanks Raoul and accepts the box*

Raoul:  Heard you liked obscure comics.  That's from some Earth with Transformers and a really bad case of Japanese kawaii poisoning.

Russell: ... *Curious now, will proceed to examine the box*

box:  *small button on one side, and a screen of sorts on the front which bears what looks like a title page in mixed Cybertronian and Japanese script.  The dialects of both will prove quite unintelligible to the curious mech*

Russell: *bemused, makes a note to show this to Pandita, since the mech knows more dialects of Cybertronian than anyone else*

Raoul:  The guy at the store says it's aimed at Transformers and not humans, but that's all he could tell me about it.

Russell: *Soft chuckle* Well, I'll have to bother Pandita for a translation when he's feeling better...

Raoul:  Dunno how interesting it'll be.  Looks like it's about cute little girl bots.  All I really got outta it is one of 'em squeed once.

Russell: *more chuckle* Well, once it's translated, that will give a clue as to whether or not it is interesting...

Raoul:  Yeah.  *slight grin*  'N it's obscure, for sure.

Russell: *nods*

Raoul:  You seen 'The Bride'?

Russell: ... Er... no...

Raoul:  It's this geeky series Sean likes.  I don't get it.  *cheery shrug*

Goldie:  *peeks out of Raoul's collar, whiskers twitching*

Russell: Ah... *attention on the PA system just before someone makes an announcement about all NEST personnel needing to report to the main meeting area* What on Earth....

Raoul:  *frowns*  Major Mac said she was gonna talk to her guys.

Russell: *small frown* About what, I wonder?

Raoul:  She's tellin' them she's one of u... you guys now.

Russell: Ah... And I'm assuming Tracks is going to be at the meeting for moral support?

Raoul:  Yup.  They left Dion with Beau, but then Aunty Rain came around.

Russell: *chuckles* And Magnus wasn't far behind her?

Raoul:  I dunno.  I just heard Beau complainin' over the comms.

Russell: *more chuckling* Rain probably ganked Dion right out of his arms...

Raoul:  Yup.  *watches WO Caine go by and waves to him*

Russell: *nods to WO Caine, then he's heading off to check on the medbay's current occupants*

ENS. Falman: *heading for the main meeting room, holds the door open for Jean and Rose* Good morning.

Raoul:  *watches them, and then goes to book it so he gets to town in time for work at the shop*

Rose:  Mornin', Vato.  *grin*

Jean: Five bucks says this meeting's just about some of the new stuff we've gotta do for crowd control.

Rose:  *gives him her 'idiot' look*

Jean: What?

ENS. Falman: *Soft chuckle as he moves to sit down at the table*

WO Caine:  *passing out donuts.  Has a chest pocket full of gerbils*  *grins at Falman*

Tad:  *opens the door for his wife*

Capt. Reynolds: *quietly thanks her husband, attention going to where Denver is standing*

rest of Reynolds' new squad:  *slip in behind her*

Lt. Johnson: *Elbowing Lt. Demarce in the gut and congratulating him on his promotion, earning an embarrassed grin from the blond soldier*

ENS. Falman: *tips his head towards the pair, and winks at WO Caine*

WO Caine:  *silent thrrpt, his eyes twinkling*

ENS. Falman: *snerks*

Denver: *Watching and waiting for everyone to arrive*

Tracks:  *standing beside her, his posture full of lazy insouciance*

Denver: *is glad that Tracks is here with her*

Rose:  *trying to get Jean to bring her over to Denver.  Quietly calling him a blockhead*

Jean: *Affectionately razzes Rose, even as he moves to bring her over to Denver*

Rose:  *will offer her former CO a hug*  *softly*  John told us yesterday about your miracle.

Denver: *Very careful as she hugs Rose* *quietly* You weren't seeing things that day, Rose... I really did tear the truck apart...

Rose:  *softly*  I figured.  *reassuring squeeze for the taller woman*

Jean: *has sighted the ring Denver's wearing, a small smile coming to his face* *To Tracks* You've had the "Break her heart, I'll break your legs" threat from Beau already, right? *is teasing*

Tracks:  Hmm?  Oh no.  The wedding was already over before Beau realized what was happening.

Jean: *Snerks*

Denver: *Gives him a Look and tells him to get his butt to a chair before there aren't any more*

Tracks:  And do make sure not to drop Rose again.

Jean: Do I look like an imbecile?

Denver: *Snerks*

Rose:  Only first thing in the morning and after you drink rum.

Jean: *more razzes*

Rose:  *laughs and holds on so he can't drop her from razz dizziness*

Tad:  *has his cinnamon sugar donut balanced on the end of his finger and is staring at it thoughtfully as he muses*

Denver: *Attention going to the door, is clearly waiting for someone else to show up*

Sunshine:  *PINpoint sound and then she's cloaking herself in her wings as she enters and perks her ears toward the various greetings sent her way*  Hello, evervone, haf you missed me?

Denver: *relaxes a bit* *teasingly* You're late, Captain House... *moves to patch through to Col. Franklin, via the video comm*

Sunshine:  Ja, vell.  *ears twitch as she takes her seat*

Tracks:  *watches as the screen clears to show the Colonel, who is holding his young son wrapped tightly in a fuzzy blue blanket* Is he feeling any better, Col.?

Col. Franklin:  *tiredly*  He's sleeping.

Denver: *nod* Then we'll have to keep this as brief as possible... *addressing everyone in the room now* As you all know, this area is now considered a military base for Research and Development. As such, there are protocols which need to be followed when interacting with the general public. *goes over the very short list of protocols, which include how to explain the Dinobots and the Seekers*

Tad:  *nodding, his donut now missing a bite*

Rose: *head to one side and her eyes intent as she listens*

Caine:  *watching Denver's mouth closely as he follows what she's saying*

Jenn: *nodding as well, wondering silently if this is all this meeting is really about*

Falman: *Nods as he listens*

Jean: So basically, what you're saying, is that to the public, the Dinobots and Seekers are "Prototype Defensive Weaponry"?

Denver: *nods* That's our cover story.

Rose:  *quietly*  Ain't that what those Stark freaks said?

Denver: *expression darkens almost unnoticeably as she thinks of Sora*

Col. Franklin:  No.  They were trying to market their captives as offensive weaponry.  I know it sounds similar, Lt. Darby, but it's a credible story and gives our friends freedom to move around in their true forms.

Caine:  *looks back and forth, and then leans around Sunshine's shoulder to read as she transcribes what everyone's saying*

Denver: *nods in agreement with the Col.'s words, and then she hesitates for a few moments despite knowing that the meeting is far from over*

Tracks:  *gentle hand on her shoulder*

Caine:  *turns back to Denver and lifts a brow, plainly waiting for the 'what else'*

Denver: *Stands a bit straighter* There is one more thing which needs to be mentioned... I'm sure by now most of you have heard rumors regarding an incident which happened a few weeks ago...

Rose:  ...She's using her trouble talk.  *sits up slightly, frowning*

Sunshine:  *calm ear perk.  She already knows what her friend is going to say*

Caine:  *nodding*

Jean: ...Okay, so maybe she's gonna 'fess up... *helping Rose sit up more*

Falman: *Slight headtilt, has a hunch about what's going on*

Denver: *Deep breath, then she's moving away from Tracks and transforming, figuring that it will be easier to show what happened than to try and explain*

Lt. Johnson: *Startled cuss!*

Caine:  *still nodding*

Rose:  *sigh*  Dangit, she's pretty in that form too.

Tad:  *choking on his donut*

Jenn: *reaching to smack her husband on the back a few times*

Tad:  *wheeze, grabs his glass of water and chugs it, then stares at Denver*

Denver: *reaching for Tracks' hand* *Quietly* I've also been married, by Cybertronian standards, since that day.

Tad:  How the heck does a human being become a Transformer???

Denver: *Attention on Tad now, optics serious* The same way two men with concussions spontaneously heal.

Tad:  *sucks in a breath*

Rose:  *little mouth twist, is kind of wishing some miracle had come her way, though she's mostly happy with how things are now*

Jean: *Gently rubbing her back*

Denver: *Returns to alt-mode, muttering something about being glad she didn't wear shoes today*

Falman: *Soft chuckle*

Tad:  So... now what?

Caine:  *offers him another donut*

Denver: *Attention on Falman, since she was certain she didn't mention the shoe thing loud enough for anyone besides Tracks and Sunshine to hear her*

Sunshine:  *turns her head, ears perked and pale eyes quizzical*  Vato, ist there anything you vould like to share?

Falman: *considering something, then he's nodding and moving to scoot his chair back so he can take his boots off* There is.

Tad:  Huh?  *blinks at his friend*

Falman: *finishes removing his boots, then he's concentrating. Moments later, he's having to crouch, having changed from an already tall and somewhat slender human to a very tall, very slender cat-like being*

Denver: *Startled blurt of static*

Tad:  *out of his chair, his eyes wide*

Tracks:  *places himself protectively in front of his wife*

Falman: *headtilt, green eyes watching Col. Franklin for his reaction*

Col. Franklin:  *speechless blinking*

Baby Franklin:  *coughs and then points*  Gato!

Falman: *ears perked, quiet rumble of a purr starting*

Jean: *gaping and trying to protect Rose*

Lt. Johnson: ... Holy &#$@... He's like one of those Sphynx cats....

Jenn: .... *has to put her head on the table. This is just a bit hard for her to take right now*

Lt. Demarce: .... I don't think he's gonna hurt anyone...

Falman: *more purring, agrees with Lt. Demarce*

Sunshine:  *looks over to the Col.  Calmly*  I vas right, Mike.

Col. Franklin:  *finally finds his voice as his son pats him gleefully*  You're an immigrant?

Falman: *nods, tail moving a bit as he chirps*

Col. Franklin:  ...We have no records of your people.  *nonplussed by this unusual first contact*

Falman: Mrrrpt.... *Shifts forms back to the one he's been using*

Sunshine:  I take it you are not able to speak the human langvages vhen in your natural form?  *ears perked toward him*

Tad:  ....  The #@@#$@'s the big idea?

Falman: *To Sunshine* Not very understandably, no... *confused look for Tad*

Tad:  Sneaking around like that instead of just letting us know?  It's not like we would've done anything to you.

Col. Franklin:  Stand down, Captain.

Falman: *calmly* My people are not the most friendly-looking beings, Captain....

Tad:  *still miffed, but is obeying the Colonel's order*

Sunshine:  *amused ear twitch*  You haf met JDs, Ensign Falman.  Und look at me.  I think that you haf underestimated us.

Falman: *one-shoulder shrug* The rest of my people who are here use human form... We do not wish to cause panic.

Col. Franklin:  The rest of your people?  Then you're not an immigrant?  There's a community here?

Falman: There is a family or two of my kind who have been here for awhile. I myself was born and raised on the homeworld.

Jean: ... Then why the heck are you here?

Falman: I came to visit a cousin.

Sunshine:  A cousin?  In NEST?

Caine:  *crooks a thumb at himself*

Sunshine:  *wings open and knock a few people over in her surprise*

Denver: *more static*

Caine:  *offers Denver a writing pad, on which he's jotted down, in the shorthand that she herself taught him*  We've been here for years, Major.  My branch of the family is human now, and I've never known any other form.  When I was offered a chance to join NEST I jumped on it because I know from the old family legends how badly my great great grandparents could have used the kind of help we give to immigrants and visitors to Earth.

gerbils:  *sitting on Caine's shoulder and watching everyone curiously*

Col. Franklin:  *to Denver*  Major?

Denver: *hands shaking as she reads over what Caine has written* *Quietly* How many years?

Caine:  *reaches for the pad*

Denver: *hands it back*

Falman: *doing math in his head* It's been at least five or six generations since the branch of the family that Gavin hails from left the homeworld... Our average lifespan is about 93 earth years...

Caine:  *unaware of what Falman's saying, scribes down something similar, only with exact years.  Offers the pad back to Denver*

Denver: *boggles as she reads the exact number*

Col. Franklin:  So you've been here longer than NEST has existed.

Falman: Gavin's side of the family has been, sir.

Col. Franklin:  What did Warrant Officer Caine mean about being human now?

Caine:  *looks around and realizes he's missed something here, inquiring glance to Denver*

Denver: *hands shaking a bit still as she signs the question*

Caine:  *lifts his hands in his own slow and uncertain signing*  ~We no use muscle to change form.  It right at little bits level.  I was born in this form, so I human.~

Col. Franklin:  Please ask what he means by 'little bits'.

Falman: Molecular level. When our kind shift forms, we shift entirely.

Col. Franklin:  *eyebrows lift*  And what's the significance of being born in a certain form?

Falman: The form we're born into is our natural one.... Similar to how the Cybertronians have root modes.

Sunshine: *sits up*  That sounds like something from a story of die feen.

Falman: From some of the old legends I have heard, it is likely that somewhere along the line, many generations ago, we had ties to the feen.

Sunshine:  Ah, then in some vays you vould be distant kin to mien own volk.  *turns her head and looks at Col. Franklin*

Col. Franklin:  *rubbing his face*  Are you even a legal American citizen, Ensign?

Falman: *Small smile* Yessir, I am. I have lived in the United States for the past twenty years.

Rose:  He's more a legal citizen than John is.

Tracks:  *frowns at her*

Rose:  Not you.  Big John.

Col. Franklin:  Lt. Darby, what do you mean?

Rose:  *blinks and looks at Denver, her expression showing her surprise*  *mouths*  Didn't you report?

Denver: *Facepalming* Knew I forgot something when I was kicking my own butt...

Col. Franklin:  Major Trach?

Tracks:  >_>  *pat pat pat*

Denver: *Stands straighter* *reports on what was discovered two days ago and the day before*

Col. Franklin:  *rocked back in his chair by the news*

baby Franklin:  Ur?

Tad:  *mouth hanging open*

Caine:  *slow nod*

Denver: We still haven't located Soundwave, however, sir.... *A bit ashamed that she forgot to report on something so important*

Falman: *Quietly* I didn't think it was my place to say anything the first time I met him....

Denver: *Stiffens slightly at that*

Jean: *Gaping at Falman now*

Col. Franklin:  *quietly*  Lt. Wesson is relieved of duty till further notice.  I want him under guard.

Denver: Understood, sir...

Sunshine:  *ears back in a frown as she listens*

Tracks:  *deep frown*  -He didn't arrest any of Soundwave's other symbionts.-

Denver: *Quietly* -They hadn't broken any laws...-

Tracks:  *feels unhappy*

Col. Franklin:  Alert Optimus Prime of the situation immediately.  *winces as his son starts to cry*  And keep me advised.  Franklin out.

Tad:  *watches the screen go blank and then turns miserable eyes to Denver, awaiting orders*

Denver: *Quietly* Tad, can I trust you and the rest of our squad to work out a schedule with everyone else here? *wants to go run so she can not only calm down but work this through in her head*

Tad:  *quietly*  Yes, sir.  *turns to start getting everyone organized*

Denver: *moving to head for the door*

Tracks:  *moving with her*

Sunshine:  *stands up and gently corrals her friend with a wing, then pulls her close for a hug*

Denver: *Taking deep breaths. Will not cry.*

Sunshine:  *folds Denver and Tracks safely inside the warmth of her wings as she gently rubs Denver's back*

Tracks:  *uncertain about this*

Denver: *glad for Sunshine and Tracks' presence*

Tracks: *senses this and settles down*

Sunshine:  *very softly, knowing that her friend can hear it now*  It vill be alright.

Denver: *small nod, startles when Beau sends her a text message*

Tracks:  *also flinches, then impulsively looks at the message*

Sunshine:  *ears perked and wings loosening*  Vhat is it?

Message: *is about the family reunion, asking if they're going or not*

Denver: 'S 'bout th' MacKenzie Family Reunion...

Tracks:  *softly*  //Not now, Beau.  We're dealing with something else at the moment.//

Beau: //Uncle Mason's need'n 'n answer bah th' end'a t'day...//

Tracks:  //Oh sparks....//  *sighs and listens to his mate*  //Fine, then.  Yes, we're going.//

Beau: //Ah'll let Uncle Mason know th'n...// *hangs up*

Tracks:  *turns and looks at Denver, and then glances around the room, which is empty but for the pair of them and Sunshine*

Denver: *Soft sigh*

Sunshine:  *kindly*  Take a few moments to yourself und unvind.

Denver: *Small nod*

Sunshine:  *gentle pat and steps back*  Und hug your baby.  *wink*  Or your husband.  *PINs away*

Tracks:  *blush....*

Denver: *Blushing as well*

Tracks:  Ahem.  So what should we do now, darling?

Denver: *Quietly* We sh'ld prolleh staht worry'n' 'bout wh't t' pack f'r th' reunion...

Tracks:  And reporting to Patrick?

Denver: *nods*

Tracks:  *concerned, moves to put his arms around her as he senses the whirl of her processor*

Denver: *taking comfort in being held*

Tracks:  *reports the results of the meeting to Patrick himself*

Patrick: *Surprised when he learns about Falman and Caine*

Tracks:  //And Lt. Wesson is under arrest.//

Patrick: //...Understood...// *had a feeling that might happen*

Tracks:  //I'm afraid Denver needs some downtime now.//

Patrick: //Do you need me to call Rachel or Russell?//

Tracks:  //No.  I think she just needs some quiet to work things out in her processor.  She has had a shock.//

Patrick: //Understood... Good luck getting Dion away from Rain and Magnus though... *chuckles*//

Tracks:  *exasperated sigh*  //They need to go create a sparklet of their own to primary.//

Patrick: *Snerks* //Give them time, and they probably will.//

Tracks:  //I'll give them a few Cybertron Sunsets and a free holiday locked in a room.//  *grumpy bot is grumpy as he moves to lead his lady homeward*

Denver: *leans against her husband, still trying to sort stuff out as well as trying to plan what to pack*

Patrick: //Make sure it's a room that Rain can't get out the window of...//

Tracks:  //Where do you see windows down here?//

Patrick: //Fine then, make sure she can't pick the slagging lock.//

Tracks:  //Teach your grandmother to suck oil.//  *smug as he shuts off the private channel*

Denver: *soft groan as she realizes she'll have to pack the one outfit she HATES to wear, because she just knows that she'll catch heat if she doesn't wear it for pictures*

Tracks:  *sudden spurt of alarm and a glance at her from the corners of his eyes*

Denver: *grumbling about having to wear a skirt just to appease some old coot who is only alive by some miracle or other*

Tracks:  *eyes go the other way as he thinks of nice legs*

Denver: ... *Grousing comes to a screeching halt as she boggles at her husband. Then she's blushing to the point that her ears are red*

Tracks:  *just as red*

Rachel:  *steps out of a rec room, looks at them, sniggers, and walks off down the hall*

Tracks:  *ded*

Denver: *Mortified*

Tracks:  *PINpoints them home*

Beau: *doing laundry, or rather, flopped on the couch and waiting for the dryer to be done, blink blinks at Tracks and Denver*

Tracks:  *stern look, and then he's guiding Denver off down the hall*  *sheepishly*  I suppose there are downsides to a deep bond as well....

Denver: *still blushing a bit* *Small nod.... and then she's leaning against him more* *absently* Wonder 'ow maneh 'f th' otha MacKenzie gals'll be green wit' enveh....

Tracks:  *not sure whether to feel flattered or annoyed at the thought as he pauses at the door to their room to give her another hug.  He knows he's a lovely piece of work, but really, all this fuss about his secondary alt mode, when it's his primary one that best shows off his beauty and grace*

Denver: *a bit of a smug feeling because she KNOWS that if any of the MacKenzie men see Tracks' primary alt mode, they'll be in awe*

Tracks:  *and he'll be even more stunning because he now has the most exquisite accent piece possible, a lovely lady who will receive her just due of admiration because of her close proximity to him*

Denver: *blushing a bit at being thought of as lovely*

Tracks:  *quietly*  It's only the truth.  *thoughts turn to lavender candles*

Denver: *more blushing, though her thoughts turn to cuddling under the covers*

Tracks:  *nuzzles her hair*  Just let me put your nightgown in the dryer for a moment.

Denver: *small nod, deciding to worry about packing later*

Tracks:  *Last little hug and then he goes to get ready*

Meanwhile, in the medbay...

Wesson:  *laying on his side, facing the wall*

Maria: *taps on the door*

Wesson:  *frowns and pulls his blankets up higher over his shoulder*

Maria: *quietly* John?

Wesson:  *quiet and slightly surly*  What?

Maria: *coming into the room* Our squad's got most of the guard shifts... And the Major's not happy about you being placed under arrest...

Wesson:  It's what I deserve.

Maria: We'll get through this...

Wesson:  ...Which major's not happy?

Maria: The one we answer to... She looked about ready to cuss the Col. out.

Wesson:  *turns slowly to frown at her, his dark eyes holding puzzlement*

Maria: She may be mad at your boss for whatever reason... But you're still part of our team... And team's almost as important as family to her...

Wesson:  She's never liked me.

Maria: *Gives him a Look* Do you honestly think you would've even been on her team for as long as you have if she didn't like you to some degree?

Wesson:  ...You don't know my boss.  *moves to turn over again, hurt feelings very apparent*

Maria: *frowns* The Major might still be peeved at your boss... but she wouldn't be mad to the point of cussing out a superior officer if she didn't care about you.

Wesson:  *shoulder hunches up*

Maria: You know I'm right, John. You've known her longer than most of us. You know how she gets when she thinks something isn't right, or someone she cares about is being mistreated. She's going to fight to keep you as part of the team, even if it costs her her job.

Wesson:  *scowls at the wall*  She better think of her kids.

Maria: *quiet sigh, isn't sure how else to try and get through to Wesson*

Wesson:  If I hadn' caught that sparklet none of this would've happened.

Maria: Alice would've kicked your @#$# if you hadn't.

Wesson:  She'd've never known little Maria went through here.

Maria: ... And why not? *thinking of the medics that were on duty and dealing with the situation*

Wesson:  I heard Dr. Rutegar yelling.  Little M was in the vents.  They would've thought she stayed there.

Maria: *Soft sound* You couldn't just leave her to her own defenses... Even if you are a 'Con... That was a pretty nice thing you did...

Wesson:  'N now I'm gettin' the smackdown for it.  *rolls wearily back onto his back*

Maria: Yeah, well, you still did something pretty nice... You want anything from the mess? I can send someone to go get it for you....

Wesson:  Nah, I'm good.  *sighs*

Maria: Alright... If you change your mind though, let me know... *Startled sound as Destiny suddenly comes barrelling into the room*

Wesson:  *sits up with surprise, and then nearly falls out of bed as the dizziness hits*

Destiny: *moves to climb onto the bed and make Wesson lay down, clicking all the while*

Wesson:  *shaking slightly*  *groan*  Desti... what're you doin'?

Destiny: *snuggles and gently tucks the little doll that Wesson gave her in with the man* *Quietly* Snugglin'.

Maria: *D'awws softly*

Wesson: *Gently* But you can't do this, girl.  I'm in trouble.  I broke rules.

Destiny: *firmly* Want to snuggle Wesson-friend.

Wesson:  But....  *looks over to Maria for help*

Maria: *calling Patrick to see if she should try and get Destiny to go*

Destiny: *Quietly, but just as firmly as before* No go.

Maria: *small nod* *To Wesson* Mr. Oberson says that if she wants to stay, he has no objections, as long as she's not being a pest...

Wesson:  ...So we're not following protocol?

Maria: I guess not... *small shrug*

Destiny: *Clickstorm, snuggles*

Wesson:  *gentle hand on Destiny's back as he wearily closes his eyes*  I never broke any NEST laws.  I never gave any sensitive intel ta anybody.

Maria: Wish I knew why the Col. has you under arrest...

Destiny: *Sleepy sounds, cares not that Wesson is a 'Con, just that he is her friend and that he is warm and good to snuggle against*

Wesson:  Somebody's gotta know.  *moves his head a bit, restless with pain and dizziness but glad for the warm comfort of the sparklet next to him*

Maria: *moves to carefully re-adjust the blankets as Destiny starts to purr quietly*

Wesson:  *starts to relax as Destiny transmits the sleeping baby magic*

Maria: *moves to sit in a chair nearby, quietly humming one of the songs her mother taught her*

Wesson:  Really wish I knew what it was I did.

Maria: *Quietly* I'm sure we'll find out soon enough...

Wesson:  *sighs, then frowns more deeply*  Trach better take care of the major.

Destiny: *Quietly* [Spoiling her rotten...] *snuggles and sleeps*

Wesson:  *frowns at the ceiling for a bit, then, very quietly and sadly*  Good.

Maria: *continues to quietly hum the song as Destiny clicks and snuggles*

Wesson:  *continues to frown, but then gradually it fades as his eyelids droop and he sleeps*

((co-written with random_xtras))
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